About this mod

Project to import all Dynasty Warriors characters into the game.

Permissions and credits

Current Nexus Version: 2.1.0-hotfix-1
Current Nexus Beta Version: 2.1.2-beta (not updated for 8 princes yet)
Current Steam Version: 2.1.0-hotfix-1

Mod works with game version 1.2.0 (8 Princes)
Mod works with beta game version: N/A

NOTE: In 8 Princes update, It looks like CA has changed load order for portraits and stuff, so now stuff in the pack files overwrite stuff in the folders.  What this means is that DW9 portraits for vanilla uniques won't work with the folders.  I have included a pack file version under Optional Files that will solve this issue if you want all portraits to be DW9 ones.

This mod aims to import all 94 Dynasty Warrior 9 characters into the game + other characters of the 3 kingdoms era and give them titles, events, weapons, armor, etc.  Balance changes and other minor fixes will also be considered down the line as most games end somewhere between turn 100 and turn 200 while historically the 3 kingdoms era did not truly end until turn 450 (280 CE). 

The Yellow Turban DLC is required.

This mod is not compatible with any other mod that modifies ceos and/or startpos.  The entire mod's data is opensource on github and if you wish to do so you can go ahead and add or modify stuff yourself if you wish to do so.

Extra turns per year mods are semi-compatible.  The game will run but some events and spawns will not work correctly because the ages of everyone will be screwed up. Honestly, there are characters spawning past turn 260 already so I'm not too sure why you want to use extra turns per year with this mod.

Installation Instructions
Steam Workshop Users
If you found this mod from the Steam workshop, follow these instructions:
  • Keep main mod on stream subscribe and enabled.
  • Download only the portraits
  • Put the portraits in the correct directory, image for reference (ignore the pack file location):

Why do this instead of just using Nexus.  There are advantages and disadvantages to both.  Steam will auto update to the latest version when I push one out, Nexus you will have to come and check.  Conversely if there is an update that breaks saves, Steam might be a problem whereas the Nexus version will not be a problem.

Why isn't the Dynasty Warrior portraits on Steam?  CA policy forbid it and if you want that changed, you can go and try to convince them.

Non-Steam Workshop Users

Currently there are 2 main files to download:
  • Total_War_Dynasty_Warriors_9
    • This file contains 3 pack files
    • total_war_dynasty_warriors_9_officers.pack is the main file that contains the officers, startpos, and ceos changes.  This file is required.
    • total_war_dynasty_warriors_9_events.pack is the file that contains all events that benefit the player (for example, no deaths).  This is optional.  Running the game without this file will result in no special events firing but characters will still enter the pool
    • total_war_dynasty_warriors_9_events_bad.pack is the file that contains all events that do no benefit the player (for example, Dong Zhuo's chain that leads to his death, Sun Jian dying).  This file is optional.  Note that for vanilla events, this simply boosts the chance of the event occurring.  The event can still happen if you play the mod without this file depending on your luck.
  • Total_War_Dynasty_Warriors_9_DW_Portraits
    • This file contains all 94 Dynasty Warriors Portraits in a folder.  It is in a folder format to allow people to pick and choose portraits to a degree.

All you have to do is to drop the pack files into the data directory and make sure the portraits are in the correct directory, picture for reference (note: image does not contain the current pack files):

General Information

This Mod currently adds:
  • All 94 Dynasty Warrior 9 officers
  • Gives all 94 DW9 officers unique titles and portraits
  • Fixes ages, gender, spawn turn, and other stuff of some characters
  • Modifies startpos to have some character start with their factions
  • Adds over 100 events for characters, including spawning characters, moving characters, marriage events, and more
  • Added AI hints to increase the AI's usage of them over generic generals (AI will still release them if they are too poor or there is no reason to keep them)
  • Removed weapon restrictions

Planned additions:
  • More events
  • Missions that follow historical/dynasty warrior/alternate history
  • More characters that exist in the era
  • More titles for those characters
  • Unique weapons and armor for the Dynasty Warriors officers
  • Model imports for the Dynasty Warriors officers
  • Balance and gameplay changes to make the game harder/longer

More Information