适用于高性能 AI 和图形的可扩展数据中心基础架构。

RTX 加速的 AI 和图形性能

从物理精准的数字孪生生成式 AI训练和推理,NVIDIA OVX™ 系统可提供非常出色的图形和计算性能,帮助加速数据中心内由 AI 赋能的新一代工作负载。


生成式 AI

生成式 AI


LLM 训练和推理

LLM 训练和推理

加快 AI 训练和推理工作负载的处理速度。




渲染和 3D 图形

渲染和 3D 图形

NVIDIA RTX™ 显卡为高保真创意工作流程提供强劲动力。




每个 NVIDIA OVX 系统均由 NVIDIA 认证的合作伙伴制造和销售,最多可将八个最新的 NVIDIA Ada Lovelace L40S GPU 与高性能 ConnectXBluefield 网络技术相结合,满足企业组织对加速性能的大规模需求。 

NVIDIA Omniverse Cloud

NVIDIA Omniverse Cloud

Omniverse Cloud 由 NVIDIA OVX 系统提供支持。作为可扩展的端到端云平台,Omniverse Cloud 可加速复杂的 3D 工作流程,并通过 NVIDIA Omniverse Enterprise 为元宇宙应用的创建、仿真和运行提供了突破性的创新方法。

The Conference for the Era of AI and the Metaverse

Developer Conference March 20-23 | Keynote March 21

Don't miss these three upcoming See all Digital Twins Sessions sessions at GTC.

Building a Digital Twin of the German Rail Network to Deliver Next-Generation Railway Systems

Designing and implementing a large-scale digital twin that's comprised of thousands of kilometers of railway tracks, manifold infrastructure elements, and their direct neighborhood can be challenging. We'll show how we're tackling this challenge step-by-step, starting from exporting the HD map data we acquired from measurement drives to Omniverse down to the perception tasks inside the digital twin environment. In the end, we generate highly accurate synthetic data from Omniverse for arbitrary scenarios that are close to the ones gathered from real-world train operations, such as our Sensors4Rail project. We'll focus on specific challenges that arose when implementing train physics, such as train derailment or speed adjustment, as well as those we faced when implementing digital humans capable of autonomously walking on a train station.

Driving the Future of Smart Factories With Cloud-enabled Digital Twins

The future smart factory is based on Industry5.0, which is adding concepts such as human-centric (helping workers with technology) and resilient (lead time reduction) to the extension of the 4th industrial revolution. Several key concepts are (1) multi-sourced data transmission, storage, and analysis; (2) individualized human-machine interaction; and (3) virtual space and object simulations. These future smart-factory concepts can be realized by a "metafactory" platform, driven by cloud and digital twin technology. For those who want to start a manufacturing business or upgrade a production line, this metafactory platform service will change the whole factory life cycle. Before building a real factory, a virtual factory is built and used for production optimization, control software virtual commissioning, and remote operation.

Creating Digital Twins and Simulations of Industrial Robotic Workcells for Smart Factories

RIOS designs, tests, and implements advanced AI-powered robots-as-a-service (RaaS) work cells to enable the smart factory of the future. The extreme diversity in the manufacturing industry often means a one-size-fits-all solution doesn't exist in commodity robotics; instead, customers require bespoke hardware and software to solve their challenges. RIOS expeditiously co-develops industry-leading hardware and software to address these complex use cases, with clean sheet designs taking less than four months to pass acceptance testing at a customer site. Omniverse is a critical platform for reducing project risk, de-risking new work cell designs, and simplifying the development of complex robotic task execution. We'll highlight features of our internal Omniverse-based simulation and development platform to show how we quickly and efficiently deliver state-of-the-art robotics to our customers.

Pixar、Adobe、Apple、Autodesk 和 NVIDIA 成立 OpenUSD 联盟

OpenUSD 联盟(AOUSD)的使命是推动 Pixar 的通用场景描述(OpenUSD)技术实现标准化,并不断发展进步。

NVIDIA 发布 Omniverse 重大升级, 面向生成式 AI 和 OpenUSD 提供支持

新一轮 Omniverse 平台更新、与 Adobe Firefly 的连接,以及 Ada 架构系统,有助于加速互操作式 3D 工作流程,更快实现工业数字化。

全球数据中心系统制造商为生成式 AI 和工业数字化注入强劲动力

配备 NVIDIA L40S GPU 的新型 OVX 服务器具备突破性多工作负载处理性能,将强大的 AI 计算与一流的图形和媒体加速集于一身。

NVIDIA Omniverse 开启 通往广阔 OpenUSD 世界的大门

新 Omniverse Cloud API(例如用于使用 USD 进行对话的 ChatUSD LLM 以及用于将 USD 转换为图像的 RunUSD)可帮助开发者轻松采用通用场景描述(OpenUSD)技术。

Building Virtual Worlds and Simulating Digital Twins for the Enterprise

Whether creating vast imagined worlds, simulating complex environments, or automating next-generation factories, Omniverse Enterprise is transforming the way companies design and simulate across automotive, architecture, engineering, construction and operations, media and entertainment, and manufacturing.

Virtual World Building and Digital Twin Simulation for the Enterprise

Connect and Build Custom 3D Pipelines

Built on Universal Scene Description (USD), NVIDIA Omniverse brings seamless collaboration and enhanced performance to existing 3D workflows. Unlock full-design fidelity, real-time virtual worlds.

Simulate Virtual Worlds

Large-scale simulations of virtual worlds will enable the next era of AI and the industrial metaverse. Physically accurate virtual worlds serve as the training, testing, and validation grounds of robots and self-driving cars. When virtual worlds are connected to the physical world in perfect synchronization, a digital twin is born.

了解 OVX 的实际应用

Earth-2 数据:DKRZ/MPI-M、ICON 模型


Earth-2 平台基于 NVIDIA Omniverse 和通用场景描述(OpenUSD)3D 框架构建,可用于对各种全球规模的气候仿真和地理空间数据集进行聚合和可视化。


宝马集团庆祝全球首个虚拟工厂入驻 Omniverse

作为数字化转型的一部分,知名汽车制造商将工业 AI 的强大功能引入其整个生产网络。

将 NVIDIA Omniverse 连接到 Microsoft Teams

这个来自埃森哲公司的演示展示了如何在 Microsoft Azure 上使用 Omniverse Cloud 实现实时 3D 协作,从而缩短决策、行动和反馈之间的时间。


为了达成到 2050 年实现气候中和的目标,德国国家铁路运营商 Deutsche Bahn(德国铁路股份公司)正在构建自动驾驶铁路网络和列车,旨在更大限度地提高现有铁路运力在客运和货运的效率。

在当前项目中,NVIDIA OVX 将提供我们所需的规模、性能和计算能力,以为密集型机器学习开发生成数据,并运行这些高度复杂的仿真和场景。

– Annika Hundertmark,德国铁路股份公司铁路数字化部门主管

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