NVIDIA Quantum Cloud

NVIDIA Quantum Cloud

A Platform for Quantum Computing

To advance quantum computing, researchers need access to powerful quantum simulators, hybrid systems, and software to build better algorithms, and developers need a platform to develop the applications of tomorrow. NVIDIA Quantum Cloud gives the entire quantum computing ecosystem—from quantum researchers to developers, from supercomputing centers to startups—access to the world’s most powerful quantum platform.


Meeting the Needs of Quantum Users

This platform is a hybrid cloud of GPUs and quantum processing units (QPUs) and is tailored to the needs of quantum computing and quantum users.

Quantum Simulation

Development of better algorithms and design of better processors.

Quantum-Accelerated Supercomputing

Integration of quantum computing into scientific computing software systems and ecosystems and accessibility of quantum computers to domain scientists.

AI for Quantum Computing

Acceleration of the computing processes required for useful quantum computing, including quantum error-correction decoding, error mitigation, calibration, and control.


The Benefits of NVIDIA Quantum Cloud

With cloud APIs, an integrated developer experience, and the most powerful simulated and physical quantum processors, NVIDIA Quantum Cloud offers universal access to the world’s most powerful computing platform, helping quantum researchers and developers do their life’s work.

Cloud Access

NVIDIA Quantum Cloud offers access to the most powerful simulated and physical quantum processors on NVIDIA DGX™ Cloud H100 systems.

Integrated Developer Experience

The experience is built into the cloud and comes with everything developers need, making it easy to build and collaborate on quantum applications.

Quantum Application Hub

An education hub is available for the quantum developers of tomorrow, offering cutting-edge applications that seamlessly run in the cloud.


Built for Performance

NVIDIA Quantum Cloud can significantly speed up quantum algorithms, compared to other quantum frameworks. Quantum circuit simulation can achieve a speedup of up to 60X on multiple NVIDIA H100 GPUs compared to a multi-threaded CPU. With multiple GPUs we can scale the number of qubits of a quantum simulation on NVIDIA Quantum Cloud, keeping an almost constant runtime.

Typical QML workflow on NVIDIA Quantum Cloud performance using multiple NVIDIA H100 GPUs vs. multi-threaded CPU.


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