Thanks everyone that has downloaded, commented on, and endorsed this mod!

I'm working on an update at the moment. Mainly to address the volume on audio files being low when compared to companions. In addition I'll be creating a custom .chatterbundle file for each voice set which should fix the silences that result from the PoE1 voices having less audio files than their Deadfire counterparts. I'm also using this as an excuse to make some more cosmetic changes, such as the naming scheme for the audio files.
In short, this should all hopefully result in voice sets in this mod functioning a bit closer the first game, and slotting into Deadfire more smoothly!

However, this will takes sometime... 
So I have written up a bit of a guide on how to convert audio files to .wav for editing, and then back to the .wem format used by Deadfire. That way hopefully anyone who is interested can at least fix the low volume issue of the audio files themselves.

Thanks for reading!

The programs you'll need:

  • Foobar2000 and the vgmstream foobar2000 component (A guide on how to install a Foobar2000 component, in case you need it, I know I did). With this installed it should allow you to listen to, and importantly convert the .wem files.
  • Audiokinetic Launcher (as well as a free Audiokinetic User Account to download the program) to download Wwise for converting audio files to .wem. The most recent version (2022.1.1.8100 as of writing this) should work for the purposes of converting files.
  • An Audio Editing programAudacity is very simple to use and free. I'm not going to be going into how to edit audio files in this guide though.

Converting .wems:

Locate the folder for the voice you'd like to adjust (All of the voice sets for this mod have "poe_" at the start of their name, e.g. poe_sinister_f, poe_feisty_m). This will be located under a directory something like: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Pillars of Eternity II Deadfire\PillarsOfEternityII_Data\StreamingAssets\Audio\Windows\Voices\English(US)"

Using Foobar2000 to convert .wems to an editable audio format:
  • Open Foobar2000, and add all the files by clicking and dragging the poe_* folder into the program, or by going to File -> Open....
  • Select all the files in Foobar2000 by going to Edit -> Select all, then right click and select Convert -> ...
  • Click on "Output Format", select Wav. The default options should be fine, but just in case: Set "Output bit depth" to "Auto", and "Dither" to "never". Click the Back button.
  • Click on "Destination", under "Output path" and select "Specify Folder:", and then click the three dots "..." at the edge of box to set a destination where the converted files should be saved to. I'd advise saving these somewhere outside of the Deadfire game folder and creating a new folder called something like "Converted wems". Once you have a destination, Click the Select Folder button and then click the Back button.
  • Now click Convert.
  • Do the same for one of the companion voice sets (or just a couple of lines) for use in comparing the volume. You'll find these in folders named after the companions. The voice set files can be distinguish by them being preceded by "ch_" (eg. "ch_eder_leading_0085.wem", "ch_aloth_lock_pick_0089.wem", "ch_maia_ability_cast_interrupted_0040.wem").

Now that you have the audio in .wav format you should be able to adjust the volume to match those of the companions. Once you are happy with the volume, save them out (I'd advise doing so to a separate "Modified wavs" folder for simplicity) as .wav files.

Converting .wavs to .wems with Wwise:

Summery of the above video.

Open Wwise and create a new project.
  • After creating a new project:
  • Go to Project -> Project Settings... (Or use the keyboard shortcut: "Shift + k" )
  • Then click on the "Source Setting" tab, and click the 3 dots (...) next to "Default Conversion Settings".
  • Select "Vorbis Quality High" then click the OK button to confirm, and then OK again on the Project setting window.
  • Go to Project -> Save ( "Ctrl s")

  • Importing Audio files:
  • Go to Project -> Import Audio Files... ( "Shift + i" )
  • Click "Add Files...", then navigate to the folder with your modified .wav files, select a file (or all files) you'd like to convert, then click "Open", and then click the "Import" button.

  • Converting Audio Files:
  • Go to Project -> Convert all Audio Files...
  • Make sure the box next to "Windows" is checked, then click the "Convert" button.
  • To find your converted files go to Project -> File Manager... ( "Shift + F1" ), right click the directory next to "Project Folder:" and select the "Open Containing Folder" option to open the directory in a File Explorer window.
  • In the File Explorer window open the ".cache" folder and then the "SFX" folder.
  • The converted files should be in this folder.

Removing unnecessary parts of file names:
Frustratingly after converting your audio files, Wwise adds a string of numbers to the name of each file. This needs to be removed for the files to play in game, which is a real hassle to do on each file individually. I usually use a script (step 12 of the linked post has the information necessary for creating the script) for this.

Copy and paste the converted .wems into the folder of the voice you are updating and select "Yes" when asked if you want to overwrite files.

Hopefully this was of use.

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