Mod Requests- Outfits in Cutscenes and Nami's Hair

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I would've loved it if they allowed you to see the outfits that you're wearing in the cutscenes (at least the game rendered ones). Considering that there's only 1 additional outfit per character in the game (2 in Usopp's case and none with Brook and Franky) and most of them are locked behind a pre-order wall, the least that the developers could've done is have said outfits appear in every instance for the bonus that the customers paid for.

As for Nami's hair, I would like it if her pre-timeskip hair is attached to her default outfit (post timeskip outfit). I like red heads and short hairs, sue me.

With that done, thanks for the consideration, mates.


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    Actually I hope those are pre rendered cutscenes. If it is pre-rendered then it is impossible to change outfits in cutscenes unless the game actually use real time rendering. 
    1. JKr1sCapped
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      Actually, if I remember correctly there are some games that even though has real-time rendered cutscenes, forces the characters to switch back to their default appearance. Some of the cutscenes here are also real-time rendered if I remember correctly. KH3 is one of those games (also uses the Unreal Engine 4) and if you've changed to a different form and you then triggered a cutscene, it would revert Sora's clothes back to default and it's only by modding the default outfit can you see whatever outfit you want in the cutscene. Some games not having this feature nowadays is kind of a regress since in KH2 and DQ11 (a game in which ILCA, the developers of OP Odyssey, have a hand in developing) allows the character to be seen wearing the outfit that they're currently wearing in the gameplay. So, I guess the answer to my request is to completely swap the model for the default appearance for each of the characters in order to force the game to recognize/ show it in the cutscenes.

      Considering there's only 1 or 2 outfits per character that seems to be quite a simple fix, but then again, I'm not a modder so I wouldn't know how simple or how difficult it is to mod something. If I could, I probably would've modded the texts to have it show a romaji version of the names of their attacks. Feels so weird to see "Gum Gum" instead of "Gomu Gomu no".
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      When I play in the game only the cutscenes are in 30FPS so from that only I come to conclusion that those are pre rendered cutscenes
    3. JKr1sCapped
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      I don't think I've ever seen pre-rendered cutscenes in a game where you can interact with the text box, because, usually the pre rendered ones have a higher graphical resolution/quality compared to real time rendered ones. I'll try and check again, because if I remember, those cutscenes should follow whatever graphical settings you should have. If you're talking about cutscenes like the one in the beginning where Usopp touches the frozen ice, it could just be an optimisation problem in the devs part that the game can't render a cutscene for more than 30 fps.

      If it is pre-rendered then I guess I'll wait for short haired Nami then. Thank you for informing me. It really is a bummer, I would've liked to see Pre-Timeskip Sanji and Usopp in the cutscenes.

      Update: I've tried the "No Hatching" Mod and started a new adventure to watch the first few cutscenes. Can confirm that it is real-time rendering.
    4. Gantz79
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      In the 30FPS video scenes it is not possible to change anything because they are pre-recorded, in the rest of the scenes you can change the outfit but for some reason it seems that in some scenes the texture loads are independent of the model used and creates what you will see in the image I share, I think that to make it work in the whole game you would have to modify all the animation scenes of the game to make it look good, something that neither the developers have wanted to do because there are so many.

  2. Grip55
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    Or just strait-up add the pre-timeskip outfits for people who didn't pre-order. This game is the biggest rip-off!
    1. JKr1sCapped
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      I think adding those is illegal. I don't really know how this works, but yeah, I think it's illegal to do that.