All mcu Suits

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Can someone please add all of the mcu suits from the first game?


  1. Princec23
    • member
    • 90 kudos
    I will likely keep porting them, but not that often. It's work... it's not extremely challenging or anything. It's just tedious. I tell people something is work, but this is what I'm talking about:

    1. Princec23
      • member
      • 90 kudos
      That's not even the entire list, for just the raimi model. There are roughly 72 files here. An average suit slot might have roughly 10 files or so.
    2. Jacketedcape198
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      That looks really complicated. I tried to just replace one of the models if the mcu suit but it turned miles into a white block lol.
    3. Princec23
      • member
      • 90 kudos
      Yeah, the models aren't compatible from the last game. It requires hex editing to just see the model. It will work just doing that, but it will just be a white model; without the loads of textures. Plus the jaw vertex group has to be removed (very easy to do).