About this mod

Adds several high quality firearms, energy weapons & melee weapons made by Zealotlee. TTW Compatible. Highlights include: ACR with hot swap modifications, SVD, M82A1, Railgun, Rail Cannon, MP5s and more!

Permissions and credits
  • Spanish
  • Mandarin

ZL Armaments Remastered adds many new weapons complete with leveled list integration and a shop location in Westside where you can buy them directly. This mod is both a remake of my old ZL Armaments mod from over a decade ago and will act as an all in one weapon pack for any current and future releases.

I only currently plan to maintain this mod going forward and I hope to update it frequently.

Like this mod? Buy the ZL shirt! All profits will be donated to charity. Yell at Arccharger if they arent.

  • Over a dozen new weapons and variants to choose from, all with the option to enable or disable their integration via INI.
  • All weapons have been lovingly crafted by me from scratch. All original assets unless otherwise stated in the credits (cubemaps, scope effects).
  • Lore friendly name options via INI, can enable all as lore friendly or configure individual names.
  • Shop in Westside with navmeshed interior where you can purchase all ZL Armaments weapons and their associated mod kits.
  • Interior & Exterior gunfire sounds (Requires Sound Extender)
  • 2.0 Update includes COMPLETE TEXTURE REVAMP! (With a couple exceptions)

Planned Features:
  • A quest to help ZL Armaments with some "supply issues". (Hint, if you want some background go hack the terminals upstairs in the workshop)
  • Actual NPC Dialogue.
  • Barrel swap animations for the ACR. Instead of insta-swapping parts, an animation will play showing the actual process of swapping out the barrel. This will also apply to optics, but not normal mods.
  • B42 Dropmag Integration

Planned Firearms:
  • G36C & G36K
  • Saiga-12
  • ASh-12
  • RSh-12
  • Neostead 2000 (In progress!)

Planned Energy Weapons:

  • Rail Revolver (K's Blaster from Blade Runner 2049)
  • Plasma Repeater (Project Nevada re-creation)
  • Cryo Repeater (Lever action cryo gun)

All DLCs required.

Supported ammo types:

  • 9x18mm (PP-19 Bizon)
  • 7.62x25mm (PP-19 Bizon Unique)
  • 9x39mm (VSS, AS Val)
  • 12.7x42mm (ACR 16", Default)
  • 7.62x54R (SVD)
  • 5.7x28mm (FiveseveN, P90)
  • ACRs can be configured to use quite a few different ammo types via INI if you want to change it up.

INI options have been added incase you want to disable integration of certain ammo types. Just set the correct ammo boolean to 0.

Real Time Reflections

All new textures have been created with full compatibility with Real Time Reflections. Highly recommended.
Classic Fallout Weapons Remastered:

Fully Compatible. Option to swap ammo into 2mm EC if Classic Fallout Weapons Remastered is installed
Tale of Two Wastelands:
Fully Compatible. Added to Form ID Lists, Vendors, NPCs and adjusted Values for all weapons and their attachments.
B42 Descriptions aka Pip-Info:
Fully Compatible. Covers all newly added weapons.
B42 Optics - ESPless:
Fully Compatible. Additionally supports Unique Railguns when you enable the Attachments option in .ini file.
Energy Visuals Plus 2.0 - NV and TTW:
Fully Compatible. Railgun explosions will create lights on impact.
ySI - Sorting Ycons:
Fully Compatible. Adjusted icons to fit Railgun role better.
Titans of the New West 2.0
       Added animation compatibility for certain weapons being one handed in Power Armor.
Unique Item Protection Mods (Repair, Barter, Despawn)
Requires KEYWORDS, will protect uniques from being accidentally sold, repaired, or disappearing.

If using my standalone weapon mods, please disable them first.
They use different FormIDs as this weapon pack. Those will be rendered obsolete and incompatible upon this mod's release.
You can use the console to add them back into your inventory.

3D NPCs: ZL Armaments exterior door shares a spot with one of the interiors added.
Use this patch for compatibility:
ZL Armaments Remastered And FNV 3DNPC Bundle Updated Patch

Install and activate with mod manager of your choice. If using any above compatible mods, load this mod after them in the load order.

Q: What weapons are included with this mod?
A: See below under the "Weapons Included" heading. The article in the Articles tab, "Weapon Glossary" has further descriptions and details. Or look at the images.

Q: Where do I find these weapons?
A: If enabled via the INI (all are enabled by default) the weapons will appear in the Wasteland both in vendors and on NPCs via leveled lists. If you want to buy a weapon directly at a hefty price, head to the ZL Armaments store in Westside, next to the liquor store.

Q: Will you be including [INSERT WEAPON HERE]?
A: If I feel like it or think it's a good idea. I don't normally do commissions for mods as it's a hobby and money making is what my day job is for.

