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Cory Kerens

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About this mod

Adds a white wolf that follows Geralt around, plus whistles for controlling the wolf

Permissions and credits

This mod adds a white wolf to the game, one that follows Geralt around and fights for him. I made it at the request of Morgwin and E-ahmet, so credit for the idea goes to them.

It takes the wolf a few seconds to join you when you go to a new area, so when you go to a new place, you should stand still for 3 - 4 seconds to allow your wolf to catch up with you.

You have a lot of control over your wolf, because I've given you three wolf-management whistles -- one that dismisses your wolf, one that summons him, and one that creates another wolf, just in case you want two ... or three. :-)

Since wolves' domesticated brethren -- dogs -- are often controlled with whistles, I thought that would be the most realistic wolf-management item.  Dog whistles are too high for humans to hear, so of course you won't hear anything when Geralt blows the whistles. :-) They're quest items, so that they won't
take up space in your regular inventory; remember to use the little arrows on the right and left side of your quest inventory to scroll it if you need to.


Download the file and unzip it.  Put the unzipped folder into your The Witcher Enhanced Edition\Data folder or your The Witcher Enhanced Edition\Data\Override folder.  Notice that the folder for the mod does NOT go into the Witcher folder where your saved games are; it goes in the Witcher folder where the game data is. This is The Witcher Enhanced Edition\Data.


Many other mods conflict with the Wolf Companion Mod!  Any mod that uses the custom_script.ncs and def_arealoaded.ncs scripts -- which includes FCR and many others -- will conflict with this mod. 

Any mod that uses the appearance.2da file will also conflict; this includes the Scabbard Mod, FCR, and many others.  If you blow the whistle and get something that doesn't look like a wolf, then YOU HAVE A CONFLICTING MOD.

There IS a way to make some of these mods work together, though; see the section called "HOW TO MAKE THE WOLF COMPANION MOD WORK WITH OTHER MODS," below.


This wolf will spawn in most outdoor areas and a few indoor ones, but it won't go everywhere with you. It stays outside when you go into houses.  (I mean really, how many householders allow wolves in the door? :-) ) It won't go some places until certain things happen; for example, it will spawn in Triss's house at the start of Chapter 3, but it's not good with stairs, so it won't go downstairs with you, which means that it won't go out the door into the Trade Quarter with you. BUT, if you go to the Temple Quarter via the gate, then go back to the Trade Quarter, also via the gate, then the wolf will be outside in the Trade Quarter with you.  Or you can just blow the necessary whistle, to get the wolf to spawn wherever you are. :-)

The wolf will help Geralt fight when he goes into combat mode, but it's not generally aggressive; it will only attack your enemies. The wolf can't be killed, so you needn't worry about keeping it alive. Just defend yourself; Wolfie will be fine. :-)

I wasn't completely sure what to name the wolf. I mean, a man who calls his horse "Roach" could very well name a wolf "Flea" or "Chigger" or something. :-) I finally decided to simply call it "Geralt's Wolf," and if you want to rename it, you can.

There are three whistles:

1. The GOLD whistle causes the wolf to be created in any area that it isn't already in. If Geralt already has a wolf in that area -- but you can't see it at the moment because it's somewhere else -- then no new wolves will be created. Wait a moment and see if your wolf runs up to you.

2. The SILVER whistle causes the wolf to go away. He won't vanish instantly; he'll kind of fade out over a second or two. Since the creature isn't spawned in the normal way, I couldn't have him run off, but at least I can have him fade out. I guess maybe the wolf is partly spectral. :-)

3. The RED whistle causes a new wolf to be created, even if the gold whistle thought you already had a wolf in the area. You can use the red whistle if your wolf has gotten lost or if you just want two wolves. Heck, you can have six or seven if you want, though that might slow your game down a bit. :-) If you have used the red whistle, the silver whistle will get rid of your FIRST wolf in the area. If the wolf that's in front of you is your second wolf, you'll
need to blow the silver whistle again to make it go away.

If you decide to stop using the Wolf Companion Mod, I recommend that you blow the silver whistle to get rid of your wolf before uninstalling the mod,
so that the game doesn't look for a now non-existent character.


Geralt gets experience points for the monsters when HE delivers the killing blow.  If your wolf delivers the killing blow, then your wolf gets the experience.  So hanging out and letting your wolf do all the work would be a bad idea. :-)

Geralt is fast enough that being the one to do the killing shouldn't be a problem in most cases.  If you find it's a problem, you can blow the silver whistle to dismiss your wolf before fights (or right before the killing blow, in boss fights where the fight lasts for awhile).


