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How to install jedijosh920's Trainer for RDR 2.

ScritpHookRDR2 Download Link:

jedijosh920's Trainer Download Link:


- Uses Alexander Blade's Script Hook RDR2 SDK

- Full controller support

- Responsive menu controls

- Native menu design that stays true to the game's original UI and art design

- Compatible with all resolutions and game versions

- Open menu with F5 on keyboard (configurable in .ini) or R1 + Right D-Pad on controller

- Change menu colors, make it your own

- Many features, with more to come in future updates

- Play as any NPC with full dialogue support for greeting and antagonizing, dead eye, all outfits, etc.

- Zombies and Riot Mode

Includes these features as of version 1.0:

Animation Options

- Animation Player

- Play Custom Animation

- Play Animation scenario

- Use Nearby Scenario/Animation

- Warp To Nearby Scenario/Animation

- Stop Animation & Tasks

- Stop Animations & Tasks Immediately

Audio Options

- Play Ambient Speech

- Play Music Event

- Play Frontend Sounds


- Spawn Bodyguard

- Bodyguard Options

- Recruit Nearby Ped as Bodyguard

Camera Options

- Free Camera

- Static Camera

- Point at Player Camera

Player Options

- Invincibility

- Infinite Dead Eye

- Infinite Stamina

- Never Wanted

- Fill Player Cores

- Give Money

- Bounty Options

- Honor Options

- Change Player Model

- Change Player Appearance

- Playing as NPC Mod

- Clean Player

- Player Ped Scale

- Everyone Ignores Player

- Super Jump

- Super Run

- Kill Player

- Drunk Ragdoll

- DIsable Ragdoll

Weapon Options

- Give Weapon

- Give All Weapons

- Remove All Weapons

- Drop Current Weapon

- Infinite Ammo

- No Reload

- Fire Ammo

- Explosive Ammo

- One Hit Kill

- Lightning Strike Gun

- Teleport Gun

- Gravity Gun

- Instant Dismemberment Gun

- Shrink Gun

- Revive Gun

- Delete Gun

- Soul Stealer Gun

Teleport Options

- Locations

- Teleport To Waypoint

- Teleport In Front

- Custom Teleport

- Noclip

World & Game Options

- Display Options

- Time Options

- Population Options

- Weather Options

- Unlockables

- Snow Coverage Type

- Disable Gravity

- Disable Invisible New Austin Sniper

- Clear Area


- Zombie Generator

- Riot Mode

Ped Options

- Ped Spawner

- Delete All Ambient Peds

- Delete All World Peds

Transport Options

- Player Horse Options

- Horse Spawner

- Vehicle Spawner

Object Options

- Object Spawner

Misc Options

- Skyfall

- Drink Beer

- Play as Naked Sadie

- Play as RDR1 John

- Play as Jimmy Hopkins

- Play as The Man with No Name

Menu Options

- Menu Notifications

- Menu Sounds

- Menu Color

- View Credits

Debug Options

- Log Player Coordinates

- Log Gameplay Camera Coordinates

- Log Running Game Scripts

- Log Ped Spawner Positions

- Log Object Spawner Positions

- Task Play Anim Test

- Get Aimed Target Model

Join the official Red Dead Redemption 2 Modding Discord for the latest information about Red Dead Redemption 2 PC mods:


  1. Alenghtr
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    How do I open the trainer menu?
    1. MrSythe01
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      F5 on PC and R1 + Right D-Pad on controller
  2. skxkxkxkss
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    the link is old so its now invalid so pls send a nsw inv link
  3. flffelef
    • member
    • 0 kudos
  4. PirateJim22
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    i cant even figure out how to download the fucking mod and i already wanna blow my brains out
    1. Woulflazer
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      When you enter the discord channel scroll all the way down on the left side until you see "#rdr2trainer". Click that and you can download it.
  5. cormell
    • premium
    • 338 kudos
    Does this Trainer have a Save Map or Save Database capability to save objects you have spawned?