Route Optimization


Achieve world-record accuracy and performance to solve complex problems, save time, and reduce costs and carbon footprints.

What Is NVIDIA cuOpt?

NVIDIA® cuOpt™ optimizes operations by enabling better, faster decisions with accelerated computing. cuOpt helps teams solve complex routing problems with multiple constraints and delivers new capabilities such as dynamic rerouting, horizontal load-balancing, and robotic simulations, with subsecond solver response times. With 23 world-record benchmarks, cuOpt owns all of the world records on the largest routing benchmarks from the past three years.

Advances in Optimization AI

Learn how cuOpt has evolved from a GPU-accelerated library to an AI cloud API, enabling recent advances in large language model (LLM) and linear programming.

Operational Research, Logistics, and Route Optimization

cuOpt uses GPU-accelerated logistics solvers relying on heuristics, metaheuristics, and optimizations to calculate complex vehicle routing problems with a wide range of constraints. cuOpt can be deployed in any data center or cloud. With support for distance and time matrices with asymmetric patterns, it can be seamlessly integrated with popular map engines.

Explore the Features of NVIDIA cuOpt

Dynamic Rerouting

Rerun models and adjust for changes like inoperable vehicles, traffic and weather disruptions, and the addition of new orders—all within service-level agreement (SLA) time constraints.

World-Record Accuracy

Experience world-record performance, achieved across Li & Lim and Gehring & Homberger accuracy benchmarks.

Scale Seamlessly

Scale out to 15,000 routing tasks to facilitate computationally heavy use cases.

Real-Time Analytics

Route 1,000 packages in 10 seconds instead of 20 minutes (120X faster) with the same level of accuracy.

Lower Costs and Carbon Footprint

Achieve a 15 percent reduction in travel times and fuel costs, an 87 percent decrease in cloud resource costs, reductions in data center usage

Enterprise Offering

Access a secure, production-ready microservice, as part of NVIDIA AI Enterprise, designed to deploy anywhere and accelerate time to value.

NVIDIA cuOpt—Now Available

cuOpt—which owns all 23 world records set in the past three years on the largest routing benchmarks—is now available.

Use Cases of cuOpt

Starting Options

Get Started With NVIDIA cuOpt

Use the right tools to take logistics optimization projects from development to production.

Experience APIs and Interactive Demos

For individuals looking to experience cuOpt, the API catalog offers a UI-based playground and access to NVIDIA-managed API endpoints for free as a great starting point.

Try Before You Buy

For enterprises looking to try cuOpt before purchasing NVIDIA AI Enterprise for production, there are two options to get started for free:

Without Infrastructure:
For those without existing infrastructure, NVIDIA offers free hands-on labs through NVIDIA LaunchPad.

With Infrastructure:
For those with existing infrastructure, NVIDIA offers a free evaluation license to try NVIDIA AI Enterprise for 90 days.


World Record Route Optimization With NVIDIA cuOpt

Find out how organizations are driving greater efficiency, saving money, and boosting revenue and customer satisfaction with real-time route optimization.

Fusing Real-Time AI With Digital Twins

Learn how, with NVIDIA Metropolis, Omniverse™, cuOpt, and Isaac™ for robot perception, it’s possible to create an end-to-end strategy for fully automating logistically complex co-bot spaces.

Talk to Your Supply Chain Data Using NVIDIA NIM

Watch how organizations can overcome operations complexities and deliver AI factories at extraordinary scale with an AI planner built with LLM NIMs, NVIDIA NeMo Retriever NIMs, and a cuOpt NIM.

Optimized Vehicle Routing Course

In this self-paced course from the NVIDIA Deep Learning Institute, you’ll work through a common vehicle routing optimization problem and learn how to preprocess input data for use by cuOpt, composing variants of the problem that reflect real-world business constraints.

Route Optimization LaunchPad Lab

Have an accelerated optimization project? Get access to the route optimization workflow with a free curated lab in NVIDIA LaunchPad, which includes a step-by-step guide and ready-to-use software, sample data, and applications.

Use a Route Optimization Cloud Service to Drive Efficiency and Cost Savings

In this hands-on lab, learn how to use the NVIDIA cuOpt cloud service to find the most optimal routes for a heterogeneous fleet of vehicles making deliveries, pickups, dispatching jobs, and more.

NVIDIA Scores 23 World Records for Route Optimization

NVIDIA cuOpt world-record-breaking route optimization engine helps Kawasaki Heavy Industries with railway safety and Adient in manufacturing optimizations.

Solving Complex Routing Problems With NVIDIA cuOpt

Explore an in-depth guide to the various ways you can get started with NVIDIA cuOpt, including trying it from your browser through the NVIDIA API catalog or trying the route optimization AI workflow in NVIDIA LaunchPad.

Combine Digital Twins With AI for Industrial Automation

Read how NVIDIA Omniverse, Metropolis, Isaac, and cuOpt interact in AI gyms, where developers can train AI agents to help robots and humans navigate unpredictable and complex events.

Advances in Optimization AI

GPU-accelerated AI algorithms for operations research continue to improve, offering developers near real-time optimization and world record-breaking efficiency on some of the most complex operations. Learn how cuOpt has evolved from a GPU-accelerated library to an AI cloud API, enabling recent advances in LLM and linear programming.

Optimizing Digital Twins to Reduce Intra-Factory Costs

Explore the ongoing collaboration between BMW, Ipolog, and NVIDIA that shows how digital twins and accelerated combinatorial optimization can lead to a 20 percent reduction in the required number of transport vehicles.

Increase Safety With Intelligent Edge and Optimization AI

Learn how Kawasaki is optimizing maintenance and safety protocols by providing deeper insights into freight rail conditions using IoT and edge-to-data center processing, as well as AI and machine learning technologies.


Reinventing Manufacturing Operations With NVIDIA cuOpt and Jetson Orin

Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Ltd. is a manufacturing company that’s been building large machinery for more than a hundred years. With NVIDIA cuOpt and Jetson Orin™, Kawasaki transformed its track maintenance and inspection capabilities.

cuOpt User Forum

Explore the online community for NVIDIA cuOpt, where you can browse how-to questions, learn best practices, engage with other developers, and report bugs.

NVIDIA Developer Program

Connect with millions of like-minded developers and access hundreds of GPU-accelerated containers, models, and SDKs—all the tools necessary to successfully build apps with NVIDIA technology—through the NVIDIA Developer Program.

Accelerate Your Startup

NVIDIA Inception is a free program for cutting-edge startups that offers critical access to go-to-market support, technical expertise, training, and funding opportunities.

Next Steps

Ready to Get Started?

Find the right resources to take route optimization projects from development to production.

Get in Touch

Talk to an NVIDIA product specialist about moving from pilot to production with the assurance of security, API stability, and support with NVIDIA AI Enterprise.

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