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About this mod

Massive dialogue and event addition/edit for Sebastian, including pre-marriage and post-marriage lines and events, custom festival lines, custom bouquet/proposal lines, and so much more! Two versions, spicy for flavorful innuendo (not ghost pepper hot!) or sweet for pure romance. 15+ new unique events pre and post marriage, including mini-arcs.

Permissions and credits
  • Mandarin
Follow me on the socials for current updates, what I'm planning, or just general shenanigans!
MaggPlays on Facebook | MaggPlays on X | MaggPlays on Bluesky

Translators: the new version is i18n files, I also included a translation read me file to help you out. Please message me with any questions.

Do you love our emo geek boy Sebastian, but wish he had more character depth and WAY more lines and events? Then this is the mod for you!
Sebastian starts out as an awkward, basement-dwelling nerd who quickly develops a massive crush on the farmer. Seb matures and changes through the first year, becoming more comfortable with himself and life in general as his friendship with the farmer grows. Never quite losing his slight stutter and lack of social skill, Seb makes peace with his past and ends the first year in a strong, romantic relationship with the farmer. Your choice of spicy (flavorful but not too hot!) or sweet variations, see descriptions below.

Dialogue!! Most of the dialogue is longer than vanilla and some requires you to interact more than once to get the full dialogue lines.
  • ~150 lines of pre-marriage regular and dated dialogue, basically you'll get unique dialogue nearly every day the first year. Includes interactive questions. There are no right or wrong answers in the dialogue questions, they allow your farmer to have a bit of personality (a little sassy or sweet) and have slightly different dialogue reactions from Seb, but nothing affecting the story or friendship level.
  • Full seasonal 10-heart dialogue plus some dated lines to carry you through the second year.
  • 200+ lines of post-marriage dialogue, randomized.
  • Unique dialogue for festivals (year 1-3), bouquet/mermaid's pendant, special events like kids, Amber Island, Summit, community center, pretty much everything I could find.
  • Rain dialogue based on heart level
  • New lines for Sam, Abigail, Alex, Maru, Robin, and Demetrius to involve them in Sebastian's life.
  • Additional lines added for villagers in Seb's age group and others connected to him commenting on dating/marriage events.
  • Mod works for both female and male farmer, customized gender lines where necessary. All NPCs keep their vanilla pronouns/identities and romantic preferences (other than Sebastian of course!).
  • 11 new first-year events + a 3-part mini arc.
  • 5 new second-year (pre-marriage) events + a 4-part mini arc (Spicy version only).
  • 2 new post-marriage events (more in dev).
  • Edits to vanilla events that I felt were needed to fit the story line and vibe.

You are planning to date/marry Sebastian. If not, this mod will be very weird! Haha! This mod is structured and automatically paced through the first year with a lot of dated dialogue. None of it is required to see, but it does progress the story. Talk to Seb and his friends (especially Sam) every day if possible.
Expand to see general pacing and file recommendations.

General pacing: I’ve played the first year of this game several times and if you talk to your favorite characters frequently and give a couple of gifts a week, the friendship levels are fairly consistent.
  • Spring 0-4 hearts (especially if you get Seb to dance with you, that’s worth a lot!)
  • Summer 4-6 hearts
  • Fall 6-8 hearts
  • Winter 8-10 hearts
You can give Sebastian a bouquet at any time since it won't affect the dialogue. For story flow, I recommend asking him to be your BF in winter, after his birthday.
Don't give him a mermaid's pendant until the end of winter, year 2 if you want the full mod content and events (not required, but recommended).
Marry in year 3 and enjoy all the marriage updates! The unique dialogue will carry you through the first year, I’m planning an update adding marriage dialogue for following years.
Recommended to start a new save to see the full mod story.
However, if you don't want to start over, here are your options:
  • Dating Seb but not married: get the 10 heart dialogue and events, plus all the marriage content.
  • Married to Seb: get all the marriage content and post-marriage events depending on your heart level.
  • If you're not dating or married to Seb and want to keep your game progress
    (and aren't afraid of a little effort), use the CJB Cheats Menu (see recommended mods below) and roll back time to Spring 1, year 1. Change character friendships back to 0. It's like starting over, but you have an established farm. Note you won’t get the character introductions again or see vanilla events you’ve already seen. Use Event Repeater to "forget" the events you've seen before but want to see again (requires entering event IDs in SMAPI console, read the how-to).

There are two versions of this mod, Spicy and Sweet. Choose one or the other, not both! If you install both, I am not responsible for the strangeness that may happen!

