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Sthaagg Memnochs

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About this mod

New version from scratch. Fully customizable backup manager, including: backup protection script, rotation system, interval backup, new automatic triggers, new immersive ways to save, presets, and more…

Permissions and credits
Skyrim Save System
Skyrim Save System Overhaul 3 (SSSO3) is a complete overhaul of the save system. It is intended to completely replace the game's original save system. It includes a preset system to help you configure it with ease.

Do yourself a favor: don't mix the save management between SSSO3 and the base game system.

This is a new and improved version of SSSO, entirely rebuilt from scratch. It is therefore not compatible with and strongly discouraged from updating from SSSO2 or SSSO1.

This mod has been tested for months, by several people, and all problems detected during this period have been corrected.

Features included:

  • Save Shield: Delay the save when it is risky (configurable in the MCM)
  • Timed Save: Save at regular intervals to keep your progress safe
  • Named Save: Set a name to your save to be able to find it later easily.
  • Automatic Event Save: Save when selected game events occur
  • Immersive Manual Save: Save when player do selected action.
  • Load Menu: MCM includes a full load menu to let you pick your save easily (can be opened by long press on SSSO quick load shortcut)
  • Rotating System: Keep all your saves nice, clean, and organized by character.
  • Hardcore Mode: Deeply alters how Skyrim save works to make the game more challenging (fully optional).
  • Pause game after loading: Always, Only in Combat

For detailed description, read below.

Installation instruction

  • Install requirement (Pay attention to your game version)
  • Put the mod anywhere in your load order
  • Set the player ID to be able to enable the mod (read below)
  • Configure key
  • If you don't want to bother, select Vanilla+ profile (Mod will work roughly the same as Vanilla autosave + Save Shield + Timed Save)
  • Enjoy
IMPORTANT:Campfire user:  SSSO3 must overwrite Campfire files
Go To Bed and Campfire user: you must use my patch and let it win conflict

Set The Player ID

Skyrim SE/AE save profiles are a little tricky to work with, so these steps are extremely important to allow this mod to work properly with that system and allow you to manage multiple character saves with no risk to any of them.

If you use non-Latin characters or characters not supported by your file system (e.g., < or >) or if the protection system still fails to validate your name after making sure there are no other errors, use the "Bypass Check" option.

  • Run the game, as normal.
  • Perform a save, as normal.
  • Quit the game.
  • Open your save game folder. All the saves will have a string of numbers, as shown below:

  • Go to the "SSSOConf" folder (in the installation folder for this mod) and create a duplicate of the "playerid.txt" file.
  • Rename this duplicate file - it needs to be the EXACT same name as your character in game (e.g.: Groin the Pig.txt if your character name is Groin the Pig).
  • If you need to use the "Bypass Check" option mentioned above, name the duplicate file "bypass.txt" instead.
  • Open the file and replace "noset" with the ID you located above, as shown below:


        "information" : {
            "ID" : "A942CE63_0_47726F696E2074686520706967"
  • Save the file and close.

Detailed description

Save Shield:

  • Will not save your game when it is either risky or annoying. For example, the game will not save automatically during cell transitions (doors), while being hit, casting a spell, stabbing a bandit, shooting an arrow or bolt, blocking, jumping around, and so forth.
  • Avoids saving when in a combat state or when you are moving at high speeds. It's kind of implied in the first point, but if you are in combat, the game will not automatically save. In addition, since it is generally unsafe to be moving at high speeds in the game, it won't save then either. These two conditions relax slightly as more time goes on between saves, however, because at some point “typically unsafe” becomes more safe than never saving at all.
  • Defers saving during other situations what would or should not allow it. This includes things like active dialog, crafting, TFC-mode screenshot modes, or animations like firewood chopping or using other furniture. These states are detected by the script and, instead of saving when the timer comes up, will wait until those situations are concluded (done talking, for example), and then save the game.
  • Force-deactivates all vanilla autosave settings. This excludes the mod's own autosaving, of course, but otherwise removes the vanilla autosave options to keep your save game list cleaner. At the same time, it also prevents known problems with some scripted autosave moments in the game, such as entering Apocrypha in the Dragonborn DLC.
  • Warn you if your save score is too low.

Everything is configurable in the MCM, so you can choose to bypass certain tests if, for one reason or another, they cause issues with your setup and block saving.
However, if certain situations cause too much instability, you can prevent the mod from saving at that moment, even if the interval has expired.

Timed Save:

Saves will be performed at the interval selected in the MCM. If the save shield is triggered, they will be delayed until it is safe to save. To integrate saves as seamlessly as possible, they are triggered when the character is at idle.
Of course, a timer is there to perform the save anyway if the player never stops within this interval.

Named Save:

Allows you to easily name your save. These saves are never included in the rotation system. It's a convenient way to create a checkpoint to resume your adventure and make a different choice.

Automatic Event Save

In addition to timed save, Automatic Event Save feature let you choose many other events to triggers an auto save.

Immersive Manual Save

SSSO3 proposes a new layer of immersion by seamlessly integrating new ways to save. Useful for role-playing or hardcore mode.

Rotating System

Set the number of saves you want to keep and forget about it. This will help keep your game healthy (Skyrim doesn't like it when you have too many saves) and save disk space.

You can decide to only rotate automatic save or manual. Don't forget that “Named Save” will never be included in the rotation system, so even if you enable it for both, you can still keep an important checkpoint.

Hardcore Mode:

This mode was originally created to block my tendency to spam saves in dangerous situations. This is still the case here, but it has been greatly improved over the version included in the 2 previous iterations of SSSO.

I'm not a Milk Drinker! :  this mode let you load only the last save from any type to compare with modern game, it is the equivalent to restart from last checkpoint except that you can create your “own checkpoint”.
It will not block you to use save just right before doing a risky move, but you can't use save like a Wayback Machine.

Let me be a True Hero!: this mode let you load last save from any type but will quit when you use the save key (prevent save spam), again it is like a modern game who works with checkpoint only (think about GTA-like or horizon series, except you don't need to go to your room / campfire to save your very last progression before quitting).

I'm a Legend!: This mod is a bit different, it will load only the checkpoint you create by using immersive save, save spam is blocked.
If you die or want to restart something, you “lose” time, so it forces you to be more careful.
Again, if you think about GTA-like, it is the same when you fail a mission, you must restart from the beginning, this mode works roughly the same (all automated save are used as safety net in case your game crash, or you really do a big mistake that worth to rollback)

The mod include a way to reload a save if needed, you just need to delete the file named YourCaracter__SaveStamp.json under SSSOConf (inside your mod installation folder or overwrite in MO2).

All the members of Lexy's Legacy of the Dragonborn community who helped me test this project for months (yes, months, that's not a typo).
In particular, I'd like to thank:
Hidden Paw
Casnissa Lulu

MrNeverLost for his MCM framework and his help to understand how to use it and JContainer properly.
Axonis for the excellent old SafeAutosave for Classic skyrim (this mod was the original idea)