1.1a -- Updated the appearance.2da file to be compatible with the Genie Wish Mod
1.1 -- Added whistles
1.0 -- Initial release

How to Make the Wolf Companion Mod Work with Other Mods

There are several mods that use the custom_script.ncs and def_arealoaded.ncs scripts; here's how to make them work together, even though they'd normally conflict.

Put ONE of the mods --not the Wolf mod, one of the other ones -- in your Override folder, start the game, and wait until Geralt has been given the item(s). Then save and exit the game and add the files for the second mod to the same folder as the first. The files for the new mod have to be in the same folder, because you'll need to let custom_script for the second mod overwrite the first one in your Override folder. This is okay because you already have the item(s) from the first mod, and it's a different script that adds functionality to the items; all custom_script does is give the items to Geralt. Start your game up again, wait a few seconds, and you should get the second item(s) added. Keep doing this until you have everything you want -- J_Slash's "stuff," my stop-the-rain scroll, whatever you want.

Once you have everything you want except for the Wolf Companion mod, THEN add the Wolf Companion mod to the same folder; the custom_script for that will overwrite the other one, but that's okay, because Geralt already has his stuff. Since the wolf gets "added" frequently, he needs to have the
custom_script in the Override folder all the time, whereas most items are only added once, so the custom_script for those items can be dispensed with once Geralt has the yellow scroll, the "stuff" items, and so forth.

This mod will still conflict with mods that alter the appearance.2da. Also, it's intended for use with the main game and will screw up the appearance of any fan-made adventure that adds new clothes or colors to the characters.

How to Rename the Wolf

You can call your wolf anything from "Wolfgang" to "Sugar Lumps," provided that you have Djinni installed. To rename your wolf, start Djinni. If the Resources Explorer is not open, open it by going to the menus at the top of Djinni. Go to View, then down to Utility Windows, then across to Resources Explorer.

The Resources Explorer will show you everything that's in your Data directory. Go to the Wolf Companion folder, then to ck_wolf.utc. Double-click on that, and a box will pop up. The very first line in the box says "First Name." Type anything you want in there, then save it, and that will be the name of your wolf.


The def_arealoaded.ncs script is from J_Slash (who made the oh-so-useful Stuff That Makes Geralt's Life Easier mod).  The custom_script files are my adaptations of his custom script, so full credit to J_Slash for both of those.


Because of a variety of things going on in my personal life -- from my own chronic illnesses to attempts to support a suicidal friend to a shift in my interests (I'm now writing Star Trek fan fiction (under another name), rather than making Witcher mods) -- I have retired from Witcher modding.  I am still supporting my new adventures for The Witcher, but all of my other mods are provided on an "as is" basis.  I'm sorry that I no longer have the time and energy to reply to comments from people who haven't read the directions.

 All of my mods DO work.  If you're  having trouble with one of them, the problem is likely to be one of the following:

 1.  ALL of my mods are for The Witcher ONE.  Don't try to use them with The Witcher TWO or THREE, because that will not make you  happy. :-)

 2.  Many other mods conflict with my mods.  These include Full Combat Rebalance (FCR), Flash Mod, the Scabbard Mod, and a few others.  If you're trying to use one of my mods with The Witcher ONE, and it's not working for you, you almost certainly have a conflicting mod.  (I retired from Witcher modding before Rise of the White Wolf came out, but from what I hear, it's a big mod, like FCR is, and any of my mods that useappearance.2da will probably conflict with it.)

3.  Occasionally a mod's file gets corrupted during download.  If you're SURE that you have NO conflicting mods, and you're SURE that you're using the mod for The Witcher ONE, try redownloading.

4.  If you're using the mod with The Witcher ONE and if you're absolutely CERTAIN that you have no conflicting mods (because you've never used FCR
or Rise of the White Wolf or Flash Mod or the Scabbard Mod), and one of my mods isn't working for you, then you have it installed incorrectly.  Make sure you UNZIP the file and put it in the DATA folder.

5.  Occasionally, rare circumstances pop up.  I once spent hours helping a guy who turned out to have TWO installations of The Witcher One on his
computer.  He was putting the mods in the Data folder for one TW1 installation but playing the other one.  We tracked that problem down eventually.  So
that was still a case of his not having installed the mod correctly, though it was a much more interesting and unusual case of that than I normally see. :-)

Although I have retired from Witcher modding, I still have a soft spot in my heart for the game, and I hope you have a wonderful time playing TW1.  Happy Witchering!