Fenn and Mac Reach Deadfire Archipelago

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Main Shot: The guy on the right up front with his hands folded over his chest is Fenn the Beastmaster. He is a werewolf (Druid who can shape shift) with a wolf companion (the wolf chasing its own tail in front of him) named Wolfgar (or consider it Dogmeat in another life). The game lets you multiclass so I went with Druid Lifegiver (besides shifting ability he is good at healing) and Ranger Stalker (stalker means he has an extra close bond with his wolf companion). He is melee focused fighting with a quarterstaff or in werewolf form alongside his wolf. To his left is Eder, my favorite follower in the game who I also had in POE1. Behind Eder is Mac. Mac here is a rogue - streetfighter subclass. He uses blades and pistols to fight. Behind Fenn is Xoti - she has the lantern. She is another follower. I don't care too much for her but she is a nice person so putting up with her for now. She has a thing for Eder which works out well anyhow.

So totally lost in playing both Pillars of Eternity one and two. I re-created my two favorites from Fallout 4, Fenn Finn-Gall and Mac (Robert MacCready), who, through the turns of the Wheel, have ended up in the world of Eora. I played through POE1 with Fenn as a Druid shapeshifter (wolf of course) and Mac as a Rogue. They continue in POE2 where Fenn as also studied to be a Ranger (Beastmaster which is the Ranger/Druid multi-class) and Mac continues as a Rogue Mercenary. I did a very through play through of POE1 and imported the game and now working my way into POE2 - only just left the first island though so just getting started.

Anyhow not a screenshot game but thought I would share why I haven't been as busy in FO or Skyrim. I shall return to those worlds later. But for now planning on finishing POE2 and then will probably do another complete run through both POE1 and POE2 ... perhaps with Grim and Erik, my two favorite Skyrim characters.

The nice thing is that Skyrim is fantastic for making character portraits which you can then use in POE - and GS Jyggalag preset is really good for adding the right "look" to the portraits so they fit in well.

Lots of fun!


  1. deleted3656968
    • account closed
    • 70 kudos
    I have no clue about this game. Is it some kind of remastered or brand new.
    I do not play anything for a long time... It's bad I know but it's always nice to see others enjoy it at least in my case. Sorry for little offtopic.
    Excellent "ports" between two games. Looks very nice indeed & have fun out there... Aye aye Captain

    1. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 888 kudos
      Thanks Noisepulse! I mainly posted this set to share a game genre I love (old style isometric that has been modernized with current graphics to some degree) and because I have not been posting much in the other shares.

      This is the game: https://eternity.obsidian.net/

      It is not a remaster but brand new. It is the second game set in the same IP of Pillars of Eternity. There is POE1 and this is POE2. Not a game for everyone but if you like this style it is great.

      I don't actually play a large variety of games although I play a fair amount within the genre and style I like. Been playing Skyrim and FO4 for a long time it seems - 6 years now? Anyhow always nice to take a break. Course in the last 6 years I also played many other games but Skyrim and FO4 have been staples. But it is nice when you find a new game you really enjoy and can sink time into it :)

      On the other hand lots of nice things to do besides play games ... and often times real life prevents that or even gets in the way of doing anything recreational. I hope life isn't that bad for you and you have some moments of fun.
    2. deleted3656968
      • account closed
      • 70 kudos
      Thank you Jonathan for info.
      About games: I always loved games & besides Fallout & Elder Scrolls series I really love games like:
      Bioshock, Dishonored, Mass Effect (last one from ME is completely disaster),
      Life is not bad at all for me. I have lot's of fun really, working, traveling, reading a lot etc... Thank you very much for your kindly words. I appreciate it.
      I just lost interest in games lately. I'll be back again one day it's just matter of time
      Last games I play is from one of my favorite of all time & very different than others from above.
      If you have a time take a look their work http://amanita-design.net/games.html
      Maybe you will like it who knows right.
    3. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 888 kudos
      Wow love those graphics (especially on the videos I watched of Samorost 3). I don't usually play puzzle games but I book marked that one to try out later after I have exhausted POE1 and 2. I like the cute look and feel to the game.

      I have gone through years with barely touching a game. Now that I am much older I find its my favorite retreat being a bit of a hermit and introvert. I still don't play nearly as much as most of my friends (well the ones who play games) but do enjoy them. Too much real life to focus on. But I get 1-2 hours each work night to play and 3-5 on days off/weekends. Just been lucky there are also games I like to play when I have the time.

      I work full time, have two dogs, and plenty of chores and things to do with the dogs the rest of the time :) Good to know life is treating you well enough and it isn't all work and heavy stuff.
  2. IheartRunningman
    • member
    • 219 kudos
    Very nice Fenn and Mac theme incorporated in this one awesome game. Loved the druid style play, I've used to play druid as main character in WoW over 10 yrs ago.
    1. wolfgrimdark
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      • 888 kudos
      Thank you Iheart! Heh I did as well - my first character in WoW was a Nightelf Druid with those big floopy ears. I loved him. Had him for a year. Then I joined a horde guild and made Brock Butchmor, an Orc rogue. I played him for 4 years and then retired from WoW.