Q: Will you make [WEAPON FROM THIS MOD] a standalone?
A: No. But you're more than welcome to release a standalone version yourself if you'd like!

Q: Where can I find the uniques?
A: Check the article tab, I've documented all the uniques so far as well as their locations.

Q: How do I use the ACR mod kits?
A: With an ACR variant equipped, go to the AID tab in your Pipboy's inventory. Use the mod kit and it will swap with the part you used and give back the part that was swapped out.

Q: Is this compatible with [INSERT MOD HERE]?
A: Probably, with the exceptions of my old standalone mods and any mod that might modify the exterior building I'm using in Westside. Or any uniques I've placed in the world. If you find incompatibilities, let me know and I'll list them!

Q: Are you bringing back any more weapons from Project Nevada?
A: Not the original PN assets, no. Rail Cannon and P90 excluded, of course. I do however have remakes either already released or planned to release.

Q: I want lore friendly names, how do I enable that?
A: Open the INI located in the mod's config folder and activate each weapon's preferred name under [NameChoices] by changing the value (ie, set iSVD to 0 if you want the SVD to be named "Chinese Sniper Rifle"). The name changes are reflected in mod kit names as well. The only gun that does not have this option is the ACR as the acronym has been used for a few separate guns over the years. Most of the energy weapons have lore friendly names already. You can now enable lore friendly names for all by changing the first option under [NameChoices] to 1.

Q: I don't like a certain weapon, how do I disable it?
A: In the INI, simply set the associated boolean to 0. So if you dont want the FiveseveN enabled, set bFiveseven to 0. Note, this does not completely remove the weapons as they are still able to be purchased in the store if they were physically placed there. But they will not be integrated in any way. May look into a way to completely remove them in the future.

Q: Can I make a patch for your mod and/or use weapons from your mod?
A: Yes! Any weapon or attachment mesh or texture is free to use in any project. Just be sure to credit me for using them by linking either this mod or my nexus profile.

Q: Will you ever enable donation points?
A: No. This mod uses animation sets from multiple authors and has had quite a few people contribute towards it (see credits). Sharing DP and negotiating percentages complicates things, and I don't want to get bogged down by it.

Lore friendly names in brackets.

  • ACR (3 Variants, Carbine, Rifle, Battle Rifle, Marksman)
  • SVD [Chinese Sniper Rifle]
  • VSS [Chinese Special Sniper Rifle]
  • AS Val [Chinese Spec Ops Rifle]
  • Barrett M82A1 [.50 Precision Rifle]
  • Jericho 941 [.45 Heavy Pistol]
  • MP5 (3 variants, 9mm A4, 10mm, 9mm SD6) [Navy Submachine Gun]
  • FiveseveN [5mm Pistol]
  • P90 [5mm SMG]
  • PP-19 Bizon [Chinese Riot SMG]

  • Railgun
  • Rail Cannon
  • Tesla Sniper Rifle
  • Cryo Revolver
  • Coil Blunderbuss


  • Energy Katana (Laser, Plasma, Thermal, Cryo, Electric, and standard Steel)
  • Zweihander (Steel, Rusty, Laser, Plasma, Cryo)

Zealotlee - Weapon meshes & textures, game design, scripting, icons.
konradl - Scripting, game design.
Anirvana - Animations (ACR, MP5)
Serviamnon - Animations (SVD)
Johnson - Animations (P90 Third Person Anims)
Hitman47101 - Animations (Railgun, FiveseveN, P90, PP-19 Bizon)
Altafeim - Animations (Jericho 941)
LastTheShotgunKnight97- Level design
Sweet6Shooter - Scripting, TTW integration
Haxo - ACOG reticle, B42 Optic graphics
PIZZASPULUNKER - Lore friendly renaming script
MedRenace - Mesh & collision fixes, P90 texture updates.
Pelinor - Vanilla style PSO-1 reticle.
Audixas - Sound adjustments, lore friendly renaming script (MP5) & implementation.
Scout - Environment Cubemaps
Hengebobs - Gun Cabinet meshes
SpeedyB64 - Neon sign resource.
Parallax Game Studios - Lens & red dot effects.
LOC - Railgun Icons
waa153 - Chibi Vault Girl Decal
Courier1911 - FiveseveN proportion fix
lolwutty - SVD animation fixes
SIGMA - Katana animations, Zweihander animations
Hopper31 - Laser dot script.
RageNClear - M82A1 animation set.
C0nzo - For taking amazing new screenshots.

Huge special thanks to the Another Millenia team & discord! Couldn't have done it without ya'll.

If you enjoy my mods, please consider throwing a donation my way. I make them because I enjoy them, not for any kind of monetary gain. It's not at all required or even encouraged, but it is appreciated.