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Song used: "Death and the Maiden" by Clogs


  1. ista3
    • premium
    • 1,118 kudos
    Always such super productions from you Karna :))
    1. Karna5
      • premium
      • 304 kudos
      You're so kind, my dear friend. Thanks a million! :)
  2. cormell
    • premium
    • 338 kudos
    Looks like Fable was pretty drunk in the first part, but I imagine she managed to play through the set. A nice ride through the snow, but you really need to buy her a winter coat.
    1. Karna5
      • premium
      • 304 kudos
      Hello, my friend! Sadly the half hour I recorded of Fable playing after chugging far too much moonshine didn't record. The film corrupted. So what I'd intentionally meant to be a whole film in the Moonshiners Shack ended up transitioning to the outside. As for a winter coat, you probably didn't notice, but I can't even get Fable to wear shoes, haha. I don't think she's worn shoes in the whole last year, and as you know, Red Dead Online has weather impact on the characters! :)
  3. Culuf
    • premium
    • 183 kudos
    Nice somber music video
    I haven't played in a little while because those "hackers" (I like to call them trainer pants) were getting annoying
    1. Karna5
      • premium
      • 304 kudos
      Hello, my friend! Sorry to hear about your troubles! I've kinda had the opposite problem. I played a few hours today wandering around digging up treasures and collectibles, and a stranger came up and started waving and dancing hello and trying to be very friendly. I felt bad about it, but as there's no chat feature I felt uncomfortable and logged out *Laughs*

      p.s. I did wave back a couple of times, but that wasn't enough for him, haha, so I left.
  4. blu377
    • supporter
    • 189 kudos
    I'm still very much alive
    1. Karna5
      • premium
      • 304 kudos
      *Laughs* Best comment ever, and I'm so happy for it! :)