About this mod

Classic, classic never changes...

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This modification adds new classic weapons from the first parts of the Fallout series to the game.
I already posted some types of weapons on the site, but they needed to be improved.
Some types of weapons have been added to the leveled lists, and they can also be purchased in weapons stores.
Ballistic weapons are sold by caravans and Gun Runners
Energy weapons traded by Van Graff
List of weapons with brief characteristics:
              Colt Series 6520 - A pre-war pistol that has been well preserved for 200 years, is easy to use and uses a cheap 10mm cartridge
Has 3 modifications:
1. Muffler.
2. Laser sight.
3. Large clip.
             223 caliber pistol - Legend has it that this was originally a rifle, but some craftsman converted it into a pistol.
It has a rather futuristic style, the main material is hardened steel, coated with thick black paint.
This model does not wear out so much, it is easy to clean from rust, but the caliber is quite large, but in good hands it becomes an indispensable thing for any traveler through the ruins.
1. Muffler.
2. Medium magnification optical sight (in development)
3. Rifle stock (in development)
             MP-9 - Submachine gun for small 10mm caliber.
It has an unusual design, good accuracy and damage.
Painted in army green, it was intended for hunting and reconnaissance, and rarely overheats or wears out.
1.Enlarged drum. (gives bonuses to accuracy)
2. Drum clip (increases ammo capacity by 30 rounds)
3. Folding stock.
             Hunting rifle for caliber 223 - It is a civilian modification of an army rifle.
Despite the fact that time has greatly battered this model, it is still reliable.
It has a short clip, but this is compensated by a lightweight long barrel.
The rifle has clearly seen a lot and was often used for hunting animals, but after the war it also copes well with raiders.
1. Muffler.
2. Optical sight.
              Military rifle from the manufacturer Colt chambered for a modified 5.56 cartridge (5mm) - Used by the US Army even before the Great War, the military often praised it for its reliability.
Judging by the markings on the receiver, this model was of the A-112 series
The rifle is easy to use, reliable and faithful as your partner (at least that’s what the military said)
The rifle is rare, but if you get your hands on it, you will be delighted with it.
1. Clip for 100 rounds.
2. Light Handguard.
3. Light Handle.
              Army Sniper Rifle DKS-501 - Used shortly before the nuclear apocalypse.
The optics have a built-in night vision mode, are made of light alloys, and are chambered for a 223 caliber military cartridge.
Lightweight but killer.
It has an unusual color, which clearly made it stand out from all this green army mass.
1. Muffler.
             Wasteland Shotgun - Made from whatever was found in the nearby ruins, it is well worn and quite large, but not useless, uses a 12GA caliber
The barrels were obviously poorly welded, so a steel plate was fixed on top of them, which clearly affected the weight of this rifle.
1. Long barrel.
             The Widowmaker shotgun was developed by the Winchester company - many did not know why it was called that, you can pin your suggestions on the notice board in the Hub or Junktown.
It has good characteristics, it shoots with a 12GA caliber and it hurts, your opponents will obviously not be happy with this, but who asks them, right?
2. Long barrel (model in development, uses the Wasteland Shotgun model)
            City Killer aka Combat Shotgun - This is what you need to destroy large crowds of opponents.
Good rate of fire and high accuracy - this weapon makes an excellent shotgun option, it also has a futuristic design, created for the US Army and they don’t mind, they like it.
Works on the basis of calibers under 12GA.
Modifications: Drum magazine (extra ammo for this beauty won't hurt)
            Six-barreled Minigun with 120 rounds of ammunition installed, aka CZ-53
What can I write here... Heavy, killer, beautiful just like you.
Often used by warriors in Motorized Armor, as it is impossible to lift it with bare hands, well, only if you are not a Bethesda developer, of course... Good joke, right?
No!? OK...
1. Please don’t kick me, but I didn’t have time to create them....
            Glock Series 86 Plasma Pistol - Serious energy weapon.
It shoots a beam of plasma, causing serious damage to whoever this green goo hits.
Has a built-in sight with two modes (day - night)
There are no modifications, but I'll think of something...
            Gauss Pistol PPK-12 series - Is a shortened version of the standard Gauss rifle.
However, the military was asked to create a short version based on it, but the developers succeeded in trying to maintain the lethal force.
Uses a special type of ammunition - 2mm Cartridges (ammunition is extremely rare and expensive)
1. Optical sight.
            The Wattz 1000 series laser pistol is an energy weapon for civilians.
The damage is not particularly high, but at the same time it is well-built and reliable; it can often be found in use by caravan guards.
Modifications: MAGNETO Module - A special type of modification that increases the speed of the charge, which means it is clearly more painful to hit, but the pistol also takes on an unusual appearance.
            Gauss Rifle Series M-72
A lethal energy weapon, it has 7 coils, which greatly increases the cartridge charging speed, and has a built-in holo sight, just like its shortened version.
The rifle looks aesthetically pleasing, and the wooden elements only create the right homely atmosphere; it’s not a shame to put such a thing on a shelf, right?
1. Optical sight
2. There will also be two more modifications.
            Wattz 2000 Series Laser Rifle - This is essentially an energy sniper rifle.
Good damage, good style, inexpensive ammunition, not so rare.
However, the rifle is heavy and expensive, some elements are quite fragile, such as the built-in optic, always have a couple of spare batteries for replacement, or use a sniper optic if you find one in the Wasteland.
1. Enlarged magazine.
2. Optical sight.
3. Sniper barrel.
            YK-42B Pulse Rifle
Oh yes, baby, this is what you need!
Unusual retro design, two coils to accelerate the charge of blue plasma, as well as amplifiers on the barrel.
This baby is capable of a lot, if she also made toast, I would marry her...
Has a built-in Holo sight.
1. But there are no modifications, accept it and move on with your life.
          The Rockwell Bazooka is a great item, but will hurt your back for a long time after prolonged use, has good damage and is resistant to wear and tear.
By the end of the war, it was an indispensable thing for the military against heavy equipment.
1. Optical sight.

                                                                              Here is a brief description of the weapons from this mod.

I especially want to thank my friend WebbProductionsEntertain for his help with the mod
Thanks for creating the UV mesh for the models and refining the weapons, as well as for adding animations for the shotgun
You're great, and I'm glad that there are such modders on the Nexus.
If you like classic mods, then be sure to go to his profile, and download a few of his mods, and write a couple of nice comments to this guy
Also thanks to user Anirvana
Your animation mods are excellent, thanks for allowing me to use animations for the shotgun
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