Arthur and Randoms

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  1. papp263
    • supporter
    • 159 kudos
    Fantastic shots here! 
    I have this for Xbox...  Is a great game...
    1. FastBlackCat
      • premium
      • 315 kudos
      Thanks so much, Tom (way back in the olden, golden days of NV, I had checked your user profile page for a first name and I vaguely recall you hadn't put one at the time--actually back then I hadn't either, I'm pretty sure )  Just checked and there it be.   Thanks for stopping by.

      I just love RDR2 and Arthur, but took a break for December (we've gotten to the end of Chapter 3 when folks start . . . well, you know if you've played it through, and if you haven't, I won't let out any spoilers).
  2. sonny1892
    • premium
    • 83 kudos
    I see you've found your way to the Wild West 
     Fantastic captures, especially the last one
    1. FastBlackCat
      • premium
      • 315 kudos
      Thanks for visiting, Tobias, and thanks for the compliment on the pics.   When I was a wee kitten, I was definitely an old West aficionado, but after reading my first Andre Norton book around 12, fantasy and sci fi took over (although I always love a good western).  RDR2 has revived my interest in the West, plus I just love the game and Arthur.
  3. BlackMaid
    • premium
    • 331 kudos
    This game has such a wonderful graphics and you captured it in a poetic way. 
    You make me wish to play it
    1. FastBlackCat
      • premium
      • 315 kudos
      Thanks so much, Heike!   It's an outstanding game in every way (although as I said, the keyboard commands are a bit of a learning curve) and would love to see more people experience this wonderful game.
  4. Reaper060389
    • supporter
    • 152 kudos
    Wonderful Images Pat.
    Long time no see.
    How are you?
    1. FastBlackCat
      • premium
      • 315 kudos
      Thanks so much, R!   I'm doing good, how are you?  Well, I hope?
    2. Reaper060389
      • supporter
      • 152 kudos
      Glad to hear that.
      I'm fine too, thanks for asking
  5. Bernt
    • premium
    • 382 kudos
    I have truly enjoyed Cormell's pictures and narrative from this game. And here comes the cat; barrelling in from the dark woods  Once again I marvel at the almost photo realistic quality of the graphics. I like the graphics of FO4 - and the faces are decent. But this is on a totally different - and more realistic - level. The characters feel more alive. Those expressions........! Nice narrative. It's fun to get a somewhat - well, just a little bit- different take on the characters and the gameplay. I wonder if someone will ever come up with a space/scfi game of the same (graphical) quality..........
    Well - I'm off to the ol' space station Stay safe  
    1. FastBlackCat
      • premium
      • 315 kudos
      Thanks, Steff!  I know Rockstar spent a considerable amount of money producing this game and it really shows.  The chars, NPC's and horses--well, the entire world--is very alive.  They used motion capture technology for the humans and horses (and may have for other critters as well)--the voice actors were actually acting (with motion capture suits on).  When Arthur is up in the Grizzlies (freezing temps), he shakes, shivers and blows on his hands, and when it's pouring rain, he hunches over and shields his face by lowering it and pulling the brim down; his expressions change in accordance to what's going on (and ditto for NPC's).  In other words, very realistic.

      I decided I needed a break and reinstalled The Outer Worlds (I had two play throughs in it at the end of October/beginning of November) and have been playing it periodically.  I'm enjoying it but the issue is, I already know/have been everywhere so I'm blasting through it (in other words, I'm a bit bored).
  6. Sonja
    • member
    • 183 kudos
    Absolutely gorgeous images! I wish I could pick a favourite, but they are all so stunning, that I can't. This game is one of the reasons I'm looking forward to upgrading my PC (getting parts right now....ugh).
    I know what you mean about the ninja endorsing... Sometimes I just drop out, and vanish, and when I come back, my huge list of notifications is just overwhelming, so I comment where I can, and endorse where I can, but it's impossible to make it to everyone.
    1. FastBlackCat
      • premium
      • 315 kudos
      Thanks so much, Sonja!    How are you doing?  And thank you.   My husband was looking for computer parts about a month ago and except for lower end, older parts, they were pretty scarce.  Wishing you luck on getting what you want, although the supply may be better now.  My set up is at least 3-4 years old and it can run RDR2 fine, but when I tried to play Cyberpunk, my processor tried to melt down, so it's going to have to wait until I upgrade one of these years.

      How's that cute black kitty of yours doing?
    2. Sonja
      • member
      • 183 kudos
      You are welcome I'm not doing badly, especially given I had my first Pfizer shot a few weeks ago, which makes life somewhat less stressful, and we currently have some lovely sunny weather, which always makes things more pleasant. Yeah.... parts are tough to come by, indeed. Oddly enough, a nice, shiny RTX 3070 almost literally dropped into my lap, so I pretty much snagged it then and there, but I'm trying to get my mitts on a new Ryzen processor... which is proving a challenge. The other parts don't seem as bad to find, but I don't see much point in acquiring them yet, if I can't find a processor. Ugh... aside from the obvious global tragedies and concerns, I hate that Covid has intruded so much on my loves and hobbies. Computer parts... various cooking ingredients,  especially warm spices, acquiring a second cat (because everyone has decided, owing to quarantine, that it's the perfect time to adopt a dog/cat)... You know... all the important things in life!
      My computer is around 5 years old, though I do have a 1070 card (i5 4690 CPU), so I suspect it might run RD2. The problem is, though, I'm still using Win 7, and I don't see the point of grabbing Win 10 until building a new PC; it would be a lot of hassle, and risk a lot of installed software breakage for no real reason.
      My wee black kitty is doing great! I can well understand why demand for pets has been so high, she has helped maintain my sanity (uhm... well, as much as is ever possible) through the last year and a half. Though.... she badly needs a professional groomer, and they too, because of Covid, are difficult to find. *sigh*

      How are you and yours doing?
    3. FastBlackCat
      • premium
      • 315 kudos
      I'm still using Win 7, so RDR2 works fine with it.  Not a fan of Win 10 (after trying it out for 3 months I ended up trading computers with the husband because his still had Win 7) although I accept the fact that I'll have to eventually have to move to it eventually.  My processor is an old I-7 2600 and the card is a 1080 and I run the settings mostly on ultra with a few adjustments and have zero problems with RDR2.  Cyberpunk was another matter altogether.

