Survey Report

State of AI in Telecommunications

In a survey of industry professionals, explore the key AI trends happening in telecommunications around the world.

What’s Included in This Report

Dive into the data compiled from a survey of over 400 industry professionals from around the world. This year’s results explore opportunities and challenges, investments, implementation approaches, and the top AI and generative AI use cases across customer experiences, network planning, operations, and more.

Key AI Use Cases and Opportunities

See which use cases the telecom industry has been prioritizing and where they’re focusing in 2024.

Where AI Investments Are Producing Results

Get insights into the business impacts that generative AI is bringing to the telecom industry.

Biggest Challenges in Achieving AI Goals

Learn which factors provide the biggest challenges to achieving AI goals, whether cost, expertise, or infrastructure.

Approaches to Implementation

Discover the role partners play when building AI solutions and the use of cloud versus on-premises infrastructure.

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