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Myrm Fable09

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About this mod

Việt Hóa Tam Quốc ( Vietnamese Translation ) - Nexus doesnt allow me to write name description in Vietnamese

Unzip 7z file to Pack file

Save the Pack file in Data folder

Activate the mod in Mod Manager menu

Permissions and credits

This mod will update most of the game's contents up to the newest Nan Man DLC - " The Furious Wild "

Here is the list :

Factions and Alliances
Cities and Regions
General's names , characteristics and abilities
General's conversations during battles
Skills and Effects
Mounts and Ancillaries
Unit names and descriptions
Tech trees
World events
Missions and Assignments
Historical Battle 's descriptions and conversations
Famous Sights in Ancient China
Campaign and Battle UI
and many more ..

? Technical Supports ?

Original file for Traditional Chinese text has around 105,000 lines . This mod put together 53,000 lines of translation in both Vietnamese and English.

In reality , for large gaming project like this, developers will outsource to another translation team who 're well educated and more professionals.

About myself, I never go to school for Chinese classes, most of my Chinese literary came from years of playing Romance of Three Kingdoms by Koei and other Asian games ( these games were in Japanese and Chinese so for someone who didn't know any of these languages, guessing , click and play is the only way to learn ) . However, Chinese novels are very popular in my country, stories like Three Kingdoms , Spring and Autumn Warring States, Legend of Yue Fei or 108 heroes were admired by many people , passing from generations to generations like folklores.

I estimated modern Vietnamese language only using 10% Chinese words . Lots of texts in the Tradition Chinese file doesn't make any senses to me when translating directly from Chinese to Han Viet ( 漢越 ) or Chinese to English .

I have tried my best to translate them using whatever I can find or learned from Chinese historical novels in the past . To preserve and convey the stories to the audiences , I have following these underlying themes :

?Patriotism and Loyalty to the nations or clans they served ( 忠君愛國 - Trung Quân Ái Quốc )

?Heroic , Chivalric thoughts and actions in peace time and in battles ( 英雄本色 - Bản Sắc Anh Hùng )

?The Artistic of wordings ( 美丽言词 - Ngôn Từ Mỹ Lệ )

Initially, I only need the Cities and Generals' names updated to the newest Nan Man DLC ( most Vietnamese mods on Steam were very outdated ) but seeing these inspirational lines


Huynh Trưởng, chuẩn bị tác chiến. Tôi nguyện theo bảo kiếm của anh, đánh tan quân thù !

Big brother, prepare to fight . I'm willing to follow your sword, crushing the enemies ! " ⚔️

..suddenly makes me feel young again , feel like an adventure together with other good fellows is waiting for me ahead . That's why I decided to translate as much as I can so other people can enjoy playing this game as much as I am.

I have spent 3 months to work on this ( from early September to November 2020 ) yet feel lots of things still can be improved .

l will keep update this mod regularly . Any suggestions for translation or for modding are welcomed !

?Special thanks to? :

基妖剋星呆蛙獵人 - for explaining to me how to extract Traditional Chinese text from the Data file . He 's a very resourceful member of Total War : Three Kingdoms community.

Frodo45127 - for updating his RPFM tool to the newest one , the one i used was 2.1.5 . He even included the copy path features I requested 5 months ago ( somewhere at the end of May 2020 ) in his new updates.

Original thread i asked for helps :


?Why this mod doesn't work ?

This mod works with all DLCs.

Please turn off other Vietnamese translation mods and let this one run only so it's not overlapped .

Please set up a Custom Battle game and see if it works .

If it doesn't work with your current save, you should start a new campaign in order for the mod taking effects.

If 's it possible please provide me with your screenshots so I can understand and try to resolve it.

?Why don't you combine this one with other Vietnamese translation mods ?

I tried other mods before and feel that they weren't meet my expectation . This one has been developed independently.

I will not use any other mods to combine with my works . I will continue update my mod regularly .

Any suggestions are welcome .

?Can you provide a short description for this mod in Vietnamese ?

Sure ^^

Bản mod này bao gồm bản gốc và các bản mở rộng sau :

-Mandate of Heaven - Thiên Mệnh Du Quy - Hán Thất Suy Vi , Dân Loạn Tứ Khởi ( Nhà Hán suy vong, bốn bề dân chúng nổi dậy )

-Yellow Turban Rebellion - Hoàng Cân Khởi Nghĩa

-Eight Princes - Bát Vương Chi Loạn - Tông Thất Phân Liệt, Trục Lộc Trung Nguyên ( Tấn Vũ Đế sau khi thống nhất Thiên Hạ, con cháu họ Tư Mã lại chia 5 xẻ 7 Trung Nguyên )

-Tao Qian - Đào Khiêm ( Thái Thú Từ Châu, là người mời Lưu Bị về cai quản, dẫn đến kết cục Chiến Thần Lữ Bố phải sớm an nghỉ tại Hạ Bì )

-White Tiger Yan - Đông Ngô Đức Vương - Nghiêm Bạch Hổ ( Thủ lãnh Sơn Việt vùng Chiết Giang Và Giang Tô )

-A World Betrayed - Nhĩ Ngu Ngã Trá - Thiên Hạ Phân Loạn , Chư Hầu Thừa Thế

-Shi Xie - Sĩ Thái Thú - Sĩ Nhiếp ( Thái Thú Giao Chỉ bao gồm vùng Quảng Đông và Bắc VN )

-The Furious Wild - Nam Cảnh Phân Loạn ( Loạn lạc ở biên cảnh Phương Nam ) , Nam Man Xâm Nhập ( Kiếm hoài không ra tên bản DLC này bằng Tiếng Trung, đây là hai cái tên mình tìm được (^-人-^) )

Bản mod này mình làm xong chơi được tiếp hai chiến dịch của Nghiêm Bạch Hổ và Mạch Hoạch . Mấy bản mod có sẵn của các nhóm dịch khác chơi không hợp nên mình mới có ý làm bản dịch riêng.

Các bạn chơi thấy chỗ nào chưa vừa ý cứ thoải mái đóng góp ý kiến, mình sẽ tiếp thu và cố gắng dịch tiếp ( thời gian mình cũng có hạn nên không hứa trước được )

Ai có kiến thức tự học tiếng Trung hoặc biết phần mềm từ điển Hán Việt nào hay thì cho mình xin để bổ sung thêm kiến thức !

My other mods :