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About this mod

This mod adds 95 new perks focused on creating interesting choices when leveling up. Overall the perks are very combat-centric and can create powerful synergies. Great with combat heavy mods!

Permissions and credits
Perks are split up into their archetypes. Keep an eye out for synergies between archetypes! Check out Abundant Traits for traits that complement this nicely.

Automatic Weapon Perks

1 rank
Req. lvl 6, Strength 6
, Guns 45
While using automatic guns -20% spread but each shot consumes 2 AP.

Suppressing Fire
1 rank
Req. lvl 6, Strength 6, Guns 45
With automatic weapons +20% damage but spread is increased 15%

Keep Firing
1 rank
Req. lvl 12, Strength 6, Guns 65
Firing a shot with an automatic weapon will consume 2 AP. Hitting an enemy will restore 4 AP.

Fire and Brimstone
1 rank
Req. lvl 18, Strength 6, Explosives 60
Automatic guns have a 10% chance to cause a firey explosion when hitting enemies.

Mow em Down
1 rank
Req. lvl 18, Strength 6, Guns 90
+10% critical chance with automatic guns, each shot consumes 4 AP.

Condition Perks

Dialed In
1 rank
Req. lvl 6, Intelligence 6, Repair 50
Weapons above 95% condition bypass 10 DT

1 rank
Req. lvl 6, Intelligence 6, Repair 50
+20% accuracy with weapons over 95% condition.

1 rank
Req. lvl 12, 
Intelligence 6, Repair 80
While weapon condition is above 95%, +50% reload speed.

Well Oiled Machine
1 rank
Req. lvl 18, 
Intelligence 6, Repair 90
Weapons above 95% Condition take 75% less condition decay.

Crippled Perks

Cross to Bear
1 rank
Req. lvl 6, Endurance 6, Survival 60
For each crippled limb you have, +25 carry weight

Maimed Momentum
1 rank
Req. lvl 12, 
Endurance 6, Survival 70
For each crippled limb you have, +15% running speed

A Thousand Cuts
1 rank
Req. lvl 18, 
Endurance 6, Survival 90
For each crippled limb you have, you do an additional 4 damage.

DT Perks

1 rank
Req. lvl 6, Charisma 6, Speech 50
While undisguised gain 5 DT.

1 rank
Req. lvl 12, Endurance 6, Unarmed 90
When hit consume 10 AP to gain 10 DT.

Energy Weapon Perks

Frugal Cells
1 rank
Req. lvl 6 Energy Weapons 60, Science 50
Energy weapons have a 20% chance to load ammo to mag when fired.

Quick Charge
1 rank
Req. lvl 6, Energy Weapons 40
+25% fire rate with energy weapons.

Gamma Ray
1 rank
Req. lvl 12, Energy Weapons 70
Energy weapons now apply poison.

1 rank
Req. lvl 18, Energy Weapons 70
10% of damage dealt with energy weapons is returned to you as HP.

Explosive Perks

1 rank
Req. lvl 12, Explosives 90
Enemies hit by explosions have a 20% chance to create an explosion

Dirty Bomb
1 rank
Req. lvl 12, Explosives 50, Science 50
Explosives and thrown weapons now apply poison

3 ranks
Req. lvl 12, Charisma 5, Explosives 70
All Explosives have a 25% larger area of effect.

Fire Retardant
1 rank
Req. lvl 18, Endurance 6, Explosives 80
+85% Fire resistance.

Spontaneous Combust
1 rank
Req. lvl 18, Explosives 90
Enemies killed by fire weapons create a firey explosion. Make sure to keep your distance!

General Perks

2 ranks
Req. lvl 6, Charisma 6, Speech 50
+10% more accuracy in V.A.T.S.

1 ranks
Req. lvl 6, Endurance 6, Strength 6
+5 DT if max HP is greater than 350.

1 rank
Req. lvl 6, Strength 5, Barter 50
+300% movement speed while overencumbered.

2 ranks
Req. lvl 6, Agility 7
+15% movement speed.

1 ranks
Req. lvl 6, Agility 6, Luck 6
+20% damage while HP is greater than 95%.

1 rank
Req. lvl 12, Agility 6, Lockpick 80
You can now pickpocket equipped items.

1 rank
Req. lvl 12, Charisma 6, Speech 80
+1% critical hit chance per point of charisma.

Lone Wanderer
1 rank
Req. lvl 12, Charisma 4
While you have no followers +10% damage and +65 carry weight.

1 rank
Req. lvl 12, Agility 6
While airborne 20% V.A.T.S accuracy.

Siren Song
1 rank
Req. lvl 18, Charisma 8
Hitting an enemy has a chance to frenzy them, making them attack their allies. Chance goes up the lower HP they have.

Glasses Perks

1 rank
Req. lvl 6, Intelligence 6, Science 60
+20% accuracy in V.A.T.S. while wearing glasses.

Crunch the Numbers
3 ranks
Req. lvl 12 Intelligence 6, Science 50
While wearing glasses 10% less action point cost in V.A.T.S.

