Latest Update: 0.3.0

*Important: Before updating always make a save copy just in case!


I. New Features

- 3 new specialized Mariners to upgrade the default crew commission! Further, the AI was given special versions of these crew commissions, increasing their combat ability. These AI-only hullmods, obviously, disappear when the ships are salvaged by the player.

Furthermore, there is also retroactive change to these specialist mods, where they now increase the ship's maintenance cost when mounted. Also, that their bonuses now also apply to their fighters.

Here is updated new lineup of Specialist Mariners:

Ceciliajungend Mariners - The Cecilia Youth are the equivalent of Safety Overrides for the faction. This update (rightly) makes it impossible to mount both mods at the same time. They increase several important stats up front, and, while the ship takes critical damage, RoF is increased to insane amounts, culminating in a massively improved explosion when the ship is destroyed. Also, the recovery cost of the ship is reduced.

Their fighters benefit from the base bonus and an increase to RoF.

Mounting these specialists increase maintenance costs by 50%.

5. Kavalleriepanzer Division - The 5th Cavalry Panzer Division excels at fast raids and the use of fighters, especially the Cosmopanzer IIs. Though they start out a bit slower than the Cecilia Youth, their ships speed up and fighters are replaced faster the more damage they take! This, complemented by a decent boost in accuracy they start out with, makes some of the notoriously inaccurate weapons surprisingly viable even at extreme ranges.

Their fighters benefit from a speed bonus and slightly improved RoF. Furthermore, their Cosmopanzer IIs receive an upgraded gun that uses APHE shells.

Mounting these specialists increase maintenance costs by 80%.

Reichsgarde Mariners - The Imperial Guard sets their ships up as as veritable fortresses, imparting direct bonuses to armor and hitting power at the cost of speed. Then, when their ship takes severe damage, even its shields also begin to improve. It is very difficult to finish off an Imperial Guard ship by slowly weakening it so if you're going against them, I recommend reapers. On the other hand, they suffer a penalty to speed and maneuverability, including those of their weapon mounts.

Their fighters are tougher and hit harder.

Mounting these specialists increase maintenance costs by 125%. Extremely rare.

Raketentruppe Mariners - The Imperial Rocket Forces are dedicated to sieging. Their special tune-ups impart a periodic reload to all missile weapons while also doubling ammo stores. This is at the extreme cost of armor and speed. Their ships also tend to explode in massive fireballs, even dwarfing those of the Cecilia Youth, but since these ships will tend to lag behind and stay among your own ships... you don't want that to happen.

Their fighters carry twice as much ammunition.

Mounting these specialists increase maintenance costs by 150%.


II. New Stuff

- New ship

[Torpedo Destroyer] Von Luck-class Dedicated Combat Craft
by Shellster (recolored)

The Von Luck-class is a heavy torpedo boat designed to take out capital ships and stations from a safe distance. Compared to the Ruffer-class, it definitely packs much more firepower, and enough armor to stay and brawl, but it's also much slower, and thus can't easily retreat once committed to a fight! Its main feature is the pair of side-mounted torpedo tubes, loaded with G87(g) gyro-stabilized torpedoes. Though smaller than the old G87, it also has the same limited tracking as the V1 rocket! Furthermore, the ship's unique shipsystem, Load the Torpedoes! closes the bay doors, allowing the ship to reload its torpedoes at a maximum of 90 seconds for a full rack, at which point, the armored covers open again.

The system also benefits from Raketentruppe specialists - not just from increasing max torpedo ammo, but also cutting reload time by half!

- New Weapons

This update adds a whole range of weapons, rounding out, I think, the Empire's armory for most situations. To introduce a few:

by HELMUT (recolored)

The same turret as the Cosmopanther V, mounted to a medium weapon slot. Uses APHE rounds and a 3-round ready rack.

3.7cm Flakdrilling
by HELMUT (recolored)

A trio of 3.7cm FlaK cannons mounted onto one medium weapon slot. Medium range PD/Anti-fighter weapon with a mean kinetic burst.


14 light mortars (the vanilla starsector one) bolted together on one medium mount. As funny and as effective as you would expect.

...and more! Here are a few of them in action:

- New Fighters

A new feature of this update is the Kn-04 Paratrooper Plane! Instead of bombs, it drops elite Fallschirmjager Kampfer suits right in the thick of the fight, sparing them the arduous march to the front!

[Cargo Plane] Luftknecht Kn-04
by HELMUT (recolored)

[Armored Exoskeleton] Fallschirmjager / Fallschirmpanzerjager

The planes will drop a squad of 4 suits, most of which will be regular Fallschirmjager armed with FG-92 assault rifles, and some will be Fallschirmpanzerjager, armed with the Panzershreck for busting armor. You can see them in action here:

Next is the Cosmopanzer II, a light tank that comes in pairs, each armed with a 3.7cm Schlachtkanone, based on the 3.7cm FlaK. When used by the 5. Kavalleriepanzerdivision, they instead field the Ausf. L variant, which is not only faster, but also uses an upgraded 5cm Schlachtkanone, capable of using APHE ammunition.

[Light Tank] Cosmopanzer II / Cosmopanzer II Ausf. L
by Shellster (recolored)

Here they are in action:

- There are many more goodies added by this update, but you'll have to find them in-game!


III. Changes

- Changed 1 slot each of the Hoth-class Frigate and Neigl-class Destroyer from Ballistic to Composite.

- Increased the default productivity of the Munitions Forge by 1 refine cycle per day.

- Fixed up the Expansion ship models to remove some unsightly spaces.

- Set both Raketenwerfers to No Friendly Fire, so they can function as proper artillery.

- Linked the dropship hull, so its thrusters animate with the main ship, and will influence its speed if disabled.


Some of you might notice that this update is an amalgamation of Update 0.2.0 with new stuff. Big thanks to those who reached out and gave their feedback!

Please continue enjoy the mod!

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