The Z Word

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This user's image description contains 1 images. Some authors like to showcase more of their work in their image descriptions or use the image description to provide a storyboard for the image provided.

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  1. Brigand231
    • premium
    • 354 kudos
    Saw when you put this up on flickr ages ago and didn't get the context, now it all makes sense. ^^

    I'm using the Maya replacer too until I get off my duff enough to create custom assets and set Ramona loose on Trumbull.
  2. KorvaVeari
    • supporter
    • 4 kudos
    I don't want to be mean but insaine is spelled insane. Sorry I'm really wanting not to be a dick.
    1. Benbenben
      • premium
      • 113 kudos
      lol. It's cool. Would you believe; I did it on purpose to test if people were paying attention?
      ... That makes you the winner
      But seriously - I'm truly happy to see that someone's read this and commented... Even if it was just to point out an error: It means you've paid more attention to this than even I have. So thankyou
      That's the problem with writing these things on Paint.Net: No spell checker.
      I'd fix it... but I'm really very lazy.