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About this mod

Tool for teleport, godmode, kill/disable all zeds, no-target, inf durability/consumables, spawn vehicles, etc.

Permissions and credits

Created by Phacops, posted w/ permission

Which versions does it work for?

Last I checked, it was working on all Steam versions of the game, i.e. the original and YOSE
  • Last confirmed working: Apr 12, 2024

How do I install it?
After downloading the file, simply unpack it into your game directory
e.g. Steam games usually have folders created in this directory on Windows
  • C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common

If installed correctly, then inside the State of Decay folder, you should at least see
  • Game\MultiToolConsoleRunner.xml
  • e.g. as a full path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\State of Decay\Game\MultiToolConsoleRunner.xml
What does it do?

Feature Summary
• God Mode - Infinite Health/Stamina
• No-target, Invisible to Zombies
• Spawn/Kill Zombies
• Spawn, Store, and Teleport to Vehicles
  • Including custom, ugly vehicles with dynamic parts
    • All of which cannot be damaged nor explode
  • Known issue: have to use the teleport key to re-enter vehicles    

• Unlimited Durability/Consumables
• Show Infestation on Map
• Community Storage
• Access it from anywhere!
• One-click to add all guns, ammo, food, melee weapons, backpacks, etc.
• Teleport
• Pre-baked locations for all possible homes
• Or save up to 2 locations and go there any time
• Utils (Mainly for mod development)
• Send commands directly to console to interact with the engine
• Show your x,y,z position in the world
• And more!

Feature Details

Spawn Tools

Spawn from your choice of 16 different vehicles without taking up your entire keyboard like the old version.

Two easy hotkeys right next to your "drivin' and 'uh walkin'" keys:

Press 5 to spawn the last type of vehicle you created
Defaults to police car until you choose one from the side menu

Press 6 to teleport immediately to the last car you drove and hop-the-flip inside instantly.
"Gurl, I ain't got time to open the door, just beam me up!"
Das right, not a wasted moment!​
Click the Green arrow on the right with your Spacebar to reveal the vehicle spawn tab
Once open, Click the buttons with your Spacebar for No money down, no hassle, light speed travel, vehicles at your flippin' fingertips.

3 Categories to choose from, pick one and see the pages of vehicles, prev/next buttons and a button to go back to the list are at the bottom of the tab.​

Debug/Enhancement Tools


 - Show the Debug Panel!

F2 - Viking Mode - WAAagh!!! - (One-press Enable)
Infinite Health/Stamina. Note that when you enable this function that it will retain whatever your depleted stamina level was and not regenerate it during the time it is frozen.

Note: ** You will still die from falling **, also, if you use this then it confuses the panel and you have to toggle it on and off to fix it. Bug - all me 

Useful for: Tampering with anything that can cause you harm, such as messing with explosion physics/particles so you can get much closer for viewing, tampering with variables that need zeds but you'd still like them to bother you, such as aggro distances, weapon meshes, AI mechanics, being a little under the weather and needing to feel like a Viking, WAAAaagh!

F3 - Kill All Zeds - (One-press Enable)
Kill all zeds, note that this will repopulate them immediately after as though you had quit to the main menu and then continued your game. This will reset all aggro, paths, etc. and applies to all zeds including freaks & hordes. Debug message is "Zeds Fluffed," because it doesn't kill them completely it just fluffs their current locations like a pillow 

Useful for: Messing with numerous variables concerning AI logic, mission variables based on clearing locations, testing spawn density, etc.

F4 - Spawn 1 Zed- (One-press Enable)
Press it as many times as you like, 1's a party, 2's a crowd, 3's a little disturbing, but 20+ is all out CrazyGoNuts, man. Note that it won't spawn if maximum density is reached. It also appears to prefer to spawn them in the direction you're facing. So if you're not seeing spawns, try pressing F3 to kill all zeds then press F4 to spawn some more. This is assuming you haven't disabled them and need to uncheck it in the panel to re-enable them 

Useful for: Extroverted suicide, breaking the ice at parties, getting out of doing your taxes.

F5 - Show Community Chest (
Community Chest: Do not pass go, do not collect 200...unless it's ammo, because you're gonna need it, son (gender neutral). Access community chest from anywhere, at any time. On a roof in a barn, playing with a cat and some yarn - I said anytime. Allows removal/addition of items in inventory into it, though it does not allow rucksacks to be taken and placed into storage as this requires proximity to the actual chest.​

Useful for: Item testing, equipment packs, flowgraphs dealing with items, midnight snack cravings when you're out on the prowl etc.

F6 Entity Scanner & Coordinate Viewer (Hold key down to show coordinates and nearby entities at left)
Show Player's current EntityID, position and rotation, as well as fire a scanner that, on each press, scans all nearby entities that are within a few feet of the character. Note: These numbers stick around because I need it that way for my usage. Maybe I'll change that later.

Useful for:

Entity scanner - Press the key when near an object you want to target while modding to find out what it is and what entity info it has. Shows all entities. That means vehicles, house components, vehicles, sally selling seashells down by the seashore, whatever. It will tell you their Entity ID, their Name, and their Class. Make sure you are standing near it as it is slimmed down on the range to assure precision on what you are looking for. Note that exact IDs for objects appear to be in Mission_Mission0.xml

Coordinate Viewer - Finding the correct overall game world location to place an object without the previous 10-100+ iterations of starting and restarting the game - not an exaggeration - for minor movements in CryEngine to find the proper placement in-game. Pos = X,Y,Z Vector format, Rotation only shows Z vector with 360 degrees in the form of 180 to -180, left/right.

