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Commander Shrekard

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About this mod

Experience the Companions questline from the other side and join the Silver Hand.

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Any noble warrior would welcome the chance to join one of the most illustrious bands of warriors: The Companions. However, after rising through the ranks, you find out they’re werewolves! Is your hero conflicted to be forced to work with glorified Daedra worshippers? Shouldn't there be a worthy alternative to becoming a beast? Well, now there is.

  • Join the Silver Hand, a now fully realized faction in Skyrim. Meet new NPCs who have unique dialogue and offer training and other services.
  • Use new armor and silver weapons, including skyforged variants at the end of the questline.
  • Hunt werewolves either on your own or by accepting radiant quests. Turn in their pelts to progress the story and rank up within the faction.
  • Take the fight to the Companions or work to cure them, changing the factions based on your choices.
  • Take refuge in Driftshade, edited to aid player needs.

How it Works:
Simply head over to Driftshade Refuge to join. A suspicious new recruit to the Companions can also guide you. Alternatively, join the Companions. When Farkas first transforms in Dustman's Cairn, you'll be given a choice. All other events and features occur naturally through play.
To progress in the Silver Hand, you must turn in werewolf pelts. It is not that many, so one-three radiant quests (depending on which ones you do) will activate the next quest after you turn in the pelts from the werewolves you kill.

Current Development Progress:
The mod is currently in a "half completed" state, meaning that if you join the Silver Hand, you have a fully complete experience. Even that portion of the mod could use some cleaning and bonus features, but it is a complete experience nonetheless.
You currently can NOT join the Companions and progress normally. That is what I am currently working on, as well releasing bugs as I can fix them. The progress on this large update is below:
  • Make quests edits to existing quests to respect the player refusing the beastblood or helping the Silver Hand
  • Add "replacement" quests for when the player rejects the beastblood and refuses to attack Driftshade Refuge
  • Add quest to replace Aela's generic radiant quests that attack the vanilla generic Silver Hand.
  • Recode remaining radiant quests to work
General Planned Features:
  • Fix bugs and listen to feedback (any suggestions are appreciated)
  • Make changes above to the Companions questline so the player can still join them and still experience the mod's content
  • Add in voiced dialogue
  • Implement some sort of sparring/coaching mechanic on both sides. Learn skills by action, not gold.
  • Edit some dialogue
Known Bugs/Issues:
  • Currently the Companions questline is broken. If you join them, you NEED to defect or else it's going to become incompletable at some point. 
  • When doing the werewolf hunting quests, the beasts can sometimes spawn in weird places, and can either kill everything near them, or die to them.
  • Werewolves killed while transforming will die partially transformed before reverting back. This is a vanilla bug and is purely visual.
  • A new game is most consistent in getting the mod to work. If you start mid-game, some changes may not take effect.
  • Because heavy edits to the Companions questline are necessary to make my mod function smoothly, any mod that also edits the Companions and their questline is 99.999% likely to be incompatible. Use those mods at your own risk. At the very least, load mine after.
  • Anything that edits the Silver Hand or their bases may technically be compatible since I use custom NPCs, but it could lead to oddities.

How do I join the Silver Hand?
You may either progress in the Companions questline, at which point in Dustmans Cairn you can defect, or you can travel directly to Driftshade Refuge to join up. The scout in Whiterun or any other member of the Silver Hand will point you in the right direction.

Will this work with "Other Companions Mod?"
Almost certainly not.

Can I join the Companions and not become a werewolf?
Currently, no. If you join the Companions and try to do the vanilla questline, it's going to break at some point. I am currently working on this. Once finished, you can join them, become a werewolf but try to work with the Silver Hand to be cured, reject the beastblood and help them to cure the Companions, or fully embrace the beastblood and progress in a vanilla-like way.

If I side with the Silver Hand, can I defect to the Companions?

How many pelts do I need to turn in to do the next story quest?
Three pelts
If the next quest does not start, it is bugged out, which is most likely a scripting issue.

Big thanks to NordWarUA, Billyro, and Drunkenzealot for either allowing me to use their armor and weapon textures, or just having open permissions. All models and original textures belong to the respective author. I made minor edits to Billyro's weapon textures, but all the others are untouched:
Unplayable Faction Armors - NordWarUA
Baltimore Weapons - Billyro
Galanterie - Billyro
Fenrir Blades - Billyro
Drunkenzealot's somewhat historically accurate weapons - Drunkenzealot

Shill Section:
Also be sure to check out my other mods if you want more new experiences:
Destroy the Thieves Guild - SE - Destroy the Thieves Guild and get the relevant look in new ways.
Destroy the Dark Brotherhood - Enhanced - Destroy the Dark Brotherhood without dealing with the Empire, and obtain the unique loot in new ways.