Advance the World with AI

Discover How Every Nation Can Be an AI Nation

There is a global policy imperative to harness AI as an engine for economic growth, as a protector of public health, and as a tool for enhancing and expanding citizen services. By combining our GPU-accelerated computing platform with programs that support domestic AI ecosystems and capacity building, NVIDIA helps governments implement national AI strategies.



NVIDIA helps governments promote national-scale AI adoption across public and private sectors,  empowering citizens, data scientists, researchers, business leaders, entrepreneurs, and students to realize their potential in the digital age.



NVIDIA helps ministries across the spectrum, from healthcare to agriculture, adopt intelligent solutions, fully harnessing data science, AI, and autonomous systems to advance their public mission.



NVIDIA helps cities to leverage our computing platform and partner ecosystem to accelerate urban renewal, sustainability and a higher quality of life for increasingly crowded urban centers.

Recipe for an AI Nation

  • AI Infrastructure

  • AI Ecosystem

  • AI Capacity Building

  • AI for Good

AI Infrastructure

AI Infrastructure

AI delivers powerful new ways to detect public health threats, create more sustainable cities, and improve efficiency in public operations, but this starts with investments in leadership-class AI infrastructure. Accelerated computing is now recognized as the foundation for national, ministry, and city AI programs. In countries with over a billion citizens to small island nations, NVIDIA is democratizing access to the specialized infrastructure that makes AI possible at scale.

AI Ecosystem

AI Ecosystem

AI is a field of collaboration, so unlocking  the value of AI infrastructure requires an ecosystem of networks, partners, and capabilities, as well as collaboration and co-innovation. NVIDIA offers access to multiple partner ecosystems and market programs to help governments advance their national AI policy goals and get the most value from their AI infrastructure investments.

AI Capacity Building

AI Capacity Building

AI is powered by humans. It takes people with special skills to build and train AI models that will solve the world’s most complex problems. Nations need to upskill their domestic workforce and create the conditions for researchers and entrepreneurs to pursue their life’s work at home. To achieve this, NVIDIA has developed an array of world-class capacity building programs from AI skills training to hackathons and bootcamps.

AI for Good

AI for Good

AI is the most powerful technology force of our time, not just for business and private sector innovation, but also for accelerating the development of life-saving medicine, combating climate change, protecting front-line health workers, and monitoring endangered species. NVIDIA is working at the forefront of AI, science, and technology to help address some of humanity’s most pressing challenges.

NVIDIA AI Solutions

Stand up an AI supercomputer in a matter of weeks.

Accelerated Computing for the Data Center

NVIDIA’s end-to-end hardware and software solution stack enables developers to rapidly deliver AI into production to generate real-time insights. GPU-accelerated servers combined with advanced networking solutions deliver best-in-class AI performance. And for deployments at scale, NVIDIA’s proven rack-ready designs allow you to stand up an AI supercomputer in a matter of weeks.

 Limitless cloud compute from every major cloud provider

Limitless Cloud Compute

Cloud computing brings AI acceleration to developers and organizations around the world. Available from every major cloud provider, the NVIDIA AI platform brings unprecedented performance and ecosystem support to AI applications. And, the NVIDIA NGC™ catalog provides free, open-source software to get developers up and running quickly, speeding time to insight.

Make smarter and faster decisions with NVIDIA AI at the edge

Real-Time AI at the Edge

NVIDIA’s edge solutions are designed to gather and compute continuous streams of data at the network’s edge. AI computations are performed entirely at the point of action—streets, buildings, parking lots, and disaster sites—to deliver real-time insights and notifications. This helps organizations everywhere make smarter, faster decisions.

National AI Skills Development

Empowering the next generation with AI

Educating Generation AI

NVIDIA aims to empower the next generation—Generation AI—by working with a sponsoring government to distribute “nano” AI supercomputers that unlock imaginations, upgrade skills, teach problem solving, and improve employability.

NVIDIA Deep Learning Institute (DLI)

Choose from over 40 courses and gain access to hands-on technical training in AI, accelerated computing, and data science from the NVIDIA DLI. DLI offers self-paced, online courses and instructor-led workshops, powered by GPUs in the cloud.

Check out the latest introductory courses:

  1. Fundamentals of Accelerated Computing with CUDA C/C++
  2. Getting Started with Deep Learning
  3. Getting Started with Jetson Nano

GPU Hackathons and Bootcamps

Specialized skills and access to state-of-the-art compute environments are essential to fueling national AI initiatives. The GPU Hackathon and Bootcamp program is designed to help. Computational scientists and researchers are paired with experienced GPU mentors, enabling them to develop the hands-on, real-world technical skills needed to accelerate their scientific efforts and advance discoveries.

AI Partner Network

Latam + Canada






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