City Of Ants

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Des millions d'esclaves animés par un cerveau collectif malsain, jetés dans la fournaise du grand capital.... l'obscurantisme fait lumière.
Réseaux d'influences, trafics en tout genres, corruption à tout les étages sont la norme en vigueur.... le vice propulsé au rang de vertu.
Une mégalopole froide et sans âme, symbole d'un genre humain en totale déliquescence où seul une poignée de charognards règne.... sans partage.

Image tirée de la démo du jeu DYSTOPIKA


  1. clauDA
    • member
    • 239 kudos

    Hello my friend. A personal question: I am a big fan of
    Jean-Christophe Grangé. I've read all the books and seen all the films.
    I particularly like your French series "Les Rivières pourpres". Better than the American crap.
    I've heard that it's going to be cancelled, which I would very much regret. Is that right?
    Our news is not always right.
    1. clauDA
      • member
      • 239 kudos
      I also like: "Black Spot - Zone Blanche"
    2. dEliRiUmDiGit
      • member
      • 31 kudos
      Hi Claudia,

      I checked and unfortunately I confirm. Season 4 ended in October 2022 for TV audience questions ( always the same old story, whether the show is good or not, if it doesn’t bring money, it’s over). Moreover Olivier Marchal and Erika Sainte will not resume their role and there is little chance for France2 to produce a season 5.
      Have a nice day anyway.
    3. clauDA
      • member
      • 239 kudos
      Oh, damn. I liked those two. I'll have to find something new. Too bad, it was good.
      Thanks for the info. Have a great weekend.
  2. clauDA
    • member
    • 239 kudos
    ... interesting, very interesting. Thanks for sharing. I'm currently dissatisfied with a lot of mainstream games
    and mentally underwhelmed, so I'm always looking for games I can appreciate.

    I have something great too, part 1 "Cloudpunk" was good. The sequel "Nivalis" is going to be great. I think so anyway.
    All the best. your C.

    1. dEliRiUmDiGit
      • member
      • 31 kudos
      Yep, I get it. I also find that many so-called mainstream games are similar and not worth it, especially when you see all the fuss that is made of them. This story with Bethesda and its rotten update really did me a favor, I played more games in a month than during the whole year that just passed. I discovered lots of games and my wishlist almost doubled.
      Cloudpunk, I think I saw it in a video a few years ago but at the time maybe I wasn’t too careful, thanks for the reminder. Nivalis looks good too. Two more games in my wishlist. I took a lot of fun playing Fallout or Skyrim but finally I played too much and I missed a lot of good games less bling-bling but just as interesting if not more. And then the buddies are there to share their discoveries, thank you.

      Have a nice weekend.