
Standard Native

Promote your business and drive performance with Outbrain’s classic native ads.

    Managed Programmatic
  • Image: PNG, JPG (1200 x 800px)
  • Max image weight: 2.5 MB
  • Title: 100 characters maximum (60 recommended)
  • Brand name: 60 characters maximum
  • CTA (optional): Selected from predefined list (10 languages supported)
  • Description (optional): 150 characters maximum
  • Placement: In the Feed
  • Devices: All
  • Best for: Consideration, Performance


Drive higher consideration and performance with animated ad experiences.

  • File: GIF or MP4 (3:2 ratio*, up to 30MB)
  • Length: 10 sec max** (x3 or x1 loop)
  • Title: 60 recommended, 90 max
  • Brand name: 25 characters
  • CTA: Selected from predefined list (10 languages supported)
  • Best for: Consideration, Performance
  • Devices: All
  • Placement: In the Feed
  • * If the ratio is different or doesn’t match the widget size, a blurred padding is added.
  • ** If the uploaded file is longer than 10 seconds, it is automatically shorten according to the most engaging part of the file

App Install

Grow your business by driving more installs from the most relevant, high value users.

  • Image: Up to 1200px, in a 1:1 ratio (display size is 300x300px)
  • GIF: Maximum file size of 12 MB
  • Title: 100 characters
  • Brand name: 50 characters
  • Image format: JPG, PNG
  • Main image weight: max 2.5 MB
  • CTA: Selected from predefined list (10 languages supported)
  • Brand logo: Minimum 40x40px, maximum 400x400px, 1:1 ratio
  • App Store Average Rating (Optional): App store product ID for both Android and iOS
  • Best for: Performance
  • Devices: Mobile
  • Placement: In the Feed


Spark deeper engagement with click-initiated, large-format video.

  • Image: PNG or JPEG, 800 x 520, 2.5 MB max
  • Video file: MP4, MOV, VAST or VPAID, FPS: 24, 100MB (350 MB max), 16:9 aspect ratio, Bit rate above 1000 Kbps
  • Video length: 6s min, 180s max
  • Title: 60 characters
  • Brand name: 25 characters
  • CTA (optional): PNG, JPEG
  • Branded player background (optional): 16:9, 1920 x 1080 minimum, 1 MB max
  • Branded player logo (optional): 800 x 600 max, 400 KB max
  • Best for: Consideration
  • Devices: All
  • Placement: In the Feed

Pre-Roll Video

Introduce your brand at relevant moments with context-powered pre roll video within premium editorial content.

    Managed Programmatic
  • File types: avi, mov, mp4, m4v, mpeg, mpg, webm, wmv
  • Tags suppoted: VAST 2.0, 3.0, 4.x, VPAID 2.0
  • Video size: Up to 100 MB
  • Video length: Up to 60s
  • Aspect ratio: Landscape/horizontal: 16:9 or 4:3
  • Click Through URL: Mandatory
  • Impression tracker: Optional
  • Tracking: Must be HTTPS (able to serve via SSL)
  • Branded player (optional): JPG, PNG (+font files if required)
  • Companion ad (optional): JPG or PNG, 350x50, click through mandatory
  • Best for: Awareness
  • Devices: All
  • Placement: Above the Feed

Outstream Video

Boost video views and brand awareness at the right moment.

    Managed Programmatic
  • File types: mp4, .mpeg, .mpg, .mov, .3gp, .avi (mp4 - H264 AAC recommended)
  • Tags supported: VAST 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, / VPAID 2.0 (must be encapsulated into a VAST)
  • Video size: 1MB min, 250 MB max
  • Video length: Up to 60s
  • Aspect ratio: Landscape (16:9, 1.91:1, or 4:3), Vertical (9:16, 1:1.91 or 4:3), Squared (1:1)
  • Frame rate: Up to 30 FPS
  • Bitrate: 300 Kbps min, 3500 Kbps max
  • Click Through URL: Optional (but recommended)
  • Impression tracker: Optional
  • Tracking: Must be HTTPS (able to serve via SSL)
  • Best for: Reach & Scale
  • Devices: All
  • Placement: In & above the Feed
High-Impact Display

High Impact Display

Deliver large-format display experiences that drive greater impact and attention.

  • Supported format sizes: 336x280, 300x600
  • File type: PNG, JPG, MP4
  • Main image/video weight: 2.5 MB maximum
  • Main image/video ratio:  1:1.3 (recommended size 1,200 x 1,560) / 1:1 (recommended size 1,200 x 1,200)
  • Additional assets: Brand logo ratio: 1x1 (250x250 size recommended), Brand name: 25 characters, Title: 30 characters, Description: 90 characters, CTA: 15 characters
  • Device: Mobile only
  • Variations available: Native Image, Native Video, Social Image, Social Video, Carousel, Zoom, Panorama
  • Our team creates your selected variation of High Impact Display formats in the Outbrain Studio. We can also support your own display experiences in your DSP of choice, using HTML5 ad tags or images in size 300x600.

Onyx Experiences

Onyx is a dedicated offering to maximize attention across the open web, available in select markets only. Visit our site to learn more about Onyx.Onyx offers exclusive variations of High-Impact Display and Pre-Roll experiences.

    Managed Programmatic