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The witcher, tired after a long day of travel through Temeria, arrives at a village, which seems like any other. He wants to stay for a night at the local inn and to move on, but he will have to face a serious danger. He will find himself trapped in the village and the way out will not be peaceful...

Version 1.3 April 2022   
- new voice-overs created by eLeR Creative Group;
- Hungarian translation by Alexander Wolf;   
- improved opening cutscene;   
- small corrections in the English translation and Polish original text;   
- a new installer 

"Entrapped" is an adventure for "The Witcher" that features:
- six different endings,
- one up to two hours of gameplay,
- three joinable NPCs,
- some locations locked/unlockable, dependant on the player's actions,
- three language versions: English (text), Polish (voice overs, text), German(text).