Anthem 2.0 concept art reveals new pirate faction

(Image credit: Bioware)

Christian Dailey, studio director at Bioware Austin, recently revealed concept art of the Pirates of the Blood Wind, a new pirate faction coming to Anthem 2.0—an entirely reworked new version of the unsuccessful loot-shooter.

In addition to this, Dailey also shared concept art for locations, including the pirate hideout:

Previously Dailey posted he purposefully held off on talking about work on Anthem, saying "these last few weeks I did not feel was the right time to start talking about Anthem. I wanted to give space for more important conversations in the world to take place, many of which are still going on."

He also mentions that future blog posts on development would focus on some of the changes around loot and gear. Dailey said he is aware of the many questions players currently have and hopes to address them soon.

This is the first glimpse at how the Anthem focus team is doing since the blog post back in May. Dailey seems to be working on a new post, so I'd expect some more substantial info in the near future.