      Hadn't played a druid since I think (hard to recall) as I tend to prefer rangers and a wolf companion. This game is awesome as you can multiclass which meant I MC the Druid and Ranger so I get to be a druid who can turn into a werewolf and have a wolf companion to boot :)
  3. SomewhatWindy
    • premium
    • 149 kudos
    Looking great Jon, and nice you take "your worlds" into others, it makes the experience almost familiar.
    Are you able to put their basic skills to use in this game also,.. ?
    1. wolfgrimdark
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      • 888 kudos
      Thanks! A little harder to do the same since the abilities/SPECIAL/stats don't line up the same. But I tried to keep the basic feel. Like Mac is a smart ass (cocky voice type) street smart tough guy and back story/personality I picked from the options and class choices. While he is more melee focused then Mac in FO4 he does have a pirate pistol to use for ranged. Also he is quick, agile, and perceptive and strong if not overly bright or wise.

      Fenn was harder as in FO4 he is a pure ranged sniper. So he should be a marksman ranger in this game. But I did not want to play ranged as my main so he is melee. Fenn here is much close to his Skyrim version than his FO version. I may change that though later as I want to try a Scout - which is a marksman ranger multi-class with rogue. That would be much closer. But for whatever reason in fantasy games I often like melee more than ranged. FO4 I prefer the opposite although I play both.
  4. Darksaber87
    • supporter
    • 102 kudos
    Some very cool insight into the game somewhat. POE2 looks really good for a old style RPG game. If the games go on sale i will most likely be picking them up.

    Also very cool shots of the game Jon. Thanks for sharing.
    1. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 888 kudos
      Thanks Quinten. Certainly not games for everyone but if you like RTwP style games like this then worth a look :)
  5. BlueOgreSan
    • premium
    • 252 kudos
    That's really cool, these two jumping from one game to another
    1. wolfgrimdark
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      • 888 kudos
      Thanks! I am working on some over-arching theory that links my main character through multiple worlds. TES has the Dreamsleeve which is where souls go to be reborn. Pillars has the Wheel which is where souls go to enter another cycle and be reborn. FO4/Earth has reincarnation as a way souls are reborn.

      My current theory is based on Michael Moorcocks "Eternal Champion" idea which is about how the Universe must always be in balance between Chaos and Order. An eternal champion helps to keep this balance. They are reborn in different worlds and times. Sometimes they remember their past lives and who and what they are ... and other times they do not. In a few rare cases they can coexist at the same time and place although doing so can threaten the very stability of reality when it occurs. All of this is from Moorcocks theory.

      So the above works well with the idea of reincarnation, the Wheel, the Dreamsleeve - where my "eternal champion" is reborn in different worlds and times with the purpose of correcting an imbalance between chaos and order.

      Anyhow enough rambling. I just like to have a way to tie myself into my main character and explain how I can have more than one main character in more than one game :)
    2. BlueOgreSan
      • premium
      • 252 kudos
      That is a really really cool idea! I am yet to find a game where I could implement something similar, but I could see myself doing that in Cyberpunk 2077 when that comes out.
    3. wolfgrimdark
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      • 888 kudos
      What about your FO world? Granted my mind hasn't been able to track all the complexities of it but isn't it a dream world of sorts? Meaning reality is somewhat malleable. In other words your character exist in a world where reality can be shaped around them? Hence most anything is possible.

      Probably not really what you had in mind I suspect. It was just the impression I had with how you ended your last big story line as well as other things you have done.

      I suspect you must be very hyped over Cyberpunk :)
    4. BlueOgreSan
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      • 252 kudos
      In my last chapter I've explained that everyone (so the readers), including Aya, have been lied to about it having a "dream" aspect, and it was just a temporary hypnosis to make her finish the most impossible mission (aka killing president) and believe that everything she went through wasn't real (where I also lied about making "new series" with two chapters), which concludes the theme of lies and "new order" in action. But I can definitely see myself connecting FO4 and C77 due to both of them being based on real world, and my story having that cyberpunk setting rather than post-apocalyptic. So that could work! And oh yes, the hype is real. But I must stay calm and not have unrealistic expectations :)
    5. wolfgrimdark
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      • 888 kudos
      Ah thanks for clarifying. I admit I got really lost on the last few chapters on what was happening. I felt bad about it but I wasn't able to follow along on what was happening which is why I read but didn't' comment ...wasn't sure what to say. That helps clear it up a little at least. Lies within lies it seems :)
  6. PatrickTheDM
    • premium
    • 176 kudos
    The images do fit right in for the character sheets. Neat looking game too. I'll have a peek at some gameplay on YouTube.
    1. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 888 kudos
      Thanks Patrick :) I am a big fan of this style game - similar to the old Baldur Gates, Icewind Dale, and Planescape games. Seeing more of them now. Besides Pillars we had Torment Tides of Numeria and Tyranny (both of which games I played and enjoyed a lot although they lacked the depth of Pillars).
    2. PatrickTheDM
      • premium
      • 176 kudos
      Looks like fun.
    3. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 888 kudos
      I get to manage my own ship! This game gets better and better lol :)

    4. PatrickTheDM
      • premium
      • 176 kudos
      LOL, the video I watched was from E3 and was all about the pirate addition. Too funny.
  7. jumarbye
    • premium
    • 65 kudos
    So cool to see that you get to continue traveling with Mac & Fenn! And they turned out pretty great in your game.
    1. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 888 kudos
      Thanks very much :) I do enjoy the continuity of sorts :)
  8. Bennzoor
    • premium
    • 203 kudos
    Amazing! I've been always wanting to check out this game. It looks great!
    1. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 888 kudos
      Thanks Ben! It is an old style game with modern graphics and technology. I love the games myself as you can see :)