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I have been working on a new mod called "The Dragonborn's Bestiary". This will add a custom menu where you will be able to collect information about all the creatures you encounter in the game.This includes all creatures from base game, DLC and CC content. Coming soon!


  1. SonderBain
    • premium
    • 1,285 kudos
    Will it be possible for creature modders to add patches for this? Would be cool to see some of Mihails mods added.
    1. hoangdai94
      • member
      • 56 kudos
    2. JDTonts
      • premium
      • 6 kudos
      It will be possible to add patches for new creatures and creature replacer mods. Like Mihail's Hawk, Bone Hawk, Tern and Bone Colossus replacers. Or 4thUnknown's Flame Atronach SE, Spriggans SE and Trolls SE.
  2. shazdeh2
    • premium
    • 79 kudos
    The UI is so clean, I love it!
  3. TheSurpriser
    • member
    • 8 kudos
    so awesome
  4. Neputizing1122
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I'm a sucker for collecting lore and info on the various fauna and enemies of various games. I'm happy to see that skyrim will get its own version as well :>
  5. SkjoldBjorn
    • premium
    • 161 kudos
    Nice one, this is great and it makes sense.
  6. TorinCollector
    • supporter
    • 3 kudos
    That looks awesome!

    In the old Bestiary-mod, a small attack bonus is given after researching the beasts. Maybe you can incorporate something similar her (i. e. like +10 % damage after killing 50 beasts of a kind)
    1. TheAetherialRamones
      • member
      • 6 kudos
      Oh that's a great idea but I imagine this might not be easy. Separate enemies by classes and classify if they're animal or monster, dragon or draugr, skeleton or giant, steel for humans or silver for monsters. 

      Still just the bestiary is more than enough for me.
  7. WeelBones
    • member
    • 48 kudos
    Why this wasn't in the vanilla game since the beginning? Looks like cut content haha, good job, really well done
  8. DefinitelyNotNoah
    • premium
    • 86 kudos
    I cant wait!