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English subtitles are available. French "dubbing".

LOREPLAY episode 22 on The Witcher 1: Enhanced Edition - Rise of the White Wolf in 4K.
The full mod list is available here.

The Wedding is an adventure created by the Ifrit team. It was a group of Polish modders and active from 2008 to 2012. This adventure was officially integrated in the game with the 1.5 patch.

Beautiful women, plenty of booze, the most delicate roast veal in all of Temeria, and all your best friends together in one place. All in all it's one of the best parties East of Lyria. And one more thing, dear Geralt, it's your wedding! The witcher wedding. You'll have to play it to see what those guys have in store for you and poor Geralt! First things first, Mr. Witcher: put on this astonishingly flamboyant lace-edged shirt and have fun!

I have tried to give context to every character and situations, especially with Gwent cards. I apologize for the quality of the French translation: it was performed live on Twitch and leaves a lot to be desired sometimes. The subtitles contain a better translation when the oral version was really off track.
The final edit doesn't have at least a third of the adventure's content. I encourage you to play it on your side to uncover even more dwarf anecdotes or reactions.