      As far as my much loved cats . . . I think I mentioned I had six, I've lost four of them in the last year and a half or so.  They were all senior cats between 10-17 years old and within 3/4 months of each other, all developed sudden, terminal health conditions (liver failure, cancer, heart disease).  I have two still, a seven year old and a 15 year old (who's starting to look really frail) who are spoiled brats.

      This is Tanie (short for Beltane), the younger cat, who has this thing for plastic bags.  But they can't be just any bags, specifically, they have to be the bags that package toilet paper and paper towels. 

    4. Sonja
      • member
      • 183 kudos
      Damn.... that's... tempting. However, I'm still trying to finish this run through FO4, plus I still have AC: Odyssey and FNV, as well as
      Skyrim occasionally. I probably don't need another gigantic open world
      game to further distract me. <puts away credit card>
      Yep... I'm looking forward to playing Cyberpunk eventually too, though even
      once I have a new machine, I want to wait till they bring a GOTY edition
      out, or something, hopefully with most of the issues fixed. And then
      there's AC: Valhalla; plus, Baldur's Gate 3 (the complete game) should
      be out soonish as well.
      Awww... I'm so sorry to hear about your cats. I think you may have told me, and my apologies that I forgot;
      it's been an eventful year here, as much on the personal front, as more
      generally, so my head is like a sieve these days.
      lmao! That is a hilarious picture. Beltane is gorgeous, and almost looks like part of
      that one toilet roll ad that used to show two adorable, white fluffy
      kittens. I don't know if you ever saw it, years ago, but it was awfully
      cute. I used to have a cat that had a thing for any plastic bag... he
      insisted on licking them. Of course, he was also a cat who, upon seeing
      anything on the floor, would immediately think, "Can I eat it?"
  7. BumNanner
    • premium
    • 20 kudos
    Gorgeous shots, FBC!
    1. FastBlackCat
      • premium
      • 315 kudos
      B.N.!!!   How the heck are you?  Good to see you!  And thanks!
    2. Sonja
      • member
      • 183 kudos
      ugh, sorry wrong place to reply! please delete!
  8. tgstyle24
    • supporter
    • 104 kudos
    Pat!!! How are you?

    I see a new trend cristalizing here.. Arthur seems to be a cool guy, huh? It is really a great looking game, but sadly, suvival is not my cup of tea... I am super bad in these things ingame

    This is a gorgious set of images and this one is my absolut favorite
    1. FastBlackCat
      • premium
      • 315 kudos
      Tanja!!!! *gives Tanja a big hug!*  Thanks!  I'm good, been better and been worse.   And what can I say about Arthur?  Well, imo, he's probably the greatest game protagonist ever, they did an outstanding job on him and all the other chars, too.  Superb voice acting (they used motion capture for both the humans and horses--the voice actors were really acting, only in motion capture suits) and outstanding story line.  There are defintely elements of survival, but this is an actual story you're participating in (your decisions actually affect outcomes--what a concept ) about the Van Der Linde gang--and Rockstar did their historical research, I'm impressed.
  9. PTC001
    • premium
    • 106 kudos
    Really a great set Pat. Love the one at O'Creagh Lake.

    Played RDR2 about 20 hours, and yes, it's a very beautiful game...but I just could not stand the constant insults, GTA/RockStar gangsta style, I don't mind when it's part of a quest or mission, but not from every cowboy crossing my path.
    I'm on WItcher 3 since few days...again, same thing, free insults from everywhere, enhanced with spitting every minute or so. WTH? Devs have a funny definition about immersion, probably reading too many comments on YT.
    For this game though, I quickly found a mod that deactivate this non-sense. 

    Anyway, keep well and safe!
    1. FastBlackCat
      • premium
      • 315 kudos
      P.T.!  How are you?  Thank you!  I know what you mean about the aggression levels, the NPC's seem to be pretty testy.   It didn't bother me too much in TW3, the Witchers (the ones that save everybody from monsters) are despised (except when they're needed), so insults were to be expected.  In RDR2, it's the sudden aggression level from 0 to 100 that surprised me a bit at first, but I've learned to hit that antagonize button a lot lately and have the pistols ready.
  10. blu377
    • supporter
    • 189 kudos
    Hello friend, good to see you post Speaking of, really nice shots in different times of the day & different weathers (love the god rays) all come together to make this spectacular set!
    1. FastBlackCat
      • premium
      • 315 kudos
      Hi, Blu!   It's been about 13 months since I last uploaded screenshots so it has been a while.  Cormell gave me a gentle push the other day, so here I be.   And thank you!  I have been zipping by your uploads to see them (very nicely done, btw ), just so's you know, but just haven't had the time to blether.  Hoping to squeeze in more time now to be more active here.