F9 Live-Spawned Barricades
Use your right-mouse button to aim like you're going to shoot at something,
Max distance is ~10ft./~3m.
Aim at the ground near you with some Zeds nearby, press F9 and see what happens. Only works on them if you're within that same range.


NoTarget / Invisible to Zeds

Makes Zeds stop targeting players (except sometimes they get quirky and attack you anyway, rare by comparison). Note that when you turn targeting back on that it is instantaneous but when you turn targeting off, it takes ~4-8 seconds for the aggro do drop off and the Zeds to go befuddled.

Useful for: Modding zed skins so you can get a good look at "'dem badboys."​
Disable all Zeds

When you disable them, they disappear from the map where enabling them respawns them in fully new locations as though you quit to the main menu then continued your game. Resets aggro, paths, etc. and applies to all zeds including specials/hordes. Added hidden operation to also kill all zeds due to a bug where it would allow you to attack the zed that should have been there - made infinite animation loop. If you drop in on a survivor to save you may find them attacking an invisible enemy, press F3 to kill zeds and they'll quit it with the phantom fighting night terror business.
Useful for: Working on anything that doesn't involve zeds that you don't want them around for, such as building meshes or vehicle physics/speed, lighting, etc. Or to - Maybe I'll link that to community morale ;D

Show Keypresses

Key profiling - shows a debug message for the current key being pressed.
Useful for: Either adding new features for key triggers in the flowgraph or if you have a different keyboard type, then you can search for the key that is wrong for you and replace it with one you like - you poor soul 

Unlimited Durability

Makes it so your weapons don't get damaged

Unlimited Consumables

Use as many molotovs, firecrackers, mines, anything, as you like - never goes down!​

Console command sending
Just change the part in quotes then click the checkmark (Value="cm_missionComplete 1")
Press the checkmark in the lower right of the UI in-game to send to console

Show Infestations

Show infestations on the map. Used the show hordes cvar but it doesn't seem to trigger, will work more on that.
Useful for: Tampering with infestation/horde quantities.

Save/Load Coordinates, Lock them down

Easy enough:
Press F1 to open the GUI,
In the middle on the right you'll see two Save Buttons,
Press the spacebar over it to click it,
After clicking to save locations it will enable the Load Button and the Lock to the left of it,

Press load on the corresponding item to load it, click the lock to lock it which will hide the save button so that one such as myself can't blindly go pressing it wil he nil he, throwing the solar system into chaos! ...or just losing your saved vector. Same thing, right?

Community Tab:
  • Button to give 1000 influence
  • Button to add a survivor to your community
  • Button to add items to your Community Chest
    • Button to give all melee weapons,
    • Button to give all ammo
    • Button to give all guns
    • Button to give all backpacks
    • Button to give all items

Teleporter Tab:
  • Teleport yourself to any one of the home locations
  • Also allows you to port to The Grange
  • LifeLine players can also port to base on the second tab of that panel
More Vehicle Spawn Tab:
  • Kustom Platforms button
    • Click this to hide the main UI and see only the Custom Vehicle pane
    • Click the button at the top to spawn the apocalyptic vehicle platform
    • Click the button in the top right to randomize all the parts
    • Click the next and prev buttons to swap each part individually
    • Part sections:
      • Front Bumper
      • Grill
      • Hood
      • Front Windshield
      • Roof
      • Rear Windshield
      • Trunk
      • Rear Bumper
    • Later will be a much larger vehicle with dynamic parts
    • Don't have to be in the vehicle to swap bits

Aww-right, so how's it work, chummer?

When you start a new game you'll know it is working because you'll get a short debug message in green next to it that says that debug mode is enabled.

Once you're in the game, press F1 to reveal the panel, then you just click the items you want with your spacebar, or press the corresponding buttons above and have the resulting action take place.

With vehicle spawns, note that it will place you immediately into the vehicle with the engine running and ready to go.

I don't recommend trying to spawn vehicles when you're already in one - though it can propel you to great heights so you can jump over objects like large concrete barriers 

If you do spawn while in a vehicle, it will most likely just get all caught up in your prior vehicle or roll you.

Also not a good idea to spawn while being directly attacked as this is the cause for a bug I haven't yet been able to solve as it would require a bit of a complex plot for animations in a flowgraph and disabling only the right one.

Frequently Asked Questions (F.A.Q.)

I started a new game and spawned a car but I'm coming out of the roof, and I won't stop saying it is locked! A.K.A. Car Centaur
  • You MUST complete the first missions to enable cars to work correctly
  • They'll work after the big bridge blows up in the starting area, then you can climb down and over to the other side of the bridge and start spawning cars
  • Technically this is as soon as you start the "Leave Mt Tanner" mission when you get the truck keys, but can be dangerous to your chars to try jumping the bridge in a car
  • This is part of the game that I couldn't change :) 

Oh no, I can't click the checkboxes in the tools UI -- what have you done?!
  • You have to use spacebar as a mouse click, strangely enough
  • Why? Because I built it using the embedded CryEngine UI functionality, but couldn't work it into the game code at the time, therefore you couldn't click on the elements because the mouse click gets absorbed by the game, it seems

More Info

For the original information about it, how to install/use it, etc. on the Undead Labs Forums
  • Use this wayback machine link to see the old thread in the Undead Labs Forums
  • (Wayback machine given that forums shutdown and no longer exist)

Why don't you update it?
  • I used CryEngine to create the UI elements which hook into functions of both the engine and custom parts of the game
  • However, when CryEngine became a service, they destroyed all the old versions and the ability to use them, therefore this can no longer be updated efficiently