Solutions: AI Workflows

Security Vulnerability Analysis

Rapidly identify and mitigate software vulnerabilities with generative AI and RAG.

What’s the Security Vulnerability Analysis AI Workflow?

Software security vulnerabilities have hit a record high, but analyzing them is a manual, time-consuming process. To triage a container for vulnerabilities, hundreds of pieces of information must be retrieved, understood, and integrated. With generative AI and retrieval-augmented generation (RAG), enterprises can dramatically reduce the time to assess and mitigate common vulnerabilities and exposures (CVEs) from hours or days to seconds, with high accuracy.

Explore the Security Vulnerability Analysis AI Workflow

The security vulnerability analysis AI workflow demonstrates how NVIDIA NIM™ microservices and NVIDIA Morpheus can be used to develop a solution that accelerates the analysis of CVE risk in software containers.

What’s in the Workflow?

  • A reference solution for using NVIDIA NIM microservices, NeMo™ Retriever, and Morpheus to create an event-driven RAG application.
  • An agent-based perceive, reason, and act loop that completes the security checklist without human assistance.
  • A fine-tuned large language model trained on security documentation that generates a customized checklist.
  • A summary that can be used by a human decision-maker to determine if a container can be published.

An LLM agent can cycle through the perceive, reason, and act loop without human assistance to complete the checklist, presenting a summary of findings to a human analyst who can then make the final decision faster.

Identify Software Vulnerability Risks in Seconds With NVIDIA AI

See how generative AI and RAG can be used to reduce the time to identify and mitigate CVEs from hours or days to mere seconds.

Dramatically Improve Vulnerability Defense

Higher Accuracy

The LLM agent matches human analysts with a high level of accuracy.

Faster Time to Assess

It allows analysts to investigate individual CVEs in seconds rather than hours or even days.

Reduced CVE Noise

The LLM works through the perceive, reason, and act loop until it can provide summarized results to a human analyst.

Accelerate the Development of AI Solutions

AI workflows accelerate the path to AI outcomes. The security vulnerability analysis AI workflow provides a reference for developers to get started building their own software security AI solution.

Reduce Development Time

Best-in-class AI software streamlines development and deployment of AI solutions.

Improve Accuracy and Performance

Frameworks and containers are performance tuned and tested for NVIDIA GPUs.

Speed Time to Deployment

Prepackaged, customizable reference applications come with cloud-native deployable packaging.

Gain Confidence in AI Outcomes

Business-critical AI projects stay on track with NVIDIA Enterprise Support, available globally.

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