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This user's image description contains 1 images. Some authors like to showcase more of their work in their image descriptions or use the image description to provide a storyboard for the image provided.

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  1. cormell
    • premium
    • 338 kudos
    Fantastic. I hope you will enjoy this game as much as I do. I will look forward to lots and lots of wonderful pictures.
    1. Stavetskaya
      • premium
      • 735 kudos
      Thanks a ton, my friend!
      Well, I get started, but can't figure out where do the game store that screenshots))) First time I upload some to Social Club, and then download them to my PC... But thats a weird way to get them))) Any advice?))) 
    2. cormell
      • premium
      • 338 kudos
      I don't know anything about the Social Club and don't want to know anything about the Social Club.

      For screen shots I use the Nvidia GeForce Experience screen capture. You can select whatever hot key you want. The images end up in C:\Users\user [your name -- user is default]\Pictures\Videos\Red Dead Redemption 2  --- or look under Documents\Pictures\Videos for RDR2 folder. And I highly recommend using GeForce Experience for graphics "tweaking." It used to be called Ansel and you will hear some people refer to that name.

      Another storage method is from Steam. Go to Steam, Settings, In-Game, and select whatever hot key you want for screen shots. They end up in  C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\userdata\74760337\760\remote\1174180\screenshots --- The actual folder numbers will be different for you. But look at the folders under Steam\userdata and remote until you find the RDR2 screenshots.

      If you use ReShade, the screen shots will be in your main RDR2 directory.

      I will be happy to help with any additional questions -- especially if my English didn't make this clear.
    3. FastBlackCat
      • premium
      • 315 kudos
      I'm really excited to see you playing RDR2, Mila.   RDR2 is my top favorite game ever, hope you like it as much as Cormell and I do.

      I do what Cormell does as far as screenshots, although I don't use the NVidia graphics much.  If you bought the game through Steam, you can just use the Steam screenshot key (which is what mostly I do).  I took a look at where the screenshots are for using Social Club, and it seems to be an unnecessarily complicated way of getting them onto your computer (probably because they want you to have to visit the Social Club).  This is the article I found here.
    4. Stavetskaya
      • premium
      • 735 kudos
      Thanks a million, Laird and Pat! Well, that's a tricky thing, I see))) I have Steam version and nVidia Experience too! Will try both ways to get the decent screenshots to you, folks! 
    5. BlLLthecat
      • supporter
      • 69 kudos
       I know I'm late to this thread and a fourth wheel lol, but I just have to say thanks to cormell and FastBlackCat for this awesome information!

      And thank you to Stavetskaya for such wonderful pics and making this thread possible! You were taking beautiful shots right when you started!

      I was using Social Club and maxed out my 200 pic limit, and then started using the snipping tool to get more screens saved! HAha. 
      Thanks to you guys, I figured out how to get the social club pictures on my pc, and use a much better method to save pictures!

      Really appreciate all the beautiful work ya'all do. Maybe I can do better now! :-) Hope it's ok to post this here. Cheers!
    6. cormell
      • premium
      • 338 kudos
      np. glad to help.
    7. FastBlackCat
      • premium
      • 315 kudos
      You're most welcome, Billy.
  2. Bernt
    • premium
    • 382 kudos
    Congrats on the upgrade. I know this game is demanding. But it also incredibly beautiful
    1. Stavetskaya
      • premium
      • 735 kudos
      Oh, yes! It is hold me tight and now I'm actively playing RDO)
  3. deleted59770151
    • account closed
    • 88 kudos
    Congrats on the upgrade, Mila.
    Nice shots.
    1. Stavetskaya
      • premium
      • 735 kudos
      Many many thanks, my friend!
  4. Ashnur
    • premium
    • 282 kudos
    Congrats for your gpu upgrade MIla! \o/
    Have fun in this very cool game!
    1. Stavetskaya
      • premium
      • 735 kudos
      Thank you so much, Max!
  5. arghTease
    • premium
    • 209 kudos

    1. Stavetskaya
      • premium
      • 735 kudos
      Thank you so much!
  6. xrayy
    • premium
    • 384 kudos
    congratulations! upgrading to 3060 is a good decision. i did my upgrade last year in august. happy gaming with RDR2 and many other games!
    1. Stavetskaya
      • premium
      • 735 kudos
      Thanks a million)
  7. Astra2000
    • premium
    • 165 kudos
    Looking cool dear Mila!!! 
    1. Stavetskaya
      • premium
      • 735 kudos
      Thank you very much! 
  8. ista3
    • premium
    • 1,118 kudos
    Looking excellent Mila :))
    1. Stavetskaya
      • premium
      • 735 kudos
      I try my best, dear! Thanks a lot)
  9. horodeski
    • member
    • 15 kudos
    Wow beautiful, Mila!!! I'm happy for you! Haha unfortunately my 2080 burnt :(( I'm waiting for the warranty answer. No games for a while
    1. Stavetskaya
      • premium
      • 735 kudos
      Sorry to hear about your card (( Stay strong here! And thanks for the support)
    2. horodeski
      • member
      • 15 kudos
      xD Thank you, dear Mila!!!!
  10. frank213
    • premium
    • 828 kudos
    Congratulations on the new game Mila, have fun with it.
    1. Stavetskaya
      • premium
      • 735 kudos
      Thanks a million, buddy) I already am)))