Witcher 1- Complete UI Overhaul

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  1. EnclaveOverlord1
    • supporter
    • 50 kudos
    This looks brilliant! Can't wait for release.
  2. SunnyTheCat
    • supporter
    • 16 kudos
    This looks interesting! I'd play like that. Can you also (maybe optionally?) remove the signs and equipment panel to the left for players who don't need to SEE which sign / weapon is selected? 
    1. NorthernPike
      • member
      • 6 kudos
      Thanks! and That's definitely going to be an option... now that I think about it, I might make it the default for weapons, since that the equipment panel for that is pretty redundant, as you can just look at Geralt.
    2. NorthernPike
      • member
      • 6 kudos

      Alternative version added ;)
    3. ltsheppard
      • member
      • 45 kudos
      Yes, but people that want to play mostly with mouse, for example, won't be able to select their weapons or signs.

      This should certainly be optional.
  3. MarcuzXD
    • supporter
    • 5 kudos
    This is some great work man. Love the look of it. Some of the other HUD mods over-do it, this is much more in-line with the OG hud but looks much more polished.
    1. NorthernPike
      • member
      • 6 kudos
      Thank you! And yes, the main goal of my UI is to improve functionality, and make it more in line with UI's from other C-rpgs, changing the stuff about the UI that I feel hinders the functionality and aesthetic, while keeping the things that I like, with some slight changes.