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About this video

Much awaited first 7 players footage but sadly did not much footage of the "Higher Mob Density" mod that was tested in this game (does NOT
affect boss fights). As you can see from the FPS overlay, FPS dips are
very severe even for higher end systems and this after the recent patch
that improved performance even more.

Contrary to popular believe that having more players make the game so
much easier, the built in 4 player scaling is very difficult. This
winning gameplay was after failing with 3 times with 5-7 players but
this was before the latest patch which nerfs the player dmg scaling even

Mini guide for using the mod:
16 player version used (but only up to 8** can actually spawn and play).
Only the host needs the mod files. Highly recommended to wipe the party
whenever you need to spawn players AND only 1 player alive when
changing maps. We find this to be the very best way to avoid further
issues. Basically, find a crystal and wait for the checkpoint
notification to appear then have everyone drink the skull potion
(fastest). With this we can safely spawn the full 7 players in a single

Recommended to use the "Steam join lobby link" (guide here: as
sessions can get randomly invalidated when more than 3 players are in
the game (probably the session errored out and got invalidated). Meaning
no one can see the session in a join game list nor can your friends on
Steam use the "join game" feature. Host restarting the game resolves it
but will still happen after awhile

16 player version used from here