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About this video

It's my second mod-versery! I published my first proper mod for Skyrim at the end of June 2020. I thought I'd make a little video to showcase the progress I've made these past 2 years.

For those of you thinking you'd like to start making your own mods, but then discarding the idea because it's "too hard", please consider that 2 years ago I started not knowing a single thing about programming... or about making mods... or really having any traditionally useful skill or background in the field. If a dumb-dumb like me managed to get it done, literally anyone can do so too!

It's obviously quite the initial challenge, but after some time things just start falling into place and one bit of knowledge leads to the next. Now I get to enjoy all the mods I ever wanted to play with, and what's even better, I get to share them with you! The modding community is quite nice and helpful (you know, for the most part) so reaching out for help at the start of your modding endeavours will more often than not end up in collaborations or even nice friendships.

This is just "Year 1 Overview", there will be a part 2 pretty soon, which of course ends with the upcoming mod "College of Winterhold - Quest Expansion".

Enjoy the mods and take care!
- Jay


  1. jayserpa
    • premium
    • 8,055 kudos
    Did someone say Part 2?

    Year 3, here we come!
  2. invinoveritas99
    • premium
    • 14 kudos
    Love your mods mate; got quite a few of them in my LO at all times. You're very prolific for just 2 years of making them!
  3. AliasNick
    • supporter
    • 4 kudos
    Congrats and thank you, I really enjoy your mods!
  4. darksynth0
    • premium
    • 38 kudos
    Congrats mate!
    You rock!
  5. SigynX1
    • premium
    • 67 kudos
    Thank you for all of your mods! Happy 2 years! :)
  6. IProZacI
    • premium
    • 2 kudos
    2 years of amazing mods. It's impossible for me to make a mod list without you popping up several times.
  7. LordPhoenix82nd
    • premium
    • 35 kudos
    You make some of the best mods for Skyrim ever. Thanks for your hard work <3
  8. a1racer
    • premium
    • 13 kudos
    I generally use several of your mods every play through specially the whiterun tower not starting broken that’s probably one of the best mods made. Same with the headhunter mod and Skyrim’s got talent I love to torture town npc with my bad playing. 

    if you want an idea for a mod the cybil stentor mini quest where you clear wolfskull cave and she goes to sleep permanently would be a nice mini quest to expand.  
  9. LordMithro
    • premium
    • 97 kudos
    Thank you for sharing your modding journey. Quite impressive. I know you've improved my load order greatly (and I'm sure other load orders as well) and I look forward to what comes next. You have my thanks and appreciation. 
  10. Beba
    • supporter
    • 127 kudos
    Congrats on your mod making anniversary. I really love your mods, so I just want to say thank you for your work and also encouragement . Take care and keep it coming.
  11. CelebrateLife
    • premium
    • 141 kudos