Want a little flavor in your Stardew love life but not quite at the heat level of a few other mods out there? Is your farmer a bit of a tease? Get ready for progressively rising temperatures and shenanigans with our favorite crush!
  • 2 hearts: cute and shy conversations
  • 4 hearts: occasional conversational goofs implying innuendo, can be instigated by the farmer's choices
  • 6 hearts: some teasing, intentional light innuendo
  • 8 hearts: frequent innuendo, nothing crass, all romantic.
  • 10 hearts and marriage: blatant innuendo, some direct sexual references. Nothing crass or graphic, all healthy and romantic.
  • Occasional mild to moderate swearing, PG-13.
  • Content warning: references to past domestic violence. About the same level as the vanilla game (think Shane's 6-heart event). The conversation is very high level, no details and should not be an issue for most people.

Is it getting a little too "steamy" in here? Feeling a bit "overheated"? Curl up with your fluffy bunny slippers and enjoy your Sebby with whipped cream, sprinkles and a cherry on top!
  • Similar progression to the Spicy version but with cute, romantic references in place of the innuendo.
  • NO swearing.
  • Events are customized to play down the vanilla depression/anxiety.
  • Seb's past is modified to be less violent and he has a more neutral/positive outlook.

Expand for event triggers and details...

  • Saloon Night: 3 hearts, Saloon on Friday after 5:00.
  • Crushing: 5 hearts, Seb's room during the day.
  • New Jam: 6 hearts, Sam’s room during the day.
  • Stutter Step: 6 hearts, bus stop area, must have seen vanilla 6 heart event, Friday or Saturday after 8:00 pm. 40% chance trigger.
  • I’m Here: must have seen Stutter Step, farmer’s porch in the morning.
  • Chatterbox: 7 hearts, carpenter's shop when Robin is home, during the day.
  • Dark Clouds: must have seen Chatterbox, Mountain, after 7:00 pm.
  • Say That Again part 1 (3 part mini-arc): Beach fall 1-14, after 8 am all day. No heart requirement. (if Disable sprites is checked in the config menu, event will NOT trigger and you will have special dialogue Fall 9 instead)
  • Say That Again part 2 (3 part mini-arc): Mountain fall 15-28, after 8 am all day. Not necessary to see part 1. (if Disable sprites is checked in the config menu, event will NOT trigger and you will have special dialogue Fall 24 instead)
  • Say That Again part 3 (3 part mini-arc): Town winter 11-28, after 8 am all day. Not necessary to see part 1 or 2. (if Disable sprites is checked in the config menu, event will NOT trigger and you will have special dialogue Winter 13 instead)
  • Debugging: 8 hearts, town during the day.
  • What's Up? part 1: 8 hearts, farmer's porch, must have seen vanilla 8 heart event, 6-10:00 am, sunny.
  • What's Up? part 2: must have seen part 1, bus stop after 4:00 pm.
  • More Debugging: 10 hearts, year 2, saloon, Friday after 5:00 pm.
  • Seb in the City: must have seen vanilla 10 heart event, mountain, Monday during the day.
  • Time Machine: 10 hearts, year 2, beach during the day.
  • Steam Rising: 10 hearts, year 2, bathhouse after 5:00 pm.
  • Sappy Chef: 10 hearts, year 2, beach, summer during the day.
  • Error Code part 1 (4 part mini-arc): 10 hearts, year 2, Seb's room, fall during the day (not included in Sweet).
  • Error Code part 2 (4 part mini-arc): must have seen part 1, town (near graveyard) after 9:00 pm (not included in Sweet).
  • Error Code part 3 (4 part mini-arc): must have seen part 2, farmer’s porch, morning (not included in Sweet).
  • Error Code part 4 (4 part mini-arc): must have seen part 3, Seb's room, during the day (not included in Sweet).
  • Bats!!: 10 hearts, year 2, inside mine entrance, winter during the day.
  • More More Debugging: post-marriage, town during the day. (if No kids is checked in the config menu, dialogue is adjusted accordingly)
  • Love Dock: 12 hearts, beach, rainy during the day.

Spicy or Sweet Content: Select Sweet or Spicy, Sweet is the default (I recommend Spicy for more flavor but not too much).
Disable Magg's Seb sprites: check the box to disable my custom Seb sprites used in specific events. This will allow you to keep other character sprite mods running with this mod. If you select this option, the "Say That Again" mini-arc is converted to dialogue-only. The story is the same either way, there is just no real reason to use events for this arc without the custom sprite. See the event triggers above for more details.
Disable Child References: check the box if you're not planning to have kids in the game. This will slightly modify dialogue in one event that feels odd if you don't plan to have kids. Let's face it, some of us want to be footloose and fancy free in our digital lives! And yes, the adjusted dialogue is very cheesy, but it had to be done :D

Expand to see compatible/incompatible mods...

