Twinkle Largo that I have just created

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From Left to Right: Twinkle Lucky Gardo and Twinkle Pink Largo


  1. Nevelenaaa
    • member
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    1. K4spa969
      • member
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      While creating a mod, SRML has a function which allows to detect if a mod is present and take ids from it. So It works like: If "twinklslime" is present, key = blalbalabalabaTWINKLE_SLIME, createlargo (key, LUCKY_SLIME, blabalabalaba)
    2. K4spa969
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      I have once done it in one of my private mods.
    3. Aleftal
      • member
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      And don't forget to add the twinkle slime appearance to the largo individually. The line
      SlimeDefinition slimeByIdentifiableId = SRSingleton<GameContext>.Instance.SlimeDefinitions.GetSlimeByIdentifiableId(Identifiable.Id.PINK_SLIME) 
      in TwinkleSlime.Main.Load()
      has shown that twinkle slime is in fact just a pink slime with some shiny effect.
      Instead, you would got a pink largo if you use the CreateLargo() in the LargoLibrary only :P

    4. szymonkulka
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      pls can u send me copy of this i swear i wont give it to anyone my discord is fiery_pony_19152 (its a randomly generated name )if u have discord can dm me the file