Self Character

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Well, as close I can get without making new clothes and hairstyle (though the hair colour is now red, not purple).


  1. Doomguy137
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Could I get a download of that character?
    1. star-mystyk
      • premium
      • 75 kudos
      No, sorry, I won't be uploading this one.
      My self-character (virtual version of myself) wouldn't be unique if others were using it as well. I can PM you some links to tutorials on how you make a unique character, maybe even yourself.

      I've been fiddling with this one for a while, now, so it's not as difficult as it used to be. I'm also working on other clothing variations, too, to use for each Breakdown level (seeing as we can't actually change clothes).
    2. PiAndBlood
      • supporter
      • 1 kudos
      Can you PM the links as well? I've been wanting to make a Bill Nye character to play with xD. Thanks!
    3. ldarkharte
      • member
      • 6 kudos
      I make characters and was wondering how you edited their textures? E.g You made your self characters hair purple and jacket a different colour :')

      I Can never get the handle of doing it D:
  2. star-mystyk
    • premium
    • 75 kudos
    A good starting point is this thread on the UL forums:
    How Can I Make My Own Character Model.
    Post #3 (by deathst4r) has pretty much all the information needed.

    It's an old thread so the OP, as well as deathst4r may not be active anymore. But, there are others around the forum who are making custom characters at the moment, or who have in the past and are still around.
    The thread was recently necro'd so it's kind of active again with a couple of people (including myself) posting in it

    The PC Players Only section of the forum is the area where you'll find more info on whatever you want to do. Someone, at some point, has either done it before, asked about it or is doing it now. There's usually someone who can help, anyway :-)
  3. Syeeb
    • premium
    • 17 kudos
    Could you PM me that tutorial as well ?