AI and Accelerated Computing Solutions for Automotive

AI and Software-Defined Infrastructure for Live Media

Revolutionize Live Media Workflows

NVIDIA offers the most advanced platforms for AI, graphics, virtualization, and networking—the underlying technologies for software-defined live media infrastructure that deliver the latest capabilities in immersion, personalization, and interactivity. These solutions enable broadcasters, sports leagues, streaming platforms, and application developers across the industry to revolutionize workflows and operations while ushering in the next era of live viewing experiences.

Build the Future of Live Media

NVIDIA Holoscan for Media is a software-defined  platform for developing and deploying media applications.


Advanced Platforms for the Next Era of Live Media

From data center to edge to cloud.

Artificial Intelligence

Realizing the Future of Live Media With AI

NVIDIA offers the most advanced AI platform for the live media market, complete with full-stack innovation across accelerated infrastructure, enterprise-grade software, and AI models and services. This platform leverages generative AI to speed up production, video AI to elevate viewer experiences, and predictive AI to optimize operations for developers, creators, and decision-makers across the industry.

NVIDIA AI Platform for Enterprise


Accelerating IP-Based Workflows

NVIDIA’s accelerated networking solutions are the backbone to the live media infrastructure of tomorrow, enabling IP-based video workflows that are flexible, scalable, and AI-enabled. These solutions deliver adaptability to changing production requirements, enable virtualization for remote access to content and tools, and reduce costs by taking advantage of standard IT equipment. Most importantly, they allow for the integration of AI capabilities within the pipeline, including generative AI.


NVIDIA End-End Networking Solutions


Reinventing Storytelling With Cutting-Edge Graphics

NVIDIA’s visualization platform allows media companies to rise above the competition with next-gen graphics for virtual studio environments, AR/VR/XR experiences, conversational avatars, and more. From desktop to data center to cloud, NVIDIA RTX™ professional solutions deliver the unprecedented capability to engage with audiences everywhere through immersive storytelling.

Quadro & RTX Professional Design & Visualization Solutions


Delivering Infrastructure Flexibility

NVIDIA’s solutions for virtualization deliver the flexibility that live media needs as content, workflows, and audience habits change. Core to software-defined live media infrastructure, virtualization allows for rapid scaling of resources, accessibility to the content pipeline from anywhere, and dynamic distribution of media to audiences. Whether you’re looking to move existing workflows into a virtualized environment, go hybrid by adopting cloud-based applications, or transition completely to a cloud-native infrastructure, NVIDIA provides the underlying technologies for each approach.



NVIDIA Holoscan for Media

NVIDIA Holoscan for Media is a software-defined platform for building and deploying live media applications, enabling developers to simplify the development process, streamline delivery to customers, and integrate emerging technologies, all while optimizing their R&D spend.

Success Stories

See the Real-World Impact

Learn how broadcasters and media companies are using AI and accelerated computing to deliver personalized, interactive, and immersive experiences. 


Dive Into Technology and Industry Insights


Develop and Deploy Media Applications with NVIDIA Holoscan for Media

Learn about developing and deploying media applications with NVIDIA Holoscan for Media, the IP-based platform that's neutral, flexible, hybrid, and software-defined.


NVIDIA AI Essentials Learning Series

Ramp up your knowledge and accelerate your career in AI. Explore these training and resources to get you started with generative AI, data science, and accelerated graphics.

NVIDIA Training

Our expert-led courses and workshops provide learners with the knowledge and hands-on experience necessary to unlock the full potential of NVIDIA solutions.



NVIDIA Developer Program

To guarantee you have the best resources to do your life’s work, we’ve created an online space devoted to your needs, with access to free SDKs, technical documentation, peer and domain expert help, and information on the right hardware to tackle the biggest challenges. Connect with millions of like-minded developers and access hundreds of GPU-accelerated containers, models, and SDKs—all the tools necessary to successfully build apps with NVIDIA technology—through the NVIDIA Developer Program.

NVIDIA Inception

NVIDIA Inception is a free program designed to help startups evolve faster through access to cutting-edge technology and NVIDIA experts, opportunities to connect with venture capitalists, and co-marketing support to heighten their visibility. Advance your startup with go-to-market support, technical expertise, training, and funding opportunities.

NVIDIA Partner Network

For more than 25 years, NVIDIA has pioneered visual computing solutions to tackle challenges ordinary computers cannot, and we have brought them to market with a network of valued partners through the NVIDIA Partner Network (NPN). The NVIDIA Partner Network (NPN) is structured around partner types and competencies, enabling our customers to find the perfect NVIDIA partners to address current business needs and achieve success in today's ever-changing market.

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