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By popular vote, I'm starting up my third animation series "Goetia", which will be revolving around the mage/witch archetypes, and overhauling magic and casting animations while going for a darker character personality than "Vanargand".


  1. Flamed84
    • premium
    • 4 kudos
    Your animations are just awesome. Thank you for not stopping and doing the full set - can't wait for the Mage types to pair with Leviathan and Vanargand through CATA and DAR.
  2. RufiohMagnusSeptim
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    You're cool. Thank you for your amazing mods, this looks great :)
  3. ArchAngelAries
    • premium
    • 32 kudos
    Totally getting LOU2 vibes from her running. Great work as always!
  4. WealthAndTaste
    • supporter
    • 24 kudos
    Your animations are very nice, I've been using a lot of them, but here I'm noticing something with the walking animation, it looks like there is a few moments where the character's center doesn't seem to be shifted quite enough forward, it sometimes looks a bit odd when looking from the side. If you could adjust it so the body is just slightly more forward, it would look even better
  5. Corvinus18
    • premium
    • 76 kudos
    Soooo, it goes like this.
    Heavy = Leviathan
    Light = Vanargand
    Mage = Goetia.

    Dont know how you come with this names, but they are really cool.
  6. killercrazy1101
    • supporter
    • 1 kudos
    Just an idea/suggestion but have you thought of adding all these walking running  animations in 1 mod and use something conditional armor types I think that would be really cool. also awesome job on this :)
    1. Mur4s4me
      • premium
      • 725 kudos
      This is already done. They made CATA as a framework and all their animation series have a version for CATA in them.
  7. FreyjaDragonbane
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    Yesssss I'm so excited for this!!
  8. TheAvatarV
    • premium
    • 27 kudos
    Perfect now I have something for my characters who don’t wear armor. I was using your CATA and have been using leviathan and vanargrand plus cat walk animation. 
  9. KingstonPrince7
    • member
    • 32 kudos
    release it... now! I want it haha
    1. Verolevi
      • premium
      • 7,156 kudos
      Haha this is only the beginning!
  10. TieflingGrimoire
    • premium
    • 60 kudos
    Ahhhhh this is so exciting!!! Your animations are always so lovely!!! <3
    1. Verolevi
      • premium
      • 7,156 kudos
      Hey much appreciated! Thank you for the kind words. ^^