Detailed LOD draw distance

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Sheson recently discovered a brand new LOD system implemented in Skyrim SE. It basically solves all the old game's ugrids issues. You can now set a parameter in your ini file that draws all medium and large objects at full detail for the specified distance, without drawing small objects and grasses that you wouldn't be able to see anyway, and without loading NPCs and scripts for all those extra cells. It means gorgeous draw distances at almost zero fps cost!

uLargeRefLODGridSize=11       <--- change this value to 21.

Quick image to compare 11 to 21 values. The distance extends well beyond the mountains though :)


  1. SourFaced
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    Ok i tried out .Not really noticed a big change.Only thing i noticed with 8GB Vram that my loading screen got noticable prolonged.Got only 3 textures mods installed SMIM -Skyland overhaul and Flora overhaul and my game is already full of statterings.So i cant tell as other says it made they game more stattering while turning in the game.But was worth to try out.Not a big change what cant be rolled back without destroying consequences.
    1. KingstonPrince7
      • member
      • 32 kudos
      That's because your PC is asking you to let her breath while you're choking it with those 8GB VRAM, pal
    2. SourFaced
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      I dont really think im choking it when GTA 5 im playing on full grafics without any stutter.The engine of the game with the memory leak is really frustrating .When the more complicated and grafically more advanced games running better on my comp like this game it says something about this game what is more than 10 + years old and still runs as s#*! on more than 5 generations i upgraded my PC. :D
  2. xrayy
    • premium
    • 383 kudos
    uLargeRefLODGridSize= 9 (11, 21, even up to 29 for distant rocks and waterfalls) do not confuse this with ugridstoload=5 (7,9) setting!
    both settings are important and especially ugridstoload change has an impact on performance, stability and gameplay (quest and event triggers).
    your hardware (cpu, gpu, ram, vram) is also a limiting factor.

    if you own capable rig you can try udridstoload=7 (in any case not more)and uLargeRefLODGridSize=21 or 25.
    i play with 7 and 29 and 4k settings on a rtx4080. works without any instability and many mods.
    make a backup and an extra save before you experiment with these settings. a save with ugrids=7 will not run with ugrids=5 settings!
  3. bajsrump
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    I see no uLargeRefLODGridSize=11 in that ini file : (
    1. PrizrakSKYRIM
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Make sure its Prefs.ini  
      Then press Ctrl+F and type ularge and press next. It will find it for u
  4. kitschykitsch
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    looks amazing. mine was on 5 lol idk why...
  5. Gabrieljun1993
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    dont change to 21 your gpu will cry i have rtx 3070 and from 80 fps at 1440p with enb it drow to 30 fps so i dont recomand
    1. Trippill
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Lol thank you I was just about to try this with the same setup
    2. Dreifels
      • member
      • 214 kudos
      I run it fine with uLargeRefLODGridSize=21 and NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2070 SUPER (8 GB Vram) for years. No excessive much Vram usage, most time below 4 GB. Constant 60 FPS (as my screen and Skyrim SSE default maximum)
  6. collynpc
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I can't tell which image is supposed to be better
  7. vamosbn
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    RIP fps . creo que es por la falta de vram... tengo 4gb vram.
  8. IconicDeath
    • premium
    • 1,067 kudos
    This was the cause of fps stuttering for me whenever I moved the camera slightly fast.
    1. TKHBMVP
      • premium
      • 93 kudos
      You should have a graphics card with at least 6GB VRAM.
    2. IconicDeath
      • premium
      • 1,067 kudos
      I do.
    3. TKHBMVP
      • premium
      • 93 kudos
      You need some fine tuning of your inis and perhaps terrain textures not higher as 2kb
    4. IconicDeath
      • premium
      • 1,067 kudos
      Might as well just use DynDOLOD then, less hassle then testing thousands of small ini tweaks.
  9. GreeneBeast
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    Doesn't work for me. Could it be because of the mods I use?
    1. TKHBMVP
      • premium
      • 93 kudos
      It can be, as you need additional tweaks and matching LOD especially to see the objects on far distance

  10. Ynitcher
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Why does uLargeRefLODGridSize=11 look so good on your footage? I get bitmap trees 30 m away from me and no gras only pops in when I,m near to it. Water also gets a quality bump only when I get near.
    1. DigitalisVulpes
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      As he said in the description this only affects medium and large objects, not grass. Pretty sure he's including trees with the grass as well. I feel your pain though. If you find an easy way to generate grass and trees so they're not popping in a dozen metres away let me know. I'd recommend you use the bigger trees mod. It still has the same problem but the the change is the least noticeable I've ever seen so unless you're looking right at it waiting for it to happen you barely notice.
    2. TKHBMVP
      • premium
      • 93 kudos
      You need additional tweaks to show objects in far distance too and matching LOD for landscape and mountains as well trees.