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Ares is one of more than 15 characters, that will be part of my character paket 'Old Gods' that i will release soon!
But for now, some little facts about him first.

As one of the 12 Olympians and son of Zeus, Ares was worshiped by the mortal humans as the god of war, battlelust, courage and civil order.
He had an adulterous affair with the wife of HephaistosAphrodite. When Hephaistos lured Zeus' wife into a trap, Zeus sought help from the other Olympians and offered the goddess Aphrodite in marriage to Hephaistosif he should win a Duell with AresAphrodite agreed to the arrangment, in the belief that Ares would prevail.
Ares stormed the forge of Hephaistos, bearing arms, but was driven back by the Divine Smith with showers of flaming metal.

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