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Arizona Republican Leaders Criticize Election Audit

The Maricopa County Board of Supervisors, which administers elections for the majority of Arizona voters, called the ongoing audit of the county’s votes in the 2020 election a “mockery.”

“This board is done explaining anything to these people who are playing investigator with our constituents, ballots and equipment, paid for with real people’s tax dollars. People’s ballots and money are not make-believe. It’s time to be done with this craziness and get on with our county’s critical business.” “The election wasn’t in question until a couple of days after the final vote count. That’s when all of a sudden, whoa, there might be problem. We don’t like who won the election. So let’s call into question. Let’s start rumors and unfounded statements and conspiracies. Let’s throw these out there. Let’s do everything we can to undermine the will of the voter, undermine our democracy. Let’s do everything we can. And I don’t see this ending, Mr. Chairman, unfortunately, because you have some folks right now that are in control of the Arizona State Senate and it is not elected members of the body.” “The reality is there was doubt cast. So I supported an audit. I supported cooperating with the Senate. What I didn’t support is a mockery. And that’s what this has become.” “We ran a bipartisan, fair election. That’s every piece of evidence that I’ve ever seen put in front of us. We are operating on facts and evidence presented to this board. That’s why we certified the vote. That’s why we canvass the vote.”

Arizona Republican Leaders Criticize Election Audit

By The Associated PressMay 17, 2021

The Maricopa County Board of Supervisors, which administers elections for the majority of Arizona voters, called the ongoing audit of the county’s votes in the 2020 election a “mockery.”

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