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About this mod

This is a dialogue, romance, and ending mod that will add new dialogue, romance, and endings as well as make tweaks to existing content.

Permissions and credits
This WIP mod does several things; therefore, it is a bit difficult to summarize so I will just break it down.

I want to first of all say this so that I'm not wasting anyone's time:
The added dialogue and narration is silent. I have also made tweaks to some existing content such as the endings so keep that in mind. I play the game with no narrator voice or voice acting in general (voice volume set to 0) so this is no problem for me.

Additional dialogue (non romance):
Pretty self explanatory. I felt that more conversations could be had with some of the npcs you meet, especially when it came to the sidekicks. A lot of what I add will be romance based, but there will be available unlocked conversations that you can have. For example Ydwin has a couple of non romantic conversations you can have after recruiting. Not much right now since I haven't implemented everything, but you can get a sense of what type of conversations I want to add in the future if you pick up Ydwin and speak to her.

Additional romance interaction:
-If in a romance, you can instead pay Rabyuna to rent her room so you can use it for you and your lover instead of cheating. She will leave you to use it for a while, you will get a fade to black, and you will receive Rabyuna's boon since you used her room and perhaps the things in it (leaving that one up to your imaginations). For the old and new romances who I'm adding romance content for, I will be adding a conversation you can have should you pay Rabyuna for just the use of her room and not her services. In these conversations you can get your lover's impressions on the experience. Some will be embarrassed. Some won't find it an appropriate thing to speak about, etc. Just depends on the npc. The only npcs that are able to give their impressions at this time are the ones listed in the "Additional romance options and npcs given extra romance content" section.
-More post romance dialogue to help make the player feel like their Watcher is in a relationship.

Additional romance options and npcs given extra romance content:
I felt that the number of options was too limiting considering the Watcher could be roleplayed in many different ways each playthrough so I'm adding more. I also felt that what was there (such as the romance endings) was somewhat lackluster and wanted to tweak/expand upon the existing content.
I plan to add more romance options, but here you will see who is so far a new and full romance option within my mod. I even added alternate versions of the final ending slide should you romance any of the options I add and stick with them to the end. I also plan on adding more romantic and non romantic conversations for the existing female npc romance options Xoti and Maia as well.

1. Aenalys, a courtesan you find in The Wild Mare.
Notes on this romance:
-You can't romance her if you are in an active romance. You also have to pay for her services at least once to unlock the dialogue where you will learn she is interested in finding love. I also want to add another condition, but that is all for now.
-You can still get her boon after you romance her. It will be free and the dialogue will be different of course. The fade to black is also repeatable just like her paid vanilla courtesan content.
-If you get caught trying to steal from her during the Kahn and Oswald quest before you romance her, then like vanilla she will want nothing to do with you meaning that you will be locked out of the romance so keep that in mind. If you romance her beforehand though, you will instead be able to apologize and get the key.
-If you are in a romance with her, you will require no other checks than being in a romance to get the key from her.
-New post romance hello
-New post romance goodbye
-You can break up with her, but be warned, doing so will lead to her no longer wanting anything to do with you.
-Assuming the additional endings run fine, her romance ending will be inserted into the final slide.

2. Ydwin, the fampyr animancer pale elf sidekick companion.
-You can't romance her if you are in an active romance. You need enough familiarity points (6 is the amount you need which you can get by repeating one of her initial repeatable vanilla conversations or going through all of the initial repeatable conversations, selecting the right options). Like Aenalys I also want to add another condition later.
-Assuming the additional endings run fine, her romance ending will be inserted as another variation of the final slide. Note that it will not show if she's dead as that wouldn't make any sense.
-She will still have her different ways of saying hello, but instead of saying "Do you require my expertise?" she will say something different in place of that if in a romance with her.
-Repeatable fade to black.
-New post romance goodbye
-The couple of added non romance conversations will have some extra romance dialogue that will show if in a romance with her. It's repeatable so feel free to go through it again and see the difference if you're curious.
-Can break up. Keep in mind the break up is permanent. You will be locked out of any romance content, including the ending for her.
-Extra narration when you sacrifice her to The Beast of Winter. Doing this will of course take you out of the romance.

