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About this mod

SC Controls Mapper enables mapping Star Citizen controls directly within Joystick Gremlin. No more spending hours mapping your joysticks and other devices over and over after each patch. It allows you to map all your devices once within Joystick Gremlin and avoid using the in-game keybinding mechanism.

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SC Controls Mapper is extension of Joystick Gremlin EX and adds the ability to map your devices directly to Star Citizen controls. The advantages of mapping inside Joystick Gremlin include:

  • Map everything one time without worrying about the keybinding settings in Star Citizen
  • Quickly remap controls while in-game without entering the Star Citizen menus
  • Any device available in Joystick Gremlin can be mapped to a Star Citizen control
  • All the features of Joystick Gremlin including modes, response curves, etc. are available as part of your mappings
  • Create your own profiles and share them with the community if you want
  • vJoy interfaces are always available so you can add or remove devices on-the-fly without impacting your game
  • Keep your keybindings after each patch without having to remap (hopefully :)

In the Files section, you will find the following:

  • Control Profile for Star Citizen - this is the profile you import into Star Citizen
  • T16000 / TWCS Profile - a profile for the Thrustmaster HOTAS (based on BuzzKiller's excellent layout)

Getting Started
To leverage the SC Controls Mapper, you need to install the following:

To understand how these applications work together and for great instructions on installing them, please watch the following video. You only need to watch through the configuration of HidHide, but his basic example can be helpful if you have never used Joystick Gremlin. Follow the instructions below to leverage the new "Map to Star Citizen" action include in the SC version.

Setting up SC Controls Mapper

Once you have all of these installed, follow the instructions below to get SC Controls Mapper working:

1. vJoy Setup

Star Citizen supports 100 buttons per device. In order to support mapping all the controls, five (5) vJoy devices are required to be configured. Follow the instructions from the above video to setup the first vJoy to have 100 buttons, the second vJoy to have 99, the third vJoy to have 98, etc. No hats are required. 

2. Star Citizen Setup

For the mapper to work with Star Citizen, you must import the Control Profile included in the Files section. NOTE: You may want to save your current mappings into a profile in case you want to go back to them. See the article linked below as it has instructions on how to do that.

Here are the instructions:

  • IMPORTANT: Either hide your joysticks using HidHide or unplug them while doing this setup. They should not be seen by SC. 
  • Download the layout_JG_StarCitizenMapping_X.X.X_exported.zip file to your computer. Unzip.
  • Copy this file into your Star Citizen controls directory. The default is C:\Program Files\Roberts Space Industries\StarCitizen\LIVE\USER\Client\0\Controls\Mappings. If you installed Star Citizen in a different drive (or directory), you need to find this directory there.
  • Start up Star Citizen and go to the Options menu. 
  • Choose Keybindings from top menu and then change the device to Joystick/HOTAS.
  • At the bottom, choose Advanced Controls Customization
  • Then on the bottom right, choose Control Profiles and then select "JG_StarCitizenMapping_X.X.X"
  • Finally, map the five Joysticks to vJoy #1 through vJoy #5. (ex. first Joystick to vJoy #1, second joystick to vJoy #2, etc.)

IMPORTANT: If your Profile is not working, it may be because of how Star Citizen maps vJoy devices. As of version 13.40.9-sc.6 of Joystick Gremlin SC, a new tool has been provided to assist in the process. With it, reordering can take less than two minutes. See the following article for a way to identify the correct vJoy order and then update your mapping appropriately. 

See this article from Star Citizen if you need more guidance.

3. Joystick Gremlin Profile

The final step is to create or load a Joystick Gremlin Profile. An example profile is included in the Files section for the Thrustmaster HOTAS. The profile can be stored wherever you like on your computer. It is recommended to put your profiles in the Joystick Gremlin folder automatically created on initial launch (C:\Users\<your user name>\Joystick Gremlin) .  

To create a new profile, open up Joystick Gremlin and select "File" and the "New Profile" from the menu. When creating a new profile, you need to populate the Controls Mapping field on the Settings tab for the "Mapping to Star Citizen" action to work. Set Controls Mapping to "controls_mappings\StarCitizenControlsMappings-x.x.x.json" where x.x.x is your Star Citizen version (ex. 3.22.1).

Profiles can be used even if you don't have the same devices. Use the "Modify Profile" option in the "File" menu to load up a profile. You will see a list of functions that have been mapped within the profile. From there, go through and map your devices to each option. Once completed, click Save to create your new profile. You can then load it into Joystick Gremlin and tweak it from there. A really big time saver!!

Mapping to Star Citizen Controls in Joystick Gremlin

If you are not familiar with Joystick Gremlin, please check out this webpage for how to configure it's standard features. Additionally, the SC version extends Ex so also check out it's Readme for the additional features added by it (remote control, osc support).

Before beginning your mappings, it is recommended you make "Map to Star Citizen" the default action. To do this, choose "Tools" and then "Options" from the menu. Change the default action to "Map to Star Citizen". Close the window.

To map your device to the Star Citizen controls, you'll need to connect your device so it is recognized by Joystick Gremlin. To identify a button, click the button or move the axis. Joystick Gremlin will highlight the associated control within the interface (this can be turned off in Tools... Options and then uncheck "Highlight currently used...").

Once you click on the button or axis you want to map, select Add next "Map to Star Citizen". You can select the Category and then the desired Control. Categories and Controls are taken directly from the Star Citizen keybinding menu in order to make it as easy as possible. 

Mapping Tips:
  • In order to better understand your mappings, the Action Description is automatically updated for you. However, if multiple mappings are created for a single control (one example of this is when mapping a hat), the default description will be "Multiple Actions Defined...". You can override this by adding a "Description" action and entering in your own description in the corresponding textbox. This will override any automatic updates.

  • Multiple mappings can be added to the same control. When the button or axis is used, all mappings will be fired. This can be useful when a control is used in various game modes and the action taken varies based on which one is currently being applied (mining, salvage, scanning, etc.)

  • One great feature of JoyStick Gremlin is the ability to define modes within the tool. These modes are specific to Gremlin and are enabled through one of your buttons (either toggle temporarily or switch between modes). See the Joystick Gremlin documentation for more info. There is also a great video explaining how they work - Joystick Gremlin | Modes & Switching (youtube.com)

NOTE: While you can still use the Remap and vJoyRemap actions, it is recommended that you NOT use these to map controls to the first 5 vJoys. If you do, it will likely conflict with other SC actions and create unpredictable results.
Updating for Star Citizen Patches
When Star Citizen updates to a new patch, there are often changes to the keybindings. Bindings can be moved between categories, removed, added, etc. When a new patch comes out, new files for the patch will be provided as quickly as possible (hopefully while still in the PTU). Here the steps needed to upgrade:

  • Download and install the version of Joystick Gremlin SC that supports the patch. A listing of impacted bindings should be included in the version release notes.  Take note of what has changed and whether it will impact your JG profile. 
  • Open Joystick Gremlin SC and load your profile (likely will happen automatically). Go to the Settings tab and update the Controls Mapping textbox to the latest patch version.
  • Click the "Update Profile" button. You will be prompted to save your profile. You must save for the new Controls Mappings to be applied. Your profile will be reloaded and it is now ready for use.
  • From the Files section, download the latest Star Citizen Control Profile and run the SC vJoy Remapper tool to update your controls within Star Citizen itself. 
  • You will want to double check your JG Profile against the list of binding changes to ensure all your binding will work appropriately. 

WhiteMagic for the initial Joystick Gremlin version
Muchimi for the Joystick Gremlin EX version