Fully compatible:
  • Stardew Valley Expanded and Ridgeside Village. Not tested with East Scarp, but should be compatible.
  • SVE NOTE: Sebastian’s mature event in SVE is not compatible with this storyline, either ignore it or disable mature events for SVE. If you’re playing Sweet with SVE, I’d recommend turning off mature events anyway since they are all dark and influence the mood of the game.
  • Canon Friendly Dialogue Expansion
  • Dialogue mods for characters other than Sebastian
Partially compatible:
  • DSV, Polyamory Sweet, and similar: technically compatible, however there will dialogue inconsistencies similar to vanilla. No updates are currently planned for this, it would require a major overhaul of my mod.
  • Other Sebastian-specific dialogue mods. Content Patcher prioritizes mods based on filename, this mod should override most other dialogue mods.
    Other mods might have additional lines that I haven't included, these will show but won't cause any issues. If you aren't sure, add a comment and I'll check the mod for you. For Canon Friendly Dialogue Expansion, I specifically replaced Seb's lines so there is no conflict with this mod.
Quick-check verified compatible Sebastian dialogue mods:
  • Xander's Sebastian Rework (this one uses different code for festivals and rain, I don't think it will interfere but not positive. All other dialogue is compatible)
  • Even More Dialogue - Sebastian 1.6
Co-op – I have never played co-op, it should be compatible, but some events have quite a bit of dialogue and are longer than vanilla events.

Expand to see required and recommended mods...

Content Patcher (required)
SMAPI (required)
Generic Mod Config Menu (required)
Custom Fixed Dialogue Continued (recommended, added to required list since it does enable a few dialogue lines that are tricky to replace)
Stardew Valley Expanded: great for the additional characters and dialogue, I added some vague references to some SVE characters but adding the mod is not necessary.
Mobile Phone Continued: better chance to get as much dialogue as possible, note you must be at 4 hearts to call a character. If you know how to edit mods, you can add this mod's events to the Reminisce feature for your copy. Don’t add all of them or you’ll break your phone, I know because I tried, ha!
CJB Cheats Menu: this has a ton of cheats, but the recommended ones for this mod are removing the weekly gift limit to help raise your hearts more quickly,
removing friendship decay, and setting Sebastian to 4 hearts right before the first flower dance if needed... and the infinite water can sure is nice! Be careful though, if you mess around too much with time jumping and friendship levels, your game can get wonky in my experience.
Platonic Relationships: allows friendship to progress to 10 hearts without giving a bouquet.
Platonic Partners and Friendships: set your relationship preference with all romancable characters so you can see their 10 heart events with or without the romance aspect. Set Sebastian to “Romance and Sex” to not interfere with this mod.
Three Heart Dance Partner: much easier to get Seb to dance with you for the first Flower Dance.
Note: must go to Posts tab and find the link to the updated version, it's not on Nexus. Alternatively, use the CJB Cheats Menu and bump Seb up to 4 hearts before the dance.
Just great to have:
Immersive Characters - Shane: this mod is AMAZING!! Whether or not you plan to romance Shane, I highly recommend it.
Event Repeater: can "forget" previously seen events and experience them again.
Hugs and Kisses Continued: lets you hug your friends :)
Spouses react to Player Death: old mod but still works in 1.6 as of this writing. Seb’s dialogue is again more like vanilla but it’s a great addition. I might consider adding a variation of this to my mod with dialogue that matches the tone and a slightly adjusted cutscene.
Horse Overhaul: Your horse can fit pretty much anywhere the farmer can go.
UI Info Suite: shows all kinds of cool data, including partial friendship hearts! (update is not on Nexus, download from the link)

Download the zip file, then unzip it to your mods folder. See SMAPI for more help if needed.
delete the old Magg's folder in your mods folder, then unzip the new version to your mods folder.

  • More post-marriage events, Easter Egg events
Feedback and suggestions are welcome, no guarantees I will make changes that aren’t function-break related.

Do NOT copy and re-post this mod elsewhere without requesting permission.I worked heckin' hard on this mod, it's my baby and I would hate to see it uploaded by someone who didn't do the work.
Translation: feel free to translate, try to localize the dialogue to keep the same tone. If you want to translate, the i18n version is coming soon.
Modders: feel free to use this file as an example of 1.6 formatting. If you use it as a base, please rewrite the dialogue and do not copy. Remember your high school paper writing rules :)
Streamers: feel free to stream this mod, just add a link back here for download and credit. Please message me if you decide to stream, I'm interested to watch and see reactions!

Thanks to the writers of The Only One For Me and Immersive Characters - Shane, you inspired me to write my own mod and struggle through custom maps,
sprites, and all kinds of tear-inducing code. Someday I will learn enough to set up my mod as beautifully as Immersive Shane.
Thanks to the beta testers of My Time at Sandrock, I learned what makes a good immersive character and got so many ideas from you all. BTW, My Time at Sandrock is an amazing game if you want “farming” plus action RPG.

Created and tested on Linux Garuda, tested on Steam Deck.