3. Fassina the ocean human mage sidekick companion
-You can't romance her if you are in an active romance or if you helped Konstanten get with her. You need enough familiarity points (8 is the amount you need which you can get by repeating one of her initial repeatable vanilla conversations or gaining points naturally). I'll try to give a spoiler list at some point of all of the 12 opportunities that give you a point.
For now here's 5:

1. You will get a point if you choose the "You don't need to thank me." response when you first talk to her after recruiting and she says: "I have not properly thanked you for taking me away from that place."
2. You will get a point if you ask her "Any thoughts about our companions?" and she responds with: "I take it you are not adept at making close friends? Ac. Neither am I."
3. You will get a point when talking about your choice when it came to Wael's in The Forgotten Sanctum when she says:" Maybe it isn't what I would have done, but you did pretty good." Fassina folds her arms and smirks. From what I saw in the conversationbundle file, she says this regardless of what you decide to do so don't feel like you have to make a specific choice in The Inner Mysteries quest.
4. You will get a point in her replies to certain questions such as: "Ever aspire to be an archmage yourself?"
5. Another one of these questions is "How did you get into Arkemyr's employ?"
-If you've had Fassina for a bit and feel like you should be able to romance her or just want to romance her as quickly as possible, but don't have enough points, then you can game the system by asking the repeating vanilla questions over and over that are available after you have recruited her such as "Ever aspire to be an archmage yourself?" or "How did you get into Arkemyr's employ?" as her response to these gives 1 point each time you ask.

-You should not be able to help Konstanten get with her if you are in a romance with Fassina
-Assuming the additional endings run fine, her romance ending will be inserted as another variation of the final slide.
-New romance hello
-Repeatable fade to black.
-Can break up. Keep in mind the break up is permanent. You will be locked out of any romance content, including the ending for her.

Ending Tweaks and Additions:
I was very dissatisfied with the endings. For example it felt out of character for all of the gods and goddesses to be willing to stand back and not do something when the reincarnation cycle that kept them in power was being destroyed. Some would definitely have been against it. And most of all, I'm surprised that they weren't in the process of constructing their own system that would be even more difficult to dismantle once the Wheel is gone.
At least this was my impression. Some of you may have been satisfied with what's there and that's fine.

So I tweaked and expanded on the endings. I'm even going to edit the Eothas destroys the world ending (haven't added this yet since it needs a lot more polish) to allow your Watcher to see how the new system works and make it into a oddly satisfying ending.
I've edited a couple dozen slides so that my alternative for the god/goddess stuff is consistent, but I have yet to test out the ending slides yet so let me know if any more slides need to be edited.
I also edited some of the companion ending slides that I felt were incredibly dissatisfying. Some slides have been completely rewritten while others were expanded. For example, Xoti's dark ending has been changed.

I only use 3 mods and they all seem to be working together just fine.
They are:
1. Enhanced User Interface
2. Level Cap 33
3. This mod

I can't really speak on anything else.

About feedback:
I welcome both positive and negative feedback. Please be specific about any negative feedback though, especially if it's about the writing. Quote the line you feel could be better worded and show me right below the quote what you feel is a better worded alternative. Just telling me that a conversation could be written better without giving me any examples will not help me at all.
Even before releasing, I still probably need to polish the writing a bit more. I know it's not perfect. Some of the ending stuff I feel definitely could be better worded and trimmed down by a lot, but it's better than how it was before, at least to me. As said before if something I added could be better worded, give me the line and alternative you feel is better. If I feel like your alternative is an improvement, I'll use it. For the npcs, there are so many npcs with their own manner of speaking. I did my best trying to keep the new dialogue for Ydwin, Aenalys, and Rabyuna consistent with their base dialogue.

For pacing: I am not going to put random locks on the dialogue. There are a couple of conditions I want to add here and there since they are relevant, but I'm not going to require you to do some random quest in order to romance Ydwin in an attempt to keep you from being able to romance Ydwin. If you want to blaze through Ydwin's conversations and lock your romance with her within a few minutes after recruiting her, feel free. If you're like me and you like to pace yourself when it comes to the dialogue, then you can do that.

With all of that said I hope at least one of you enjoys what this mod has to offer. Again, this is a WIP. More is planned to be added. Existing stuff may be edited.

Credits and Thanks:
Obsidian for Pillars of Eternity 1/2.
Noqn from the Obsidian forums for telling me how to create my own global variables. This greatly expanded the possibilities for my mod.
Madraconas for all of the modding assistance and feedback. I would have never gotten into dialogue modding for this game if it weren't for their help.

Why would you bother with this if there's no voice acting?
I don't really need voice acting in CRPGs. Sometimes I'd prefer to turn it off and just imagine the characters' voices while enjoying the gameplay, sound effects, writing, and music. I and many others also play Stardew Valley which has no voice acting so I figure there might be 1 or 2 that would appreciate what this mod has to offer just like I do. If you need voice acting, then that's fine. Feel free to move on.

Any hints on what new romances you plan to add?
I'll just tell you some.
Fassina, Mirke, Pallegina, and Dimesa.

Any males?
Not really interested in male npc romance content. I may add Konstanten and Vatnir as options in the future if I am bored and feel like it. I definitely do plan on adding more non romantic conversations for these two male sidekicks at least. I did touch on one of Tekehu's ending slides. Also, Rekke and Aloth already have their own dedicated mods so if you want stuff for them go to those mods.

How to install?
Just place the mod folder with all of its contents in Pillars of Eternity II\PillarsOfEternityII_Data\override