Seeing Clearly
1 rank
Req. lvl 18, 
Intelligence 6, Science 80
+5% critical chance while wearing glasses.

Invisibility Perks

Cloak and Dagger
1 rank
Req. lvl 12, 
Agility 6, Sneak 90
Critical hits while out of combat grant invisibility.

Shadow Step
1 rank
Req. lvl 12, Agility 6, Sneak 90
While invisible +100% movement speed

1 rank
Req. lvl 18, 
Agility 6, Sneak 90
While invisible +50% critical damage.

Light Armor Perks

1 rank
Req. lvl 6, Agility 6, Unarmed 50
+15% attack speed while wearing light or no armor.

Unarmored Defense
1 rank
Req. lvl 12, Agility 6, Unarmed 70
+5 DT while in light or no armor.

Low DT Perks

1 rank
Req. lvl 6, Strength 6, Unarmed 40
- 5 DT, +25% melee and unarmed damage.+10% movement speed.

1 rank
Req. lvl 12, Agility 6, Sneak 50
While DT is less than 11, reduce all damage by 30%.

Low HP Perks

From the Brink
2 ranks
Req. lvl 6, Endurance 6, Luck 6
+5% Critical hit chance while under 25% HP

2 ranks
Req. lvl 12, Endurance 6, Perception 6
While under 25% HP, +25% attack speed with guns.

Final Stand
2 ranks
Req. lvl 12, Endurance 6, Strength 6
While under 25% HP, +25% attack speed with melee and unarmed attacks.

On the Edge
2 ranks
Req. lvl 12, Endurance 6, Agility 6
While HP is below 25%, Gain +35% AP regeneration.

1 rank
Req. lvl 18, Endurance 8
+100 HP, health rapidly depletes while over 25% HP.

Night Vision Perks

1 rank
Req. lvl 12, Perception 6, Sneak 60
While you have night vision +10% critical chance.

Power/Heavy Armor Perks

1 rank
Req. lvl 6, Charisma 6, Strength 6
While wearing heavy armor regenerate 1 HP per second

Self Taught
1 rank
Req. lvl 6, 
Intelligence 6, Science 90
Gain Power Armor Training.

Enhanced Exoskeleton
1 rank
Req. lvl 12, 
Strength 6, Science 60
+2 strength and +2 Agility while in Power Armor (that requires training)

Shock Absorbent
1 rank
Req. lvl 12, Strength 6, Explosives 70
While wearing heavy armor +25 DT vs explosives.

Targeting System
1 rank
Req. lvl 18, 
Strength 6, Science 60
+35% AP regeneration while in power armor.

Radiation Perks

1 rank
Req. lvl 6, Survival 40, Unarmed 40
Gain Poisonous melee and unarmed attacks while suffering from radiation poisoning.

Rad Charged
1 rank
Req. lvl 6, Endurance 6, Survival 30
While in a radiation zone attacks bypass 10 DT and +15% damage.

1 rank
Req. lvl 12, Endurance 6, Survival 90
While suffering from rad sickness 2+ critical hits on enemies create a radiation explosion.

1 rank
Req. lvl 18, Survival 80, Science 80
Enemies in radiation zones have a chance to create radiation explosions. % Chance = weapon damage.

Rad Strike
1 rank
Req. lvl 18, Endurance 6, Survival 90
+3% crit chance per level of radiation.

Reloading Perks

Fresh Mag
1 rank
Req. lvl 6, Guns 60
+35% damage on the first shot after reloading.

Glow Up
1 rank
Req. lvl 12, Endurance 6, Survival 90
While irradiated, reloading creates a radiation burst.

Magic Mag
2 ranks
Req. lvl 12, Guns 40, Science 40
Every 6 shots load 1 ammo to the mag.

Ready Up
2 ranks
Req. lvl 12 Guns 70
Gain 20 AP after Reloading.

Revolver Perks

1 rank
Req. lvl 6, Luck 6, Guns 50
While using revolvers 1 in 6 chance to have an explosive bullet.

Spin to Win
1 rank
Req. lvl 18, Luck 6, Guns 90
Each time you reload a revolver gain randomized effects until next reload.

Shotgun Perks

1 rank
Req. lvl 6, Strength 6, Guns 50
Firing a shotgun consumes 30 AP and adds 15 overall damage.

Shotgun Savant
1 rank
Req. lvl 6, Strength 6, Guns 40
+50% reload speed with shotguns.

Better Blasts
1 rank
Req. lvl 12, Perk: Blast Back, Guns 80
+20% damage on blastback enhanced shots.

Steady as She Goes
1 rank
Req. lvl 12, Perk: Blast Back, Guns 80
-40% spread on Blastback enhanced shots.

Killing Spree
1 rank
Req. lvl 18, Perk: Blast Back, Guns 90
Blastback enhanced shotgun kills give you 15 AP.

Without a Trace
1 rank
Req. lvl 18, Perk: Blast Back, Sneak 50
Blastback enhanced shotgun kills give invisibility for 10 seconds.

Silent Weapon Perks

1 rank
Req. lvl 6, Lockpick 70
-20% AP cost with silent weapons.

