Custom character Female Police Officer

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  1. miranshortcake
    • member
    • 6 kudos
    Her outfit is unique to her -- no one else in the game uses this outfit.
    In fact, the combination of buttoned shirt + combat slacks is unique to her as well (due to the fact that the shirt clips through the pants -- they don't fit together). I got around that by using some clever texturing, so the clipping parts of the shirt are the same color as the pants.

    You can see my progress / pictures on the thread I started on the UL forums here:

    Modding SoD is kind of goofy.

    How would people want me to upload this?

    If I were to upload a, it would conflict with any other character mod that affects this file.
    1. dermeseti
      • member
      • 6 kudos
      I wouldn't mind a, BUT I know how to get in there and fiddle with stuff using NP++. And honestly I don't know of any other way of doing it other then the .win file :-( . I do really like the look of the character, you've done good work. Like I stated earlier, her look reminds me of deputy from Longmire.

      PS: yes SoD modding is a goofy pain in the rear :-P
    2. miranshortcake
      • member
      • 6 kudos
      I tried to upload this.

      But the upload manager is not working. It won't let me upload images or files.
      I created the page and everything.

      I guess I'll try again a little bit later.
    3. dermeseti
      • member
      • 6 kudos
      odd...maybe nexus is having a server issue. Well thank you in advance, I will be looking forward to adding her to my crew.
    4. miranshortcake
      • member
      • 6 kudos
      It was working again and now I have it up.
  2. dermeseti
    • member
    • 6 kudos
    Just commenting one more time to say AWESOME work....and please upload this character, we need more females in uniform :-)

    She kinda reminds me of sheriff deputy Victoria Moretti from Longmire, which would be an interesting show to introduce zombies into lol.
    1. chikawowwow
      • premium
      • 82 kudos
      I'm not sure what the Author's method was but I recall a post on the UL forums stating that something very similar to this will cause ALL females to have the same texture. Something to do with UL's method of texturing.

      I too would love to see this as a mod but maybe the above is why the mod won't be released?
    2. dermeseti
      • member
      • 6 kudos
      I've seen and used custom textures in SoD before and it didn't effect all characters. BUT dependent on if it's a replacement texture or not might make some females end up in the same outfit if they too are wearing "replaced texture XX" but not all, which I would be ok with having 2 or 3 different female officers.

      Almost tempted to message the uploader and ask if I could have a copy of these texture just for personal use but I know some might worry about it being used and/or uploaded with no credit to the original creator. Either way, I'll just sit back a while and hope, because they did a great job on this.
  3. James009
    • premium
    • 2 kudos
    Very awesome. Please upload!
  4. dermeseti
    • member
    • 6 kudos
    Awesome work. Are you uploading this? I would love to add her to my crew.