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Grumod - Grulag

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About this mod

Culls roughly ~65% of various items that could help mitigate save bloat and useless world-loots. Did you really need THOUSANDS of tin cans and burned books?

Permissions and credits

Because Less, is More!

What does this mod do?:
Uses Base Object Swapper to cull tens of thousands of items in the world, across the game. (And even more if using TTW!)
Most heavily affected are the spammed junk items such as the thousands of Tin cans, thousands of Burned Books, ~6k Empty Bottles, thousands of Tires, Mugs, Cups, Plates and more. It doesn't get rid of all of them, but around 2/3 (Customizable).

How does it do this?:
It does this by replacing these objects with a blank object that has no model or physics.

Less useless loot.
Less save bloat. Probably(?)
Possible performance improvements for less powerful systems.(?)
Easily customizable - It's all text editing and super simple.

3 Variants of this Mod:

Removes a % of junk stuff you won't even know is gone. There's still heaps of it around, just a lot less than before.

Removes a % of prop stuff there's a lot of, but mostly props - This could cause food floating where it was previously on a plate, for example. Personally I recommend this, but it depends on how noticeable you find the change. It's a trade-off but not a large one.

Removes a % of Potentially useful items like food, drinks, crafting materials, some other misc. There will still be heaps, just not as spammed everywhere. Might make the game more challenging, but I doubt it.

NOTE: If you use Famine (Which i highly recommend!) or another loot-reduction mod, this could further-compound the effects, as this mod will remove possible loot in addition to what ever that loot-reduction mod does depending which options you go with. (Good if you want a harder game, i guess.)

Rough Numbers for TTW:
BASIC Removes roughly ~28,500 items from 43,980.
MODERATE Removes roughly ~12,000 items from 18,518.
AGGRESSIVE Removes roughly ~10,800 items from 16,728.
(I've since added more to each, these were early totals.)

Numbers for FNV aren't calculated, but you can check GECK to see how many thousands of tin cans, empty bottles and more that are in the game.

Compatible with everything.
  • No Cell Edits or World Edits
  • Works with both FNV and TTW
  • Safe to add/remove mid-playthrough
  • You can change the rates to whatever you want in the .txt files. (Replace (65) with what ever percent you want). Higher number = Less items.
  • A Patch for my Irradiated Food and Drink mod exists, for the AGGRESSIVE version of this mod, so that Irradiated food and drink are factored in to be reduced.


I set the BaseObjectSwapper chance at 65%, but you can tweak this to your linking in the .ini file by replacing all instances of (65) with what ever number you desire. The higher the number, the less stuff there will be.
Details about customizing the rates are in the .ini files.

Users of TTW will benefit more from this mod than FNV users because of the many extra tens of thousands of items that are from the extra game world of Fallout 3, however this still should be useful for FNV users too.

Not all items covered:
I didn't do every item because once items start going into the low 100's there's negligible difference. The aim was to try to tackle the most serial offenders which BASIC covers for the most part.

I didn't notice any glaring issues in the playtesting except the following minor things:
Some food might be slightly floating on the bench, (Because plates under it may have disappeared)
If anything was placed as a 'scene' such as skeletons in funny positions, bottles on ropes, stacked tin cans or similar, they may look different now.
BASIC will have a lot less of this because it's just junk items whereas MODERATE is where props for scenes are potentially affected.
This can't be tested for every cell, every item, in every location for any undesired oddities..

It's a little outlandish to just disappear stuff without being able to check or control exactly where it occurs, but there surely can't be any functional issues that will hurt the game or playthrough in any way. If you err more on the side of caution, just go with BASIC - it's still a huge amount of stuff gone, but still plenty to find and see around.

Please let me know of any issues, and i can make changes if there's enough feedback or any problems.
Realistically, being all text, you can probably make any urgent adjustments on-the-fly.

Yes, this probably could be done a different way, by scripting, but i couldn't work out a method to do this so went with Base Object Swapper.
If there's a better implementation through script runner that someone would like to help me with, I'd be very much open to working on this further with them.

ItsMeJesusHChrist for the icons in the image.