1 rank
Req. lvl 6, Lockpick 50
Silent Weapons pierce through 10 DT.

Silent But Deadly
1 rank
Req. lvl 12, Lockpick 50
Critical hits with silent weapons do an extra 10 damage

Trained Killer
1 rank
Req. lvl 12, Lockpick 40
+30% reload speed and +5% critical chance with silent guns

Small Gun Perks

1 rank
Req. lvl 12, Lockpick 50, Medicine 50
One handed guns and energy weapons now apply poison.

1 rank
Req. lvl 18, Agility 6, Lockpick 95
Guns Under 3 lb.  get +50% fire rate.

Sniper Perks

1 rank
Req. lvl 6, Perception 6, Guns 40
While using a scope gain 40% less weapon spread, but consume AP while scoped.

1 rank
Req. lvl 12, Perception 6
Scoped weapons gain +15% damage.

Brain Surgeon
1 rank
Req. lvl 12, Perception 6, Medicine 65
Head shot sneak attacks have a 50% chance to frenzy the target, making them attack everyone.

For Good Measure
1 rank
Req. lvl 12, Perk: Focus
While using a scope +50% firerate.

Spine Shatter
1 rank
Req. lvl 12, Medicine 80
Shots to the torso have a chance to paralyze enemies. Higher damage weapons have a better chance.

Lone Gunman
1 rank
Req. lvl 18, Perception 8, Explosives 60
Long distance stealth headshots create an explosion.

1 rank
Req. lvl 18, Perk: Focus
+10% critical chance while using scopes

Medium Armor Perks

1 rank
Req. lvl 6, Endurance 6
While wearing medium armor +40 max HP

Shrug It Off
1 rank
Req. lvl 12, Endurance 6
-4 DT, While in medium armor recover 25% damage taken.

1 rank
Req. lvl 18, Luck 6
While wearing medium armor 20% chance to reflect 100% damage back to attacker. +20% chance per additional rank.

Melee: One Handed/Poison Perks

1 rank
Req. lvl 6, Melee Weapons 50
One handed melee weapons now apply poison.

Marked for Death
1 rank
Req. lvl 12, Melee Weapons 70
+7 damage vs poisoned targets.

Exploit Weakness
1 rank
Req. lvl 18, Melee Weapons 80
+10 Critical chance vs poisoned enemies

Melee: Two Handed Perks

Crushing Blow
1 rank
Req. lvl 6, Strength 6, Melee Weapons 70
Attacks with two handed melee weapons consume 40 AP and get +30% damage.

Enhanced Blows
2 ranks
Req. lvl 12, Perk: Crushing Blow
+20% damage with crushing blows

Explosive Blows
1 rank
Req. lvl 12, Perk: Crushing Blow
Crushing blows create a small explosion.

Glowing Pains
1 rank
Req. lvl 12, Perk: Crushing Blow, Survival 60
Crushing blows cause radiation to burst from you.

1 rank
Req. lvl 18, Perk: Crushing Blow
Killing an enemy with a crushing blow will give +30 AP back.

Unarmed Perks

Like Water
1 rank
Req. lvl 6, Unarmed 50
Unarmed or melee strikes have a 10% chance to turn you invisible for 5 seconds. (this is a prereq for more perks)

Duck and Weave
1 rank
Req. lvl 12, Perk: Like Water
While invisible 50% damage reduction.

1 rank
Req. lvl 18, Perk: Like Water, Unarmed 90
+50% melee and unarmed attack speed while invisible.

Vampire Perks

1 rank
Req. lvl 6, Charisma 6
Become a vampire! This is a prereq for strong perks and gives the cannibal perk for free. But you will burn while outside between 6 am and 6 pm and you will be villified by all factions while undisguised.

1 rank
Req. lvl 6, Perk: Vampire
After eating a corpse gain 2 strength and 2 agility for 5 minutes

Vampiric Charm
1 rank
Req. lvl 6, Perk: Vampire, Speech 60
+1 Charisma. You have learned to disguise your vampirism. All factions are neutral to you.

Vampiric Reflexes
2 ranks
Req. lvl 6, Perk: Vampire
+20% attack speed.

Blood Shot
1 rank
Req. lvl 12, Perk: Vampire
Firing a weapon damages you for 3 HP but if it hits it Heals you for 6 HP.

Life Leech
2 ranks
Req. lvl 12, Perk: Vampire, Melee Weapons 50
Melee strikes heal the player for 10% of damage dealt

1 rank
Req. lvl 18, Perk: Vampire, Sneak 60
Gain invisibility while crouched.


The Floor is Lava
Regenerate 2 HP per second. Lose 10 HP per second while standing on dirt or grass.

Challenge Perks

Meat of Friendship
Companion perks are now available when leveling up! (gained by cannibalizing Arcade, Boone, Cass, Raul, and Veronica)

Meat of Fury
Unarmed techniques are now available when leveling up! (gained by cannibalizing Ranger Andy, Diane, Lucius, and Veronica)

This mod goes great with my other mod, check it out!