new video loaded: What the U.S. Withdrawal Cost the Kurds



What the U.S. Withdrawal Cost the Kurds

Mass funerals, wounded children, displaced families. This is what we found in northeast Syria after the U.S. withdrew its troops and Turkey attacked.

These coffins hold the bodies of fighters. Members of a Kurdish-led militia that’s been the primary ally for the U.S. in its war against ISIS in Syria. But a few weeks ago, President Trump withdrew U.S. troops from the northeast, and gave Turkey the green light to attack the Kurds in Syria. This is the result. Since the U.S. departed abruptly, the story for the Kurds has changed. They had hoped their sacrifice would be a path to self governance. Instead, they face loss everywhere. We’re visiting an elementary school in the city of Hasaka. It’s being used as a makeshift shelter. Around 180,000 people are now displaced by recent fighting. We meet Hamza Mustafa. His town was one of the first to come under Turkish fire. We travel to Qamishli, a city on the border with Turkey, and visit hospitals that have received casualties from the frontlines. More than 200 civilians have been killed and hundreds wounded. This is 8-year-old Sara. Her mother says she was outside her home when a Turkish shell landed in the street. Her 13-year-old brother, Mohamed, was killed on the spot. Sara’s grandfather rushed her here, where doctors had to amputate her leg. Turkey defends its incursion by saying these fighters are terrorists. They are in fact linked to a Kurdish guerrilla group that has launched attacks inside Turkey. But for the last five years, they’ve been the foot soldiers in the war against ISIS. They say they’ve lost around 11,000 fighters, men and women, in that conflict. Cekdar spent years fighting alongside the Americans.

What the U.S. Withdrawal Cost the Kurds

By Neil Collier and Ben LaffinOctober 28, 2019

Mass funerals, wounded children, displaced families. This is what we found in northeast Syria after the U.S. withdrew its troops and Turkey attacked.

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