Getting Started Kit

Run Apache Spark 5X Faster

Evaluate your workloads for GPU acceleration and learn to configure your cluster for cost savings.

Seamless GPU Acceleration for Apache Spark Workloads

The NVIDIA RAPIDS™ Accelerator for Apache Spark automatically replaces viable operations with GPU-accelerated versions without any code changes. Iteratively design your workloads to optimize for performance and budget without any risk, since you can revert back to CPU-only infrastructure at any time.

Evaluate Your Workloads for GPU Acceleration

Ease the migration of your Apache Spark workloads to GPU-based instances with the Accelerated Spark Analysis tool. The tool guides you through the three steps to implementation.


Identify and estimate the cost savings and acceleration potential of your Spark workloads based on an analysis of the log files. You’ll receive a list of apps recommended for GPU acceleration with estimated savings and speedups.


Get recommended configuration parameters for GPU acceleration on your Spark cluster based on the cluster shape.


Optimize the GPU-acceleration configuration based on the initial (bootstrap) job run using Spark event logs. You’ll receive recommended configuration settings for each application.

Get to Know the Accelerated Spark Analysis Tool

Get Free Assistance With Using the Accelerated Spark Analysis Tool in Three Easy Steps


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