No dress code

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  1. deleted6537900
    • account closed
    • 50 kudos
    Great shots and a cool GIF' it just me or is her breasts too low for someone her age? lol.
    1. ritchieblackmore
      • BANNED
      • 298 kudos
      Her breasts have become a little bigger over the years, the rest is the normal gravity. ;-)
  2. dancingcurve
    • member
    • 10 kudos
    Oh my, Ciri has changed her cloth and removed tats from her body.
    Besides she is cleanning the yard, What happened to her? Did she break up with Geralt?
    Have a nice weekend, ritchie.
    1. ritchieblackmore
      • BANNED
      • 298 kudos
      That were certainly just henna tattoos, only a few times wash and then they are gone again. For a weekend stroll, she can also make herself chic!
    2. deleted6537900
      • account closed
      • 50 kudos
      she is cleaning the yard, What happened to her? Did she break up with Geralt?
      what? did you play the game.. she's classed as his Daughter not biological of course.
  3. rasiel47
    • member
    • 60 kudos
    Ciri.... the best beauty in bleached hair
    1. ritchieblackmore
      • BANNED
      • 298 kudos
      Many thanks. She actually has gray hair. But with me she is always blonde! Well almost.

    2. deleted6537900
      • account closed
      • 50 kudos
      Ashen is actually Grey but in the game looks more white then Grey but definitely not blonde.
  4. taepal77
    • member
    • 134 kudos
    good shot.
    1. ritchieblackmore
      • BANNED
      • 298 kudos
      Thanks much!
  5. cormell
    • premium
    • 338 kudos
    I'm so cool, I can run circles around her.

    Oh yeah, but can you throw rocks at the King?
    1. ritchieblackmore
      • BANNED
      • 298 kudos
      Oh yes children, an infinite source of joy. Maybe he may have misunderstood this with a "Running Gag". lol
    2. krygennn
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      hi which mod is it ?
    3. ritchieblackmore
      • BANNED
      • 298 kudos
      Curvy Busty Ves V3.1CJ from Curvy Busty Ves. I only have colored it.
  6. arghTease
    • premium
    • 209 kudos
    enjoyed immensely and the song as well. love cormell's take on that gif which by the way is great as well as comical. thanks again for good time when i come here, never disappointed.
    subliminal title hehe
    below is your thumbs up for the day LOL
    1. ritchieblackmore
      • BANNED
      • 298 kudos
      thanks again for good time ........? That sounds like a farewell. Do you want to leave us? I do not hope so.
      Beautiful butt in the gif! When walking, everything is fine, but when sitting, she certainly has problems. lol

    2. arghTease
      • premium
      • 209 kudos
      no not planning on going anywhere just meant when i come to your post it is alway great fun
  7. User_19634119
    • account closed
    • 45 kudos
    ciri is Gorgeous , but i wanna kick that kid runnin around in circles in the Butt......
    1. ritchieblackmore
      • BANNED
      • 298 kudos
      Ha ha ha very funny. Let him run! In a few minutes he falls by itself.
  8. SomewhatWindy
    • premium
    • 149 kudos
    That implies there will be atleast one more imageset featuring her with a dresscode,.... :)
    Very cool images,.. I thought the one where she was swiping the floor was pretty funny,..
    1. ritchieblackmore
      • BANNED
      • 298 kudos
      Ciri is for order and cleanliness, every opportunity is used to sweep and wipe. lol I have not even thought about a set with a dress code. Oh well, maybe.
  9. moterovinus
    • member
    • 137 kudos
    OMG crooked again nice Ciri's smile

    I hope the S is in the right place this time
    1. ritchieblackmore
      • BANNED
      • 298 kudos
      Yes I know, very bad camera work. With a restless hand, the pictures are now and then crooked and oblique. :-)
  10. frank213
    • premium
    • 828 kudos
    Ciri sieht so bezaubernd auf Deinen Bildern Ritchie . Eine echte Strahlemaus   , lässt sie sich angagieren als Putzhilfe?
    1. ritchieblackmore
      • BANNED
      • 298 kudos
      Als Putzhilfe! Also wirklich! Da würden mir ein paar andere Dinge einfallen. lol

    2. frank213
      • premium
      • 828 kudos
      Naja, ich wollte es nicht so direkt sagen .
      sehr schönes gif Bild von Ciri.
    3. xrayy
      • premium
      • 384 kudos
      na ja ich muss zugeben dass mir das erste gif gleich ins auge gesprungen ist ;) tolle bilder von euch beiden!
    4. ritchieblackmore
      • BANNED
      • 298 kudos
      Okay,okay! Erst wird geputzt,aber dann lassen wir so richtig die Sau raus. ;-)