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About this mod

Unity-Console is an IronPython-base Debug Console for Windows-based Unity games. The basic idea is to run custom python code in Unity that enables opening a console window where scripts can be run that manipulate the game. For PoE2, the default script shows a cheat menu and allows basic edits.

Permissions and credits
WARNING:  The author is not maintaining this mod and has not for many years.  It is likely broken with current builds.  There are community fixes for things and I indirectly authorize those updates and have no issues with that just merging those in.

This is effectively a cheat console for Pillars of Eternity II. Should work with any Windows versions though can break if there are major updates.  You may have to apply the mod again after repairing or major updates.

The console is more than just a cheat tool as any number of scripts can be run but it is likely what will most likely be used for since that is included by default.  It can be quite useful in exploring the current state of the game programmatically for those with the talent.

NOTE:  It has been noted that this mod may cause noticeable performance issues on lower end hardware

The default scripts create an in-game cheat menu depending on what is open:
  • Team /  Main Map
    • Make Characters untargetable or unhurtable
    • Heal all wounds (Also resets spell counts, Cipher Focus, Chanter Phrases)
    • Automatically Run script which heals characters every second
      • Runs when in combat and when window is visible (runs when minimized) [0.3]
    • Teleport (instantly move to destination) (Shortcut Ctrl+T) [0.7]
  • Character Summary
    • Change Character Class [0.7] (Experimental)
    • Add Abilities [0.7]
    • Change Money/Stats/Skills/Disposition/Factions
    • Added Companion Dispositions [0.2]
  • Inventory
    • Duplicate Items (Change Stack Count)
    • Add Mods to Equipment
    • (The available list is dynamic. Any other weapon on current screen needs to have the mod for it to show)
    • Enable Free Recipes for Crafting
    • Added Stash inventory [0.2]
    • Filter Stash inventory for Character vs ship [0.3]
    • Add Create item window [0.3]
    • Mod list is all mods found in data files [0.3]
  • Map
    • Reveal current map
  • Dialog
    • Add option to enable dialog debugging [0.7] (Use with care)
  • Ship
    • Change Morale
    • Satiate Crew (food, drink)
    • Fix Crew Injuries
    • Added Food, Drink inventory [0.2]
  • Options
    • Add difficulty, level scaling to options page [0.9]

Major Changes:
  • Starting v0.29, cheat shortcuts will (Ctrl+A, Ctrl+T, Ctrl+S, ...) must be enabled from Options or from pillars.ini file.

Notes and Known Issues:

  • On screens like the main map window the clicking buttons will still lead to character moving
  • That is clicking on stuff in the dialog may also click on items under the window leading to unexpected behavior
  • This is very annoying but I don't know how to stop it at this time
  • If you use the X to close the console then it will close the game as well

To Install:
  • Navigate to game folder. 
    • Steam: Right click on Game in Library. Select Properties.... Select Local Files tab. Select the Browse Local Files.... button
    • GOG: Select the More button. Select Manage installation. Select Show folder.
  • Unpack zip directly to game folder (for 7z use 7-zip).
    • PillarsOfEternityII.exe should be in same folder as IPA.exe when done correctly.
  • Drag game exe over IPA.exe to instrument plugins. (Modifies game dlls but makes backups)
  • Start Pillars of Eternity II
  • Press Ctrl+F8 key to hide the cheat window in upper right corner. Press again to show again.

If you want the menu to be hidden by default change last line in Console.ini file to "if init:  import pillars; pillars.showWindow(visible=False)"

To update:
  • Unpack zip files over existing files
  • (Optional) After game patches, Drag game exe over IPA.exe again.   (Honestly this probably really shouldn't be required )

To remove:
  • Drag the game .exe onto IPA.exe while holding the Left Alt key.
  • WARNING:  Uninstalling after patching may break the game and require you to repair
    • This is due to the prepatch version being restored over the patched version. For this case, just delete the "Plugins" folder with the Console. You can restore UnityEngine.dll manually from the IPA Backup folder if you have installed patch after installing this mod.

You can edit "Plugins\Console\Lib\" to add or change the existing cheats. You can reload cheats in the console  by typing "import pillars; reload(pillars); pillars.showWindow()".  I recommend closing the existing window with "X" or it might crash on show due to a race condition that I